RPG story help

Started by Jen, March 15, 2007, 07:58:30 PM

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Hi guys. I'm not sure if this is ok to post...Let me know Kenny and Matt if I'm out of bounds.  I know everyone is busy and can't post as often as I can (I post once a day or once everyother day), but if you have any ideas on how we should resond in the RPG, let me know. I'm spent...I've hit a bit of a creative brick wall, and don't know how I should respond to the new plot twist. Elizur wanted something to do in the story, other than dialog and diplomacy, so my character's kids were kidnapped and we were making plans to rescue them. Now we've been mixed together with Cardassians, Romulans, Klingons and Ferengis outside the structure in a big field. Should we all be fighting the aliens? Should  we "play nice"? Should we ditch the aliens and go off on our own seaching for the Iconians that are pulling the puppet strings?  If you have some creative thoughts, I'd like to hear them...Not sure what to do next...help. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Yeah, I've been stuck since we appeared in the room.  Maybe I should just punch a klingon and see what happens?
"I won't have this handed to me, it's only worth something if you struggle for it.  Damn it, Bones, I want my pain.  I NEED my pain."
"The fact that you just quoted Star Trek V to me only proves how screwed we are without that money." ~ PVP Online


He he.

You're not out of bounds at all Jen. & I will admit your writing has been great. The field and Citadel in the distance is just the natural progression of what you were all doing inside, you just have a visible goal in the distance now.

All the clues are there, just try & piece together what's been said to you. All the races must "overcome their one common enemy". In the grand scheme of Trek what has Gene Rodenbury alway tried to teach us that was ;)

Captain Bell being out of this for the moment is purley to let you guys get the action yourselves, he'll be back soon though don't worry :)

If anyone has any questions remember you're free to PM me.


Hey Keo Can I play ir am I not checked out?
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Quote from: Jen on March 15, 2007, 07:58:30 PM
Elizur wanted something to do in the story, other than dialog and diplomacy, so my character's kids were kidnapped and we were making plans to rescue them.

Hey Jen

I guess I'm also having some difficulty.  Maybe I misread post #166, I wouldn't kidnap the kids myself, I was just responding to that post from Keo.  I really thought that the USS Tiberius post there was saying that all the children had disappeared. 

Post #166

.....The children were gone.

Cheers, Jeff


Quote from: keozen on March 16, 2007, 12:20:21 AM
All the clues are there, just try & piece together what's been said to you. All the races must "overcome their one common enemy". In the grand scheme of Trek what has Gene Rodenbury alway tried to teach us that was ;)

Prejudice. So we need to somehow get all these species together working for a common goal, only we don't know what that goals is yet... :).


Sorry for the misunderstanding guys. My post sounded like I was complaining, but I really just wanted to get some creative direction from some of the other players. A few folks have gotten busy with real life, and haven't had time to post, like my friend Angela. I was just posting here to get their feed back. I would like to react to the story in a way some of the other players would like to, but can't because real life has taken precedent (as it should).

Sometimes, on our lunch breaks, I brief Angela on what's going on in the story. I ask her what she thinks of the story arch, as well as what she thinks about the interaction between our characters.  I include our collective ideas and sometimes her character in my posts to keep Averik alive in the game until Angela can post again on her own.

I like to be a team player. I don't like to hog the story just because I frequent the board more.  So if anyone wants to be included in my post while you're out of the game, let me know and I'll keep your character alive. By the same token, if some one has an "reaction" idea as far as the story goes, maybe we can discuss it here? I think it would be cool if we could start a "creative think tank" thread. That's why I asked if I was "out of bounds" Kenny and Matt. I don't want to break any RPG rules. What do you think? Can we form an "OOC huddle" and discuss the game plan?

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: Elizur on March 16, 2007, 05:59:03 AM
Quote from: Jen on March 15, 2007, 07:58:30 PM
Elizur wanted something to do in the story, other than dialog and diplomacy, so my character's kids were kidnapped and we were making plans to rescue them.

Hey Jen

I guess I'm also having some difficulty.  Maybe I misread post #166, I wouldn't kidnap the kids myself, I was just responding to that post from Keo.  I really thought that the USS Tiberius post there was saying that all the children had disappeared. 

Post #166

.....The children were gone.

Cheers, Jeff

Hey I liked your twist Jeff and I understood where you were going with that. I knew you wanted out of the room, so I was trying to get us going on a search so that we could get some action in the game. I gotcha. Yes, we need some clarification. Jeff just wrote that the Vulcan's children were gone. Are all the kids on the ship MIA now? Just wondering.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Quote from: ryanlb on March 15, 2007, 09:23:22 PM
Yeah, I've been stuck since we appeared in the room.  Maybe I should just punch a klingon and see what happens?
Ah! I laughed a big hearty Klingon laugh when I read your post Ryan. Yes...PLEASE PUNCH A KLINGON. Lets have a brawl before we work towards a common goal. Which, in my opinon is to regain control over the situation and then "negotiate with the Iconians". Not sure what we're negotiating but that's what I think the goal is. I keep hearing Picard lecturing Q in similar situations. I don't think he would be receptive to negotiations after being tested like this by Q or anyone else.

Here's my suggestion for our response (open to feedback of course):
Bryan's character, K'ararth could hotwire an "Iconian" transporting device that someone can "discover" and then Tim, Lt. Peters, and his security detail could beam to the location of the Iconian "puppet masters".  We could then pull "The Cage senerio" and take an Iconian hostage. Of course we can have some folks in our crew who are opposed to this method...it would make for interesting tensions between characters.


Any other ideas?
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper