Alternate ending to ST: Generations - video

Started by Rico, April 17, 2007, 05:35:10 AM

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Quote from: Darth Gaos on April 25, 2007, 01:58:45 PM
I dunno I liked the movie version well enough.   I'm with Darkmolerman here...that alternate fight scene was WAY too long.  I really had no problem with Kirk dying or the way he was a passing of the torch I guess.  I personally think a "Kirk's life montage" would have been horrible and VERY cliche.

Yeah that was WAY to long and no music just uhh err murrphh.

Also about George not doing the best fights. All I need to say is "Well he did a good Darth Maul fight"
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Quote from: Darkmolerman on April 29, 2007, 11:14:35 PM

Also about George not doing the best fights. All I need to say is "Well he did a good Darth Maul fight"

well that's debatable... I don't really want to get into that right now, but the Darth Maul scene could have been better...

Quote from: Movie Sean on April 27, 2007, 11:14:56 AM
I like how wide a berth Star Trek authors are given, they come up with some great stuff.

Exactly!!! Trip never died in the recent Enterprise Novels... I haven't actually read them but I did read an article about them in Trek Mag a while back... However, if I had to pick between senseless deaths, Trip would def top Kirk... (You know it's true guys... just think about it...)
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