Podcast # 90 - the Search for Spock

Started by Rico, December 02, 2006, 06:54:24 AM

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This weekend's show is up and available now.  All about the third TREK movie.   :vulcan  Enjoy! 


tell you the truth.. only part i liked about the movie was were sulu kick that dudes ass..

this one just wants that good...


I always liked 3.   I think it's very underrated, and get annoyed when they say only the 'even' movies are good.  This has some of my favorite Trek moments.   I love the theft of the Enterprise.   I wonder if the reasons the Klingon's annoy you in this Rico is because the "honor" part of their character wasn't really brought into development until TNG.   


Yeah, if you think about the development of the Klingon culture on screen, at the time of STIII, all we had established was the TOS Klingons, which varied from strong and honorable (Kang and Koloth) to a little silly (Kor) to their new look and language in STMP. So you really can't judge Christopher Lloyd's portrayl based on established Klingon culture as it had not been established when he took the role. As such, I think he does a good job giving them ruthlesness, which is probably how Nimoy wanted it. I too have issue's with some of his perfromance as being a little over the top and too much like his character on Taxi.
As far as his girlfriend, the spy at the beginning, his killing her gave the story a chance to show how obssessed Kruge was with Genesis that he kills her. That's why that scene makes some sense.


I will Admit the Star Trek 3 is near the bottom of my Star Trek list. I guess I felt that the title was a bit misleading for me, as I felt there was not much searching, as they knew where he was. Maybe I am taking it to literally. Actually the part I enjoyed the most of the Movie was Christopher Lloyd  as Kruge. I guess since I had seen the movie before TNG had come out, Klingon honor was not really developed, and I thought of Klingons as the ultimate bad guys in the Star Trek universe.


The movie was okay,I liked the ending where Spock realises who his friends are. One of the best bits for me was when Kirks son is killed and the reaction Kirk gives- tripping while stepping backwards, that looked real to me. But my absolute favouritebit and one of my all time faves from all the movies is...."I....HAVE...HAD...ENOUGH...OF...YOU". Completly brilliant.
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


Quote from: trekkygeek on December 07, 2006, 03:19:07 AM
But my absolute favouritebit and one of my all time faves from all the movies is...."I....HAVE...HAD...ENOUGH...OF...YOU". Completly brilliant.
I liked that part too trekkygeek. I think was because,  at that point, I myself had had enough of Kruge and it was rewarding to watch Kirk kick his butt. I enjoyed this movie as a kid, but I haven't seen it as an adult. I need to go back and watch it again.

Just a thought, there were several dishonorable, dispicable Klingons in TNG. It wasn't all about honor to those Klingons...It was about power. "Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely";  remember the House of Duras? The Duras' sisters Lursa and B'Etor and their nephew Toral. And Gowron turned out to be a slimy little weasel too. There were others on the high council who knew that Worf's father was innocent but to admit as much, after so many years, would be to admit they were liars for keeping it secret for so long. That seems some what dishonorable to me.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast