What's everyone reading?

Started by Rico, March 15, 2007, 05:02:02 PM

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Quote from: moyer777 on May 31, 2007, 09:13:53 PM
I just finished Star Trek TNG The Genesis Wave- Book 1.   It was great. 
I am in the middle of Voyager:Homecoming, which my wife stole from me...  :)
And I will be starting The Genesis Wave book 2 soon.

I haven't ever read any Trek books before, they are pretty good.

That's cool Rick! I hope your wife has The Farthest Shore to read when she finishes Homecoming or she'll go nuts not knowing how it all ends. I really enjoyed those two books but Christie Golden's next Voyager books called Spirit Walk I didn't.

I wasn't a big fan of the Genesis Wave books but they were fine. I think there are some really awesome Star Trek books out there right now. They probably have the best authors they have ever had in the line. Some of my favorites would be:

Any of the DS9 relaunch series from Avatar onwards.
Serpent Among the Ruins
The three Titan novels
The three Vangaurd novels
Articles of the Federation
The Art of the Impossible
Immortal Coil

I could go on but I won't! lol

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


yes, we have the second book on the night stand.  Just ready for when we're done with Homecoming.

I just started the Genesis wave book two, and it is better than the first right off the bat.

Pretty fun!

Thanks for the suggestions, I will look those up!


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Quote from: moyer777 on June 01, 2007, 09:58:32 PM
yes, we have the second book on the night stand.  Just ready for when we're done with Homecoming.

I just started the Genesis wave book two, and it is better than the first right off the bat.

Pretty fun!

Thanks for the suggestions, I will look those up!

...I've been listening to Trek Audio books lately. I've listened to  "Vulcan Heart" and "Vulcan Forge", "Star Trek Voyager: Mosaic". I also listened to "A Time For Yesterday", which I read once already, but had forgotten. I'd rather read these books, but I'm reading Star Wars novels right now. These Star Trek novels were pretty good, even though they were Abridged. I was eying "Genesis Wave". Let me know if its worth downloading.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Yeah, I am actually reading, reading Homecoming and starting on the next one soon.  Amy already finished it.  :) 

I have been listening to the Genesis Wave Books, one and two.  And I really like Tim Russ reading them, he is good, I love his Klingon and Picard voice.  VERY FUN!  I liked the books, especially number two, but of course to figure out what is going on you have to hear book one first.

I do so much reading for work that I like to walk and listen to books on tape.  I do about an hour and a half of walking a day, so it's nice to have something to learn and be creative with.  I actually bought an ITALK for my ipod so I could record notes while I walk, it just looks kind of silly. :) 

I have listened to some other good books, not related to Star Trek-- A five hour one called "Good to Great" by Jim Collins was really pretty good.  Kind of a leadership success orientated book.  I also enjoyed a book called Changes that Heal  by Dr. Henry Cloud.  It was good too- more for my work though.

I think that podcasts and ipods are so cool.  What a great deal.  Customized radio.  That's what I think of it as.

I tried listening to the Make it so Podcast today, and they refered to Rico in the begining of it.  They didn't say his name, but I knew who they were talking about!  But, it wasn't very family friendly.  A little too many f bombs for me!  I liked their accent though.

Ok, now I'm rambling!

Be cool.


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Rick: I wasn't sure if I should go on the "Make it So" show or not but now I think I will not bother. I don't need to be bombarded with f-bombs....I have a tendancy to be on my best behaviour when on public display! lol I could never take part in their language so I would just look stuck up...but anyway.

I just got the best book in the world yesterday, and as usual with me, its non-fiction. You guys who are interested in film production should check out the book "The Complete Film Production Handbook" by Eve Light Honthaner. She was the production coordinator (PC) on one of the biggest films of our time, Titanic. With a budget of 200 million and multiple studios working together to pull it off it is without a doubt the largest film effort ever. The Pirates III film had a high budget at around 200 million as well, but it was nothing like spending 200 million in pre 9/11 / war, 1996/97.

Anyway! Check out the book, its brilliant! -Sebastian.


Quote from: moyer777 on June 04, 2007, 11:31:13 PM
I tried listening to the Make it so Podcast today, and they refered to Rico in the begining of it.  They didn't say his name, but I knew who they were talking about!  But, it wasn't very family friendly.  A little too many f bombs for me!  I liked their accent though.

Ok, now I'm rambling!

Be cool.


I know what you mean Ricky! Way too much cursing in their podcats. They are interesting guys and make some hilarious points at times but they really should tone down the foul language. It's not necessary. I always feel sorry for people who can't come up with more intelligent and creative ways to express themselves.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Jen on June 04, 2007, 07:09:01 PM
Quote from: moyer777 on June 01, 2007, 09:58:32 PM
yes, we have the second book on the night stand.  Just ready for when we're done with Homecoming.

I just started the Genesis wave book two, and it is better than the first right off the bat.

Pretty fun!

Thanks for the suggestions, I will look those up!

...I've been listening to Trek Audio books lately. I've listened to  "Vulcan Heart" and "Vulcan Forge", "Star Trek Voyager: Mosaic". I also listened to "A Time For Yesterday", which I read once already, but had forgotten. I'd rather read these books, but I'm reading Star Wars novels right now. These Star Trek novels were pretty good, even though they were Abridged. I was eying "Genesis Wave". Let me know if its worth downloading.

Jen, I listened to the Genesis Wave abridged audio books and thought they were terrible! I'm sure the actual book is better, but the audio books were incomprehnsible!


Maybe I haven't listened to any better ones.  I thought Tim Russ did well with it.   The first Star Trek book I listened to was Yesterday's son, now that was a lot to be desired as far as audio quality.  I think Leonard Nimoy even read some of it, and James D. did too.  It wasn't as good as the Genesis Wave ones.

Alas, I am a newbie at Trek books and audio!

Any suggestions Bryan?   Are there some good audio one's out there?

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


After Genesis Wave, I gave up on audiobooks as theya re very hard to hear in my Jeep! I did previuosly enjoy some of the Starship Excaliber stories on audio, those were good.


Quote from: Bryancd on June 05, 2007, 12:57:24 PM
After Genesis Wave, I gave up on audiobooks as theya re very hard to hear in my Jeep! I did previuosly enjoy some of the Starship Excaliber stories on audio, those were good.

Yeah, I bet.  I had an ipod with nice little headphones.  It was pretty good that way.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


I love audio books (Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, LOTR, Eargon and many more).. that is all I listen to now while driving in traffic. But like Bryan it's tough to hear in my Jeep but I too have an Ipod with headphones so I normally will listen to that while sitting in traffic.


Quote from: moyer777 on June 05, 2007, 12:30:41 PM
Maybe I haven't listened to any better ones.  I thought Tim Russ did well with it.   The first Star Trek book I listened to was Yesterday's son, now that was a lot to be desired as far as audio quality.  I think Leonard Nimoy even read some of it, and James D. did too.  It wasn't as good as the Genesis Wave ones.

Alas, I am a newbie at Trek books and audio!

Any suggestions Bryan?   Are there some good audio one's out there?

Yep, just finished listening to Time for Yesterday. James Doohan narrated that one and Leonard Nimoy read quotes from Spock. Doohan had a great talent for voices. I thought he did a great impersonation of Kirk and McCoy. I started to worry that he was going to try to do Uhura's voice...but he didn't even attempt it, which was a relief. I always hate it when male narrators try to do female characters. It ruins it for me. 

I listen to audio books at work. I spend about 7 hours a day on my computer designing stuff...the audio books make the day go by faster and helps me learn the technical jargon for my Treksf RPG posts. Luckily I haven't found a bad one yet, though I only started listening to them recently. Avoid Star Wars Labyrinth Of Evil at all costsâ€"the audio book stinks.

Starship Excaliber? That sounds interesting...what era is it in? Are there any recognizable characters in the story or are they new?

Thanks for the advice!
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The only audio book I've ever listened to has been The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and that was because it was a high school assignment. I think I have some old audio tapes of James Herriot's All Things Bright and Beautiful but I've never listened to them (I did enjoy his book All Creatures Great and Small back in high school). Of course these books are not sci-fi.

About a year ago, I read in Asimov's Science Fiction that there are free audio recordings of short stories on the web. The column writer recommended several websites.  I suppose I have time to listen to some in my car. Has anybody ever tried listening to an audio book while running or working out?

However, nothing has really sparked my interest in audio books/stories. What's it gonna' take to get me interested? Are there any superb stories or books out there not worth missing? Are there any good free ones out there?

Quoteit's tough to hear in my Jeep but I too have an Ipod with headphones so I normally will listen to that while sitting in traffic.

Hey Kenny, isn't that illegal here in California?? Watch out for the cops.


Quote from: PepperDude on June 18, 2007, 12:32:43 PM
Hey Kenny, isn't that illegal here in California?? Watch out for the cops.

Yes it is illegal.. but I do one bud in my ear.. looks like I'm on a cell phone. :)


I'm now on the third Star Trek Vangaurd book. This is a really fun TOS series!