Podcast #92 - The Twilight Zone

Started by Geekyfanboy, December 19, 2006, 05:36:50 PM

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Hey Rico.. glad you are feeling better.

I am not a huge fan of the Twilight Zone. Not to say that I haven't seen quite a few of the episodes so when I heard you were going to do a podcast on this series I figure I would listen to the first half of the show for your sci fi news and comments but stop when you got into looking at Twilight Zone. But surprisingly I listen to the entire podcast and really enjoyed it. I think I may give The Twilight Zone another chance. Thanks for the podcast Rico.


Glad you liked it.  It's really a great series and a true classic.  One of the things I love about so many of the stories is how timeless they are.  Most of them hold up very well to this day.  I really want to pick up that full DVD set of the series that's out now sometime.  I hope others enjoyed this special podcast too.


I really enjoyed your look at "Twilight Zone".  It's an excellent show that deserves a look by any scifi fan.   There are many, many great episodes.  I was glad to see you mentioned the "Twilight Zone Companion".  I discovered the show back in High School during the 80's, and got the "Companion" as a good episode guide to help me figure out which episodes I had/hadn't seen...back in the days where you couldn't just look up a guick episode guide on the net.  It's a great reference guide for fans.  One of my favorite episodes was called "Death's Head Revisited" about the commandant of Dachau Concentration Camp, that returns to the camp and runs into a former inmate.  It inspired me at the time to pick up some books about the real Dachau.  An interesting bit of Trek trivia is that an episode with George Takei was not released into syndication.  I think the story was about a spy during Pearl Harbor or something.   I'd have to look in the "Companion", but I think the reason is was taken out of syndication was there were no Japanese/American spies, so they didn't want this episode out there (I think that's the reason, I could be wrong).  One of the worst things about "Twilight Zone" was the death of Vic Morrow on the set of the movie (another of my fav actors from the 60's "Combat" and where my forum name of Saunders comes from).  "Twilight Zone" is great stuff!


...oh...and Rod Serling also wrote a draft of the Screenplay for one of my favorite Scifi films (with a twist ending I might add) "Planet of the Apes".  Still waiting for the "Apes" podcast Rico!!!


Glad you like the podcast too.  Yeah - got to cover those "damn dirty apes" sometime too!  So many cool topics - so little time!


I really enjoyed this Podcast Rico, for me personally, I think this is one of your best. I had seen a few epsiodes of the Twilight Zone, but did not really know much more about it. You reviewing the history of the show, and insights on the episodes you chose were great. You have gotten me very interested in seeing more and will probably check out the DVD you mentioned. Great work


Fantastic podcast  Rico. Well worth the wait. You reminded me of some good shows I forgot about like "To Serve Man" and "Maple Street".. I was also going to comment about "Deaths Head Revisited" but have been beaten to it.  That is a sensational (and moving) episode.

Thank you so much for this podcast. I was rivted for the entire podcast!

Incidently That Takei episode is called "The Encounter" and I have it on a DVD called "Treasures of the Twilight Zone" which also includes the interview with Rod Serling that Rico played as well as the first real episode "Where is everybody?" and "An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge" - great DVD.. I presume it is available over there in the US and elsewhere.