Podcast # 488 - Marc Cushman

Started by Rico, May 18, 2014, 06:59:58 AM

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A special interview cast with author Marc Cushman. He has written two books called: "These Are the Voyages" on the making of TOS (a third book is coming for season 3). It's a fun & interesting chat.  Enjoy the show folks!

Podcast Notes:  http://treksinscifi.com/podcast_notes/?p=3340



Cool, thanks Rico - downloading as I write.


Good guest this week Rico.
I'm ordering his books and look forward to a mini-series one day.

Till then 'Roddenberry on Patrol' is available now on youtube :)


Great podcast, Rico!  I listened to the podcast this afternoon on the way to work.  I bought the first book, but haven't had a chance to look at it.   I can't wait to read the back story on Balance of Terror.

Mayko Armus

Wow, excellent interview! I ordered my signed copy od season 1 this morning. Thank you for this interview!
Ensign Mayko Armus
Structural Technician
USS Tiberius

Character Profile - "http://www.treksf.com/forums/index.php?topic=1583.0"


Love that Avatar Mayko Armus! 


Glad you guys are digging the podcast.  They really are amazing books and Marc was great to talk with about them.


So great to hear him, I wish i could have been a part as I have read the first book cover to cover and I am half way done with the second!


Really enjoyed the cast, thanks Rico!

Mayko Armus

I recieved my signed copy today. Signed by all 4 contributors!

Impressive 700+ page hardcover book....it is like a college textbook!
Ensign Mayko Armus
Structural Technician
USS Tiberius

Character Profile - "http://www.treksf.com/forums/index.php?topic=1583.0"


Both books on order, thanks Mark for doing the hard labor to research all that history and putting it into print!