Forum Names

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 18, 2007, 10:31:58 PM

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Interesting comments on the names from everyone.  Amy/Chrys - didn't recall you used to play WOW too.  Cool.  Oh, if you really want to get hooked again - go by the expansion.  It's a blast.


Hmm... my name... well, I used to be called enterprise_nx01, but that was because Enterprise had just come out and I was lacking imagination. So awhile back I decided to change to something, let's say a little more original...

I'm a PC guy, never liked the controls on consoles, especially for FPSs, so I went with "the_wasd_man" As in, the guy that plays PC shooters. For, you see, the W-A-S-D keys are most often used for directional movement and...

wait, you probably know all this already, don't you? :P


the_wasd_man, do you own one of the famous (or infamous?) WASD T-shirts?

I know what you mean about disliking gamepads--mouse and keyboard are the absolute best for FPSs.

BTW, I don't like using the WASD keys.  I use the ESDF keys because it gives me an extra column of keys to work with.


I've gone by many forum names over the years but Mr. O and MrOsterman seem to be my standards for most of the more "mature" groups that I chat with.  It's my actual name *gasp* but I also figure at this stage in my life too much anonyminty is probably unlikely anyways.

And it's easier to remember.  No sitting there after not having logged into a forum for a few months going "Was it Rawlins or Rollins?"  (the name of a LARP character I played for a long time named Rollins but was pronounced with a slight accent making it sounds like Rawlins as in "me name's Rawlins, guvna")

Mr. O


Quote from: PepperDude on January 23, 2007, 08:02:49 PM
the_wasd_man, do you own one of the famous (or infamous?) WASD T-shirts?

What kind of a geek would I be if I didn't? :D


I chose mine because I saw something a couple years ago on the web about the Kirk fighting style. Thought it was funny as heck. I think it was a website about Kirk-Jitsu. They had screencaps of him leaping, and of course the famous two fisted chop.
I love Star Trek, especially the original, but im not above having some fun with it.


I just love your handle... Kirk-Fu is so cool.

I think you should start a whole line of Starfleet fortune cookies.  We could write cool little sayings in them like...

"You will fight a Gorn and win this week"
"Your nerve pinch will work today"

"you love multi color cubed food"

"you will not suffer the fate of Seti Alpha Five in your lifetime"

"There is a green woman in your future"

"you will kiss your guest star"

"you have a natural universal translator"

These are just to name a few.  I think we could make a million dollars with these...


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week

Darth Gaos

 I have 4 screen names in all of internet-dom which I will explain:

1) Darth Gaos: The name I use on this and a couple of other boards and it is indeed pronounce "Gay-Ohss"..I know Rico has been unsure in the past how to pronounce it.  Anyway, the Darth is fairly obvious.  Gaos is a Japanese monster that was an adversary of the giant turtle Gamera.  It is one of my favorite monster movies was hilariously riffed in Mystery Science Theater 3000, one of the best shows ever.

here is a pic of Gaos:

2) Westrnphlyr:  I use this name on other boards.  I live in Washington, hence the Westrn part.  Phlyr is a combination of the words "Philadelphia" and "Flyers" as I am an Pennsylavania boy by birth and they are my favorite NHL team....even though they roundly suck this year they are still my team.

3) LetGoOfItSlappy:  I use this one strictly on the MST3K board.  It was a line from one of the episodes where Mike is trying to find a catch phrase for himself.

4) Toaster_Joe:  I use this one strictly on the Battlestar Galactica board.  Most here know that "Toaster" is the derogatory term for the metal cylons this go around. And Joe is my actual first name.  :cylon

So if you see any of these names out there in internet land...say HI!
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Quote from: Bryancd on January 19, 2007, 04:51:51 AM's my first name followed by my middle initial and initial of my last name. :).

Hey, that's what mine is!

Last year when I was contemplating getting Stormtrooper armor one of my coworkers took to calling me Stormy.  I've occasionally wished I'd used it on the Scifi boards I'm on, but I also like being known for who I am.
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


I am bald(ing) and love the idea of the Borg. My favorite ST flick is First Contact, and fave show is TNG - Thus Locutus.

I will add, though, that my screen name on other forums is onebadgungan - this comes from a Star Wars RPG where I wound up playing a gungan, and he was fantastically skilled in combat and pretty much won the day - he was One Bad Gungan. Oddly enough, it's always available ...
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Bryancd= Bryan C. Dunn. I have never been one for clever or pithy internet persona's, it's just me :).


Hey guys.. there is a huge thread of this already on the forums.. check it out.

I'm going to combine these two posts.


Huh -- thought I replied to this already.  MARK IN Royal Oak.  I have about a dozen others I use to filter spam or because I don't know someone and I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.  :spidey


Hey Locutus thanks for the nod to my handle explanation I am glad you like it.  I will paste it below for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

Quote from: HANCIDER on May 14, 2007, 07:26:45 AM
Thanks Rico I am glad you like the handle. There is a little bit of a story behind it but the Han does stand for Han Solo of course.  The cider part is from a time back in high school when I drank some three month old cider in front of my friends.  It was funny at the time at least of course like many things done in high school or college it seems kinda dumb now. Anyways I brought the two together and they just kinda stuck, its been my handle for the longest time and the nice thing is it is unique enough that I don't have to add any random numbers to the end of it that can be a little annoying sometimes.  Well i just wanted to say thank you Rico for your podcasts and for starting this community and I hope that i will be able to be a good contributor to it. So have fun over there in Taiwan and I pray that you will have a good trip and arrive safely back home.
What was the biggest problem with the Prequels?  One thing, NO HAN SOLO!!  Oh yeah you know it.


Mine is a blatent reference to my comic Zortic.

Ryanlb - Nice Starslip Crisis image!  That's another great comic!
Join the adventure.  Read  Zortic