Star Trek: Season 1 - Flash Point

Started by keozen, February 05, 2007, 04:16:20 PM

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After reading my email from Counsellor Margan I quickly emailed him back and suggested that we meet in sick bay as I will have quick access to medical records, I also wanted to discuss that perhaps we should train some of the teaching staff in advanced first aid and field medic procedures in case we do have some conflics between species and perhaps that he could suggest anything else.

I also think it might be useful as part of the ship orientation to go over emergency procedures with the crew.

At this moment Lt. Commander Sevryll medical records for herself and her children have not showed up yet, so I have sent her an email regarding this and have asked her to drop by sickbay with her children to fill in the caps.  I am most interested in the book on 20 century medical procedures and often wondered how anybody survived using those barbaric techniques. I look forward to seeing you after the Captains Briefing

Dr. Casey Peterson Lt. Cmdr CMO

Mayko Armus

Ensign Mayko Armus awoke with his head throbbing away. Hangover - again.

Not quit sure where he was or how he got there, he slowly rolled over a bit. Nausea quickly overcame him and be vomited on the hard, smooth floor next to his cot.

Regaining himself, he glanced to the right.....the detention cell force field glowed bright.

"Oh yeah...." As he quickly remembered flashes of his arrival into the brig of his newest assignment, the USS Tiberius, "I'm sure I made another steller impression on my new crewmates upon arrival."

Ensign Mayko Armus
Structural Technician
USS Tiberius
Ensign Mayko Armus
Structural Technician
USS Tiberius

Character Profile - ""


Lieutenant Rhys Peters rose groggily from his deep sleep. The persistant ringing of his wake up alarm grew louder and more insistent.
"Okay okay, Alarm stop" The noise ceased and Rhys rubbed his eyes and yawned hugely.
"Morning boys, how are you today? Don't worry lads, you won't be in there for much longer." Phil and Grant were his pet rats. He had brought them with him onto Starbase 514 in a temporary cage ready to be re-housed in their new home on the U.S.S. Tiberius.
  This was Rhys' first posting on a Starship, he had been second in command at Starfleet Headquarters. His recent friendship with Commander Quinn had led to this new and exciting opportunity and he was nervous. He was aware that this was his biggest assignment in his short career. He had been on the verge of self destruction when he had met Nathan. The Commander had helped him out of his depression and offered him a life changing break, and Rhys didn't want to let him down.
  The rats came excitedly to the side of the cage waiting for their early morning petting. He lifted them both out of their makeshift home cooing and whispering affectionately to them.Rhys was a big imposing man and his staff back at Starfleet had jibed gently at his love of these small furry rodents. He put them back, walked to the replicator and ordered cold grapefruit juice, his ritualistic 'get up and go' drink.
  He decide to dress and go to the Starbase Holodeck suite. A good old fashioned fighting and killing programme would calm down his nerves. He was to attend the Captains briefing in the Rec. room at 1400 and he needed to take his mind off it. He took his wipe down towel from the rail in the bathroom, said goodbye to his boys and exited his quarters. This was going to be a long day.

Lieutenant Rhys Peters
Chief of Security
U.S.S. Tiberius
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


Lt Miyamoto Nagumo quickly checked his naviconsole and smiled in satisfaction as the Runabout USS Rubicon smoothly transitioned from warp to impulse power.

"Rubicon to Tiberius flight operations control." he said as his hands automatically entered the series of commands to transition the small starships systems over to the control of the flight operations center.

With three shuttlebays and far more small craft than any other federation ship it's size an Akira class vessel like the Tiberius required a far more complex system to control it's shuttles. The flight operations control centers enabled it to manage up to three seperate landings simultaneously while controling up to 20 other craft in holding patterns. As a student of history, Miyamoto appreciated the simillarities to old earth aircraft carriers.

" Rubicon, this is Tiberius flight operations, we have multiple inbounds with all of the new crew transfers. We have put you into holding patter gamma 2, your eta for touchdown is 18 minutes."

" Confirmed Tiberius control" he replied, and sat back into his chair smiling. The few extra moments to relax would be welcome, he knew that upon landing he would be hard pressed to complete all of the required system checks on the ships tactical systems prior to the Captains usual 1400 briefing.

His leave during the Tiberius time in dock had been quite productive. He smiled again at the thought of the two cases of blood wine, and three of Sake in the Runabout's cargo hold. Not to mention the prize of the trip, a perfect replica suit of Japanese Samurai Armor from the Tokugawa era. He was looking forward to trying it out in his next holodeck battle recreation.

The minutes passed quickly and as the runabout touched down, Miyamoto stood and adjusted the two ornate swords at his belt. The daisho, a familly hierloom, were properly placed and immaculate as allways. He was still making minute adjustments in the wide samurai stylei belt at his waist as he steped onto the hangar deck.

He saw a crew man with  a grav cart rushing to unload the cargo in order to make room for the next landing and called out to him.

"Crewman, take the small cases to Mister Brax at 5 Forward and the large crate to my quarters."

"Yes Lieutentant." aknowldeged the young crewman without looking up. Moto nooded and left the man to his work.

"So Lieutenant," a commanding voice called out from the hangars main exit. " I see you are bringing yet another load of contraband aboard my ship."

Moto smiled as he turned to walk towards his captain. " Good to see you Capitan-sama. No need to worry, I did not find anything truly interesting, just the usual." He stoped just before the older man and executed a quick bow of respect.

"Glad to have you back Moto" the Captain said after returning the bow. " I want you to make sure and coordinate with Lt Commander K'rath to make sure all of the tactical systems are at 100% before this afternoons staff briefing. "

Moto fell in beside his captain as they left the hangar and walked along the ships corridors. " Of course Captain-sama, I will be certain to attend to it at once. "

" Good, I have a lot to take care of before the briefing so I will leave that to you and my chief engineer." The captain said as he took a different fork in the corridor for Moto's destination. " If you get done in time, you and K'rath should stop by 5 Forward. I understand that Mister Brax just got a fresh shipment of Gagh, I know how you like yours extra wiggly."

Moto smiled and watched as the captain headed down the corridor hurrying to his next destination. " Thank you Sir." he said, feeling extra motivated to get his system checks done. He had not had a good plate of Gagh since leaving the Klingon homewold, but if anyone could deliver such a rarity it would be Mister Brax.

Miyamoto Naguma, continued toward the turbolift with a renewed spring in his step, hoping that it would be the Torgud Gagh variety, his favorite.

____ LT. Miyamoto Nagumo , Tactical Officer USS Tiberius
Big T Mac ; aka Cowboy Troy, aka , Philly Samurai

6'3" 415 lbs of Raging Geek Fury !!!!!!

"Generally Speaking, the way of the warrior is resolute acceptance of death."

Miyamoto Musashi, Book of 5 Rings


Ensign Enoch Iblis left the shuttle and immediately headed to the bridge of his new assignment, the USS Tiberius. 

Enoch wondered if this Captain, Captain Bell, would be just like all the others.  And the crew, how long would it take for this Klingon to be accepted. 

How long would the wary glances be passed his way.  Good.  Let them be wary.

He knew of at least one other Klingon that would be serving, Lt. Commander K'arath.  Perhaps he was also a Klingon of honor.

The door opened and Enoch entered the bridge.  Yes, it was just like the specifications showed.  As navigator, he would be sitting at the front of the bridge.  Directly in front of Captain Bell, actually. 

Everyone at his back.

As a Klingon, this was troublesome, but his superior navigation skills had put him into this position, into this career path. 

Enoch sat down at his station.  He began his checks.  He had a report to create for the meeting with his new captain.


Captain Bell let out a small relaxed sigh as he sat down at his desk. He had finally reached the halfway mark to the day and was feeling so much better for it.

Sipping at a mug of green tea he went over the first reports from his senior staff. So far everything was looking good. He was slightly concerned at the report of one of his Ensigns having been confined to the brig for drunken disorderly and sent a quick message for his XO to investigate the fact.

Letting out a smile he put down his pad and stood up.

"Well then Gilbert, looks like it's showtime." he said to himself.

An hour and a half on the bridge then down to the Rec room, or "5 Forward" as it was affectionately known, for his briefing.

He strode to his readyroom door and it slid open in front of him revealing his bridge, a young ensign turned, stood and opened his mouth.

"Captain on the Bridge."

OOC: Ok guys. Briefing in a couple of hours. Anyone who wants to post any more introductory stuff before then get in now.

Great quality of posts from EVERYONE so far. We're all gonna have a blast. Vulcans & Klingons & Rats, Oh my!


Ensign Leslie Morgen was suddenly awoken. On his dreams, he had just relived the last years in his home planet. Before he left to learn about the Universe. Serving on StarFleet. To become a better ruler for his people, when the time to rule them come. As it would come. As it was destined to come since his birth.

Although hiding it, he was excited to move again to a new ship. This was his 3rd assignment, but those first days on a new ship always seemed to bring the butterflies in his stomach back to life.

Of those two previous ships, he spent a long time on the first, the Stargazzer, under the now so famous captain (or is he now Admiral?) Picard. Good times!

On his way to the transporter room, he reviewed mentally what he had learnt about the lady who would be his direct superior: Lt. Commander Sevryll. A Vulcan. Though he tried hard to not label people based on their home planets, as that sometimes led to some surprises. And... it was a kind of prejudice, after all: judging someone before you know him/her based on pre-conceptions.

The same reasoning he applied to avoid (at least trying to avoid) creating pre-indispositions towards the various klingons on the Tiberius. He was determined to make a strong conscious effort to think of them as other noble warriors, deserving respect... at least until they misbehaved!

"Would Lt.Cmdr Sevryll promote me soon?" He was feeling overdue at his current ranking of Ensign. "Oh, well, let's earn it. Let's give her a chance to know me."

He transported uneventfully and managed to bring his belongings to his quarters. Afterwards, he strolled nobly through the corridors, and stood watching the view at the recreation room ("'Treks' it was called! Where did they get that name from?").

He waited there and left on a good timing to reach the briefing room: not too soon - to not wait much - and not too late, to risk arrive after the captain...


Ensign Leslie Morgen
science officer


After an hour of meditation he decided to head to the bridge. He left his quarters and started down the hallway when he bumped into a crewmen looking for his quarters. He pointed the crewmen in the right direction then continued to walk down the hallway when his badge chirped and he heard his Captain's voice.

Pressing his badge =/\= This is Commander Quinn... go ahead=/\=

=/\= Commander there has been an incident with one of our new Ensigns, he has been placed in the brig, could you please investigate. =/\=

=/\= Of course sir... Quinn out =/\=

Quinn turned around and headed toward the turbolift thinking to himself :: We've only been on this ship for three hours and someone has already been put into the brig ::

A few moments later he enter the brig and picked up a padd and started to read the charages. He approached the cell. Ensign Armus slowly stood at attention.

Quinn stood there with a stern look on his face "At ease Ensign, would you like to explain this to me?" Waving the padd in front of him.

Armus relaxed a bit as he started to say "Sir.. I can... but Quinn cut him off.

Quinn paced the room. "This has to be a record, in all the years of Starfleet I don't think an Ensign has ever started his new mission from the Brig. I understand that you wanted to enjoy your last night before heading out on your new mission but to get in a fight with a Nausiccan three times your size and destroy half the bar just because he insulted your mother. I hope you know that this is unacceptable. You are Starfleet you have a certain standard to uphold. If you can not control yourself then please get off this ship before we leave dock."

"Sir I...."

" I don't expect to see your name on report again... do I make myself clear?"

" Yes Sir.. "

" Good now get out of here and get ready for the Captain's briefing at 1400 hours. "

The guard lowered the force field and Ensign Armus stumbled pass me and exited the Brig. I took a deep breath and headed out of the Brig and decided to go the 5 Forward and prepare for the Captain's briefing.

Commander Nathan Quinn
First Officer
USS Tiberius


Rayne finished up adjusting a small ear-piece (a comm-badge he'd specially modified), tuning it to an unused audio frequency he'd set up to broadcast his music collection over.  Tucking the control in his pocket, Rayne was ready to really get into the swing of things, at all times accompanied by his extensive music collection -- originating from his quarters, but discreetly retransmitted by the ship computer -- playing quietly in one ear.

Suitably accompanied for long waits, and hating to be late to anything even remotely important, he made his way to 5 Forward a good 20 minutes before the scheduled briefing.
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


14:00 finally came around.

Captain Bell paused for a moment before the double doors to "5 Forward", taking a deep breath he took a step forward and the doors parted showing his crew assembled in front of him, all present and correct.

He cleared his throat and the room went silent, everyone looking his way expectantly. Walking to the center of the room he stood before the bar itself.

"Welcome everyone.

As all of you know I am Captain Gilbert Bell, commanding officer of the Tiberius. First I would like to say welcome to you all. It has been a tough few weeks for everyone. Some of you have traveled far from other postings to get here, while some of you have been helping oversee our little refit. I appreciate the dedication and composure shown by you all.

For many of you this will be your first time aboard an Akira class vessel, but be it your first time or not you will notice a few changes. We are carrying a more substantial science division than most Akira vessels in the fleet for example. You may also notice that we lack the small fighter ships that our brothers are equipped with. But what we lose in firepower we gain in diversity. We have a much larger compliment of the Danube class runabouts for instance.

All in all you will find we are a well rounded ship.

And now to her crew.

Every single individual before me today was hand picked. You are all here because myself and Commander Quinn think you have it in you to complete the mission we have in front of us. We have a long and hard time ahead and we will be truly striving to bring our mission closer to the founding principles of Starfleet than any of you have ever worked.

Starfleet was founded as a protectorate for the Federation, and one of the core mission briefs was exploration. Pushing back the borders of Federation space, seeing what is out there.

That is our mission my friends, we have a mission of exploration. A mission of diplomacy. A mission to take the core beliefs of the Federation to the very borders of our known space and go that step further. We lie under the jurisdictional of the fine Admiral Sirach Dar Talbot who is a personal friend.

Over the next couple of days we will be finishing our time here at the Starbase, I will be finalising our orders with the Admiral and the refit will be completed. I urge you to use this time to settle in, familiarise yourself with the ship, get to know your fellow crew members, socialise. I will address the crew again when we are to depart."

Turning to Quinn he raises and eyebrow,

"Would you like to add anything number one?"

Captain Gilbert Bell,
CO, USS Tiberius


K'arath nodded as the Captain spoke. Captain Bell was a man of strong conviction and character and appreciated his candor with his senior staff. The Captain was a man of honor, but K'arath felt a sense of shame when you had recieved word that one Ensign Armus had been thrown into the brig. Armus was under his command in Engineering and K'ararth committed himself to make him an officer or force him to wash out, whichever came first. Captian Bell and given him his one and only reprieve...


Enoch found himself impressed with this new captain. 

He spoke with confidence and clear vision.  Yes, Enoch was surprised and pleased.

As Enoch looked about the room, he saw a surprisingly diverse group.  Everyone was focused on the Captain with respect.

Enoch lifted some of his skepticism and opened his mind a bit.

He waited for Commander Quinn to speak.  Enoch had seen Quinn in the hallway earlier, but had just missed him in the turbo elevator.  Would Quinn be of like mind as Bell?


Margon caught the eyes of Brex starring at him from accross the room.  Their eyes would meet and then they would both look away.  The breifing was going well, but Margon felt himself distracted by his anxiety.  "they trained me for this type of thing, but now that I'm here, it's a different story"   

The crew was surpisingly warm, even the Klingons.  Go figure.  As soon as the briefing was over it was on to sick bay to meet with the doctor.  But as Captain Bell spoke many observations were being made.

"I like the first officer" thought Margon.  "He seems level headed."

The Counselor made notes on his information pad.  He had his first actual appointment with an ensign that had showed up on the ship drunk and had been thrown in the brig.  That was supposed to happen sometime in the next few days.  Most people were trying to understand, but it was Margon's job to help the new guy through his thoughts and feelings of why this had happened.  This was a starship not some Starfleet Academy training exercise.  "How fun", he thought sarcastically.

The Captain finished his briefing and Margon knew it was time.  He made small talk with many of the crew as he made his way over to the bar.  He took a deep breath and managed the courage to say "Brex"

Brex looked at him.  It was an awkward silence.  Then quietly he said, "Hi Counselor" 


"You heard me." Brex snapped.

"We have a lot to talk about son."

"Well, I have a lot of work to do to, so if you don't mind...", with that Brex spun around and walked into the kitchen. 

Margon sighed, "oh boy, this is going to more of a challenge than I thought.  The Couselor needs a counselor"

He sadly turned and walked to the turbo lift. *swish*  entering he said- "sickbay"

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Quinn stood up front with the Captain as he begins his speech. As he is talking Quinn is taking in the crews reactions. He felt mostly excitement from the crew with some feeling apprehension. He smiled and scanned the room as the Catpain spoke. The Captain speech came to a close and he turned to Quinn...

"Would you like to add anything number one?"

" Thank you sir, as the Captain said you were all hand picked for this ship and this mission. You all have the potential of being the best crew in Starfleet. Look around at your fellow crewmen. These will be the men and women who will serve with you on your greatest adventure. Get to know each other, come to rely on each other as a team, a family... now let's see what awaits us..... out there."

Quinn looked over at Captain Bell who nodded.

" Dismissed "

Everyone clapped and started to move around and talk. Quinn noticed a familiar face and made his way over to Lt Rhys Peters

With a big smile " Looked what the cat dragged in "

Lt. Peters looked up and smiled. He stood and they embraced.

" It's good to see you my friend"

Commander Quinn
First Officer
USS Tiberius


Commander Quinn finished his speech, and the meeting was over. 

Now Enoch knew, he was expected to 'mingle' with the crew.   He saw that many people, including the XO, knew many of the people already.  This was to be expected.

Enoch looked around.  He saw another Klingon, who he knew was K'arath.  He would have to talk with him later.  It was good to see another Klingon.

He also saw many humans, Vulcans and...... a Daa'Vit!  A Daa'Vit on this ship?  This was distasteful.  While there was peace between the two races it was a tense situation.

Enoch looked around some more and saw a Bolian behind the bar.  He approached.

"I don't suppose you know how to make Raktajino," Enoch stated.

"Why yes!  I am quite familiar with that fine drink.  Let me get you one."

Enoch was surprised.  He waited, and the drink quickly appeared.  Enoch looked at it.  It looked correct.  It smelled correct.  He tasted it.  Fantastic!

"This is....good.  Only a Klingon knows how to make this correctly!  How can you do it?"

The Bolian smiled.  "My name is Brex.  I am glad you like it."  Brex extended a hand.

Enoch took his hand and shook it.  Then Brex scurried off to help another patron.  Enoch sat back in his chair.  He was beginning to like 5 Forward.