Trekkies 1 & Trekkies 2

Started by Geekyfanboy, March 04, 2007, 02:39:37 PM

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Hey all I just got done watching Trekkies 1 & 2 back to back. Of course I've seen them before but it's been a few years.

I enjoyed both but I thought the first one was a little hard of Trek fans, I'm not one to point fingers but they only showed the "extreme" Trek fans which I don't think represented all Trek Fans. The second one had a more diverse section of Star Trek fans. It was cool to see fan from all over the world. It was also nice to see some of the fans that they focused on in the first movie.

What did you guys think?


I thought they were both pretty good. I think I liked the first one the best out of the two. I do agree, that they chose some rather extreme people to highlight, and not sure if they came across to positively. I liked that they caught up with some of the people in the first one,especially the young star trek fan (well not so young in the second) As I felt he represented the community well and was very well spoken for a person of his age at the time.

Dan M

I think that anytime the Whitewater juror is mentioned, whether appropriate or not, it makes all Trek fans look bad.

Not that there aren't people who are NFL fans or Harry Potter fans who are just as extreme in their devotion.

Dan M

Quote from: jedijeff on March 11, 2007, 07:54:01 AM
I liked that they caught up with some of the people in the first one,especially the young star trek fan (well not so young in the second) As I felt he represented the community well and was very well spoken for a person of his age at the time.