Rico in Taiwan: May 8th - May 18th

Started by Rico, April 30, 2007, 07:49:13 AM

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Neat pics -- almost expect Shortround to pop out of one of those buildings "you call him Dr. Jones DOLL".    Yes, McD's is everywhere and yes, chicken is very popular in the asian countries.   Are prices about the same ?


Prices a bit lower than in the States - if I am doing my math/conversion right.  Fast food tastes better here too - made fresher.  But I do try and eat the local food when I can.


I'm back.  This trip is over!!  Glad to be home!


Welcome back Rico!!!! Glad to hear things went well in Taiwan but glad your're back.


Welcome back!  :laugh:  I'm glad your trip went well!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


Welcome home -- you playing WoW tonight ?   :boxing


Welcome back, glad to see you had a safe trip

Duffster is, The HugoNaut


Quote from: markinro on May 18, 2007, 12:36:10 PM
Welcome home -- you playing WoW tonight ?   :boxing

LOL!  I'm sleeping tonight.....zzzzzzzz

P.S.  Well, maybe just a quick log in after dinner....   ;)   Let's go for up 36 hours!


Only 36 hours ??  Dude ! Whaddya think I've been DOING ??   Half-way to 67 and my next set of armor.


Mark - you need to get out more - hehe.

Hey - if anyone wants to get a listen to the language in Taiwan.  Check out this video of a very popular girl group there called S.H.E. 


I like this one...




Okay.. now I've listen to about five of there song and I like them all... don't understand the words but you almost don't need to with the video. Here is a song they did in English



I had a CD of theirs in my hand when I was over there and didn't buy it.  Wish I had.  But thanks to the Internet you can get it shipped to the USA - for free.....



Wow... they have 10 albums out already.. got some catching up to do.