
Started by Geekyfanboy, November 15, 2006, 11:08:45 AM

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This is truly sad news.. if true..

Has "Fanboys" Killed Its Own Buzz?

Written by: Michael Hickerson (SoSF Staff Journalist)

Have too many cooks spoiled the stew? That would appear to be the case for the much-delayed release of "Fanboys," once considered one of the most intriguing films of 2007. The movie has been delayed, retooled and re-shot to the point that its lost a lot of its geek street cred and may be one of the biggest disappointments of 2008.

According to Dark Horizons, the Weinstein Company has had extensive re-shoots of the film done. The story, which was set to follow a group of friends on their journey to break into George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch and steal a copy of "Star Wars: Episode I" for a dying friend to see, has been significantly altered according to reports. The entire plotline about one of the friends having cancer, leading to the need to steal the print of the film so he can see it before he passes away has been dropped entirely.

Weinstein Company is reported to have spent over $2 million to re-shoot and re-edit the film because the cancer plotline wasn't going over well with test audiences. The studio took away control of the project from director Kyle Newman and brought in "Without a Paddle" director Steve Brill to re-shoot and re-edit the film. Newman has been removed from the project entirely according to reports.

Both versions of the film have been shown to test audiences, according to Cinematical, with the new version not scoring much higher with test audiences than the original. But reports have it that Weinstein is determined to release its new version in the theaters to justify the extra expense for the film.

The news has not set well with the fans who were anticipating this film. And, to make matters worse, there is still no official word out yet on if or when "Fanboys" will make it to the big-screen.

Now it would appear that those of us wanting to see the original version will have to wait and hope that it will be seen as a part of any special edition on DVD.


Last I had heard I thought this was a direct to DVD sales type thing. I didn't know it was going to be released to theaters. I probably wouldn't go see it anyway. I might rent it once it comes to DVD if my local video store would even carry it.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


It was meant for theaters.  Sad news.  This movie really needed to come out a couple years after the whole prequel thing started.  I feel sorry for those that must of worked hard on it. 


Two version of "Fanboys" on DVD...But What About the Theatrical Release?‏

Written by: Michael Hickerson (SoSF Staff Journalist)

The on-going saga of "Fanboys" continued this week when the Weinstein Company announced that it would release both versions of the film on DVD. However, the long-awaited film still hasn't seen the light of day at the box-office, despite numerous delays and an enforced re-shoot by the Weinstein Company.

The film was initially produced by Kevin Spacey's Trigger Street and featured a slate of up and coming young actors including Kirsten Bell, Seth Rogan and Jay Barachul. The initial script made the Hollywood blacklist as one of the top 40 projects in town when it began shooting.

"Fanboys" was initally set to be a story of a road-trip undertaken by several friends to break into the Skywalker Ranch and let a dying friend see a cut of "The Phantom Menance." The initial shoot finished and footage was taken to several fan conventions where it met with overwhelming enthusiasm. Reports and word of mouth began to circulate on-line, including several reports here at Slice of SciFi, generating buzz and anticipation for the film.

Everything appeared to be lining up for release last year when the Weinstein Company picked up the movie for distribution.

And that's where things started to go wrong for "Fanboys." Studio exec Harvey Weinstein was discouraged by initial test screenings of the film and ordered extensive reshoots of the film, including the dropping of the friend dying of cancer storyline.

Producer Kevin Mann told the Hollywood Reporter, "The original reason we wanted to get involved with this script was because it was a comedy with heart. In my opinion, when the cancer was taken out, the heart went with it."

Mann and director Kyle Newman refused to take part in the reshoots, leading Weinstein to hire another, outside director to complete the vision of the film he wanted. Initial test screenings of the film didn't generate higher audience appreciation figures and in the meantime, the Weinstein Company had a bigger problem on their hands....

"Star Wars" fans

The rabid fan community for George Lucas' "galaxy far, far away" caught wind of the re-writes and re-shoots and began a grassroots campaign to restore "Fanboys" to its original vision. Fan group the 501st created a web-site lampooning Weinstein, referring to him as Darth Harvey and letting fans know of the on-going news. The group had planned a bi-coastal protest for the opening of Weinstein Company's "Superhero Movie" this weekend. That news more than anything else may have caught Weinstein's attention and led to the news that "Fanboys" will hit DVD with both version.

"This is more about avoiding picket lines at 'Superhero' than it was about making a decision about the release of our movie," said Mann.

But the question still remains–which version will the studio release in theaters?

"Harvey feels it's hard to market, especially with this cast," an insider at Weinstein told The Hollywood Reporter. "He wants to market to a more teen audience. The filmmakers wanted a dramedy along the vein of the popular 1986 Rob Reiner flick 'Stand by Me.' "

Some speculate that given that Weinstein poured $2 million into the re-shoot that is the version that will be seen in theaters. Others, including Ain't It Cool News' Quint, speculate that there could be two versions released theatrically. One to appeal to the teen audience that Weinstein wants with a PG-13 rating and an R-rated original version to appease the grass-roots fan who want to see the original version.

As of now, the only news is that fans will get both versions on DVD, though no word yet on if this will be a two-disc set or the studio will double-dip and release each version separately.

A release date for "Fanboys" has yet to be determined.


It's a freakin' shame that distribution companies can screw up a simple but great film idea.  A film about Star Wars fans is going to appeal primarily to Star Wars fans; you can't 'jazz it up' to broaden its appeal without breaking it.

In their attempt to broaden their audience, these idiots are going to end up shrinking it. 


well they released another trailer for this movie.. they say it's coming out Feb 6th of 2009. but as wel know they was suppose to come out many years ago.  I think I like the first trailer better.. let's hope this movie will finally see the light of day.


Here's another story about this film...

Will this movie every come out???

Video Chronicles Fanboys Battle

Reelz has posted a video about the battle to preserve Fanboys, the Star Wars-themed comedy film, in its original form.

The Weinstein Co. originally wanted to eliminate plot elements dealing with a character's cancer from the movie, about a group of friends in 1998 who try to break into George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch to steal a pre-release copy of Star Wars: Episode I--The Phantom Menace. The proposed change drew fan protests, leading Weinstein Co. to back down.

Fanboys is slated for release on Feb. 6, 2009.


It looks like it's going to be an awesome movie. :metallica:


I believe it when I'm holding my movie ticket or more likely Netflix rental.


Quote from: Rico on December 31, 2008, 05:31:44 AM
I believe it when I'm holding my movie ticket or more likely Netflix rental.

Seriously, this has been kicking around for so long now, I have almost lost interest in the whole thing.


I'd have to agree. Unless I hear some really compelling reviews of this, I don't think I'll be going to see it.


The shame is that it was a great idea - about 5 years ago when the prequels were in full swing.  Now I think it might seem dated.


It's almost here! The long awaited Fanboys will finally hit theatres on Friday February 6 in select cities and we've got the list below. Check your local listings for specific theatres and showtimes. In the spirit of the film we're hoping you'll round up your fellow Fanboys and see the movie on its opening weekend. Even if you don't live in one of the 8 opening weekend cities, why not plan a road trip? The better the movie does in these cities, the wider the release will become. Let's show the studio suits that Star Wars fandom is alive and well!

Fanboys Opening Weekend Cities, February 6, 2009
# Austin TX
# Houston, TX
# Chicago, IL
# Los Angeles, CA
# New York, NY
# Philadelphia, PA
# San Francisco, CA
# Seattle, WA


Surprised that a word search for Fan boys and Fanboys did not pop up any finds!  I am pretty sure Rico has talked about it in his pods.  Anyway, there was a 5 min review today on NPR movies and this on Rotten Tomatoes

"Synopsis: In this riotous new road movie from producer Kevin Spacey, a group of friends who are avid Star Wars fans travel west to see the Holly Grail of all sci-fi movies, Star Wars: Episode I. The year is...  In this riotous new road movie from producer Kevin Spacey, a group of friends who are avid Star Wars fans travel west to see the Holly Grail of all sci-fi movies, Star Wars: Episode I. The year is 1999 and for these death star dorks, the Star Wars films are more than just movies; they are a way of life. So, after one of the group takes sick it is nothing short of a moral imperative that the friends break into George Lucas' Skywalker Ranchi to watch the seminal sci-fi picture together before its release. Enlisting the help of an estranged friend, who has traded in his Darth Vader mask for a proper day job, the adventure lays way to some extremely funny situations, including an outrageous brawl with some hard-core Trekkies."

There are a number of cameos in this one, include SH*TN#@, and others.

Only 26 reviews over there so far so few have seen it yet.  Will there be viewers in this crowd?  BTW, if by any chance you are not familiar with Rotten Tomatoes, it is a fantastic site for getting both the professional (ie, newspaper critics) and non-professional (us) reviews.


There was a thread and I merged your post Vartok.