My son asked me to do this model for him

Started by ChrisMC, July 19, 2013, 04:41:48 PM

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He's been sitting on it for a while, turns out he's afraid to mess it up. I'm going to show him a few tricks on how not to be sloppy, how to plan out painting etc. should be fun.
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Ooh, that looks like a high bar ! Looks great.
Check out our Classic BSG podcast!


It's a great kit, can be a bit a little bit of a challenge on some steps, so pay attention. Some parts can be pre-painted, but in general, it hit with white, do the engines black or grey, assemble, and then weather it up.


Looks like Fun. Great Job on yours Bryan.You guys move so quickly on your Models, I really admire that. I still plugging away on a little enterprise I started months back. I started Air Brushing it, but then realized I did not have the proper nozzle for my Air Brush, so I got the proper one in from eBay this week, so should be able to get going again this weekend. I badly want to move onto other Models, so now I have the proper supplies, I am hoping I can get done soon, as I got Models stacking up, since I keep ordering them.


Never been into making models but I do like seeing what you guys do with the different ones. You all seem to be really good at it.