Star Trek: Of Gods And Men - tiny spoilers

Started by the_wasd_man, April 14, 2007, 12:30:30 PM

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Very cool!  Looking forward to it!


Just checked out part one.  Pretty interesting...

I liked the way canon characters and events were used to move the story along.  I got a little kick out of the return of a central character form one of the TOS episodes.   ;)

Curious to see what you all thought of it...


It was ok..hoping for more. Cool to see Charlie X. The F/X were not so good and at full screen it wasn't very good quality. James Crowley or whatever still sucks as an actor.


I enjoyed it.  Good first part.  It was nice to see some of the original Trek actors get some nice screen time.  Didn't quite have the polish that New Voyages has worked up to, but this is new for them.  Interesting how slipping through the Guardian seemed to alter things even for those on the planet.  Looking forward to parts one and two.

P.S.  Bryan, the reason for the low quality especially when you blow up the image is this video is highly compressed so they can stream it using Flash.  I would suggest people do not blow the picture up to view it.


I agree with you Rico that New Voyages is actually more "polished". Kind of surprising since everyone involved in this project have been in the film industry for years. Even New Voyages sfx are better than this. I enjoyed the story for what it is and I'll watch the other two parts to see where they take it. The best part was seeing so many of the Trek stars interacting in one show.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I missed this, where can I see it now?

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Yes, it was fine in the smaller screen size.


Re. Charlie X-
Is this the same actor from The City On The Edge Of Forever?  Just wondering...

Quote from: Rico on December 22, 2007, 07:48:41 PM
Interesting how slipping through the Guardian seemed to alter things even for those on the planet.

Good catch; I missed that. 

If I remember correctly, in the original episode, after McCoy jumps through the portal, the away team notices that the Enterprise (and I guess, the Federation) no longer exist- due to the changes in the time line.  But they remain unaffected.

  I wonder if the difference in this new scenario is the result of an oversight on the part of the writers, or if it is intentional, and will be explained later?


There is another idea I thought of.  Since they don't show the people really on the Guardian planet much after Charlie goes in, we might just be seeing the alternate timeline people.  Like Uhura is on Vulcan and married now, etc.  Perhaps in parts 2 & 3 that will be explained more.  Because I'm guessing the people on the Guardian planet will have to go through the portal and fix what Charlie changed.

P.S.  It's not the same actor playing Charlie X (Evans) by the way.


It was interesting enough, good to see some of the Trek Actors from the past and pick out what roles they were playing. You can really tell the difference between professional and non professional actors, as the professional actors seem to come across much more natural.


I thought they were releasing a different type of episode with zombies and such.  Talk about the alternative universe wasn't in their preview.  Am I wrong?  Otherwise, a good episode, the video quality was poor but I expected it as it was being streamed.  Great acting and great script equals a very good show. 

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Zombies in Trek???  I have no idea where you got that from.


Did anyone else notice the throw away line about Sulu being on a mission in the Gama Quad?

That's one of the things that struck me as odd in the story.


Quote from: Rico on December 24, 2007, 06:50:59 AM
Zombies in Trek???  I have no idea where you got that from.
Ok, I rewatched the "preview" at the end of their last one "World Enough Time" and the preview is much different from the show that they are releasing so I'm a bit confused here...did they just scrap the entire story for a new one?  Or does Part 2 include what they showed...Somehow I doubt that.

Ok, no there were no zombies, but they certainly have something going on in that preview.

My :2cents:

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