"Defiance" - tv series/game

Started by Rico, April 14, 2013, 07:31:27 AM

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So, the new SyFy series "Defiance" starts tomorrow.  This is also tied into a new MMO game too (haven't tried that yet).  I certainly will be giving the TV show a try.  Looks interesting to me. 




I watched this last night.  I think it was actually pretty good.  Very different than from what I expected.  Amy and I both said.. we will see what comes of it.  I like having such a broad universe in this show, it's fun looking at the different races and cultures.  Throw a little Mad Max in and you have Defiance.   Not bad.

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Just finished watching the pilot, and I have to say I think it's actually really good. I was thinking going into it that it would be just another less than par scifi show, with no real depth, predictable story, but lots of just action and snappy crappy dialog. But I quickly was interested in the Universe. Right off the bat you're just kind of thrown in, and it's very obvious that there is a lot more to this universe than we are being told. It really feels like a thought out world when you step in to watching it.

I had a few little gripes, a few moments I thought were kinda forced, and character moments I didn't think fit, but overall especially talking about a pilot episode it was really good. So being that this was a pilot I'm willing to forgive a few little plot points. And we all know how good shows can get given time to develop further. So I'm very excited to see where this show goes.

So my non-spoiler review recommendation here is it's a great beginning to a show, and I recommend everybody watch it. I'd like to get some discussions going on some of the more finer details, so WATCH IT!!!


OK, I guess I'll record tonight's repeat and see what I think.

Thanks guys.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Got it queued up, thanks Rick :-)


I started watching it - only about the first 20 minutes or so.  Hasn't grabbed my attention yet, but I will still try to get through the pilot.  It has an interesting kernel of an idea.


Like I stated before pilot are kind of a hard sell you, just involving the viewer into the universe of the show, introducing characters, and trying to give the right essence for what a show will be. I thought this one did a pretty good job compared to many other pilots I've seen that really fell short. And even after bad pilots we've seen shows really come into their own. So I think there is a lot of hope for the shows future. And to be honest I think it's gonna be really cool seeing how they shape and get us involved into the world as it goes along. It definitely didn't feel like they just gave us everything off the bat, and I'm excited to see what more will come given time. And I definitely like the premise and idea of the culture they are building for it.


I liked it! I thought it was kind of simple and one dimensional characters but the effects are great and premise interesting.


Yeah the characters weren't all that deep, that's why I had issues with some of their motives during the episode. Probably my biggest gripe on the show so far.

[spoiler]I didn't believe the sudden change of heart by Nolan towards the end. They didn't build it up enough to make him ever seem like he actually cared for anything but himself and his daughter. And his daughters sudden reaction to run away when he did go back to help, yeah that didn't fit either. Didn't believe in those character choices.

Can't say I was all that drawn in by any of the characters. They all were pretty one dimensional agreed, but I think there is potential for them to develop. It was a bit predictable overall, especially towards the end, but I'm not gonna judge that so much till after I see more (I've made attempts at writing pilots myself and it's really hard to make it original, awesome, and involving into the universe. So I cut it some slack).

The teenage angst felt forced, and I don't really care for the political aspect of the towns people. Thought that was kinda boring and unfortunately it's looking like we'll have to see more of that in the future. (And goody, cause I'm *thrilled* with another Romeo/Juliet story, cause that's so original...)[/spoiler]

Overall though I think it set up the world very well, and interestingly enough that I'm excited to see the next episode. I do love the premise, and love the culture of the world that we've been thrown into, though it's got some rough edges I hoping will smooth out with development.


Also I have been to St. Louise and don't recall all the massive cliffs!  :o


Quote from: Bryancd on April 17, 2013, 10:35:30 AM
Also I have been to St. Louise and don't recall all the massive cliffs!  :o

We all know how terraforming can be! Some times you get cliffs. ;)


Well I've recorded it so I'll let you know what I think when I get round to watching it.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Watched the 2 hr. premiere last night and pretty much enjoyed it.  The funny thing about it to me is it felt a bit like a video game - so I can see the tie-in to the game already.  The characters were ok and the story I thought needed a little more detail.  The Nolan character seemed pretty Indiana Jones/Han Solo to me, but I liked him.  Some effects looked really good, others seemed a bit mixed.  But I'm intrigued enough to keep tuning in to see what happens next.


Quote from: Rico on April 18, 2013, 03:29:40 PM
Watched the 2 hr. premiere last night and pretty much enjoyed it.  The funny thing about it to me is it felt a bit like a video game - so I can see the tie-in to the game already.  The characters were ok and the story I thought needed a little more detail.  The Nolan character seemed pretty Indiana Jones/Han Solo to me, but I liked him.  Some effects looked really good, others seemed a bit mixed.  But I'm intrigued enough to keep tuning in to see what happens next.

He was Han Solo and Mal Reynolds! And his alien chick sidekick is River Tam, it's STAR WARS meets Firefly!


Quote from: Rico on April 18, 2013, 03:29:40 PM
Watched the 2 hr. premiere last night and pretty much enjoyed it.  The funny thing about it to me is it felt a bit like a video game - so I can see the tie-in to the game already.  The characters were ok and the story I thought needed a little more detail.  The Nolan character seemed pretty Indiana Jones/Han Solo to me, but I liked him.  Some effects looked really good, others seemed a bit mixed.  But I'm intrigued enough to keep tuning in to see what happens next.

You know the video game feeling is something I really felt too. I thought it gave the world a large scope overall. Maybe made it a little less realistic in some ways too, but I don't think it hurts it to have a huge history and universe tied into a game, cause is helps build that world, and lets face it games are frequently enough pretty complex these days.