Weird dreams - my latest....

Started by Rico, June 18, 2007, 04:44:39 AM

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I've always (at times) had some very vivid and strange dreams.  Typically they make sense and relate to what is going on in my life at the time.  Here's the one I had just last night.  There was some type of local small SF convention.  They didn't seem to be very big so some fans (like me) brought some of their props and collectibles to display and show off.  I had several very nice Star Trek props on display but had to leave the con for a short time.  When I got back everyone was gone and so were all the displays.  There were a couple of semi trucks leaving and I hopped into the cab of one.  I asked the driver if they had picked up any Star Trek stuff at the con and he said yes.  So then I call my wife Lynn (who had been at the con too) and asked if she had picked up my items.  She wasn't sure so I asked the driver to pull over and we started looking through the boxes in the back of the truck.  We found a few things that looked like my stuff and to verify I pulled up my collection online.  Then I pretty much woke up.

Pretty detailed right?  There were a few other things going on, but that's the basics of the story.  It's easy to see where all this comes from.  When I was growing up I could even make myself dream certain things by thinking about them before I fell asleep.  I got pretty good at it for a time.  I think I have an overactive imagination sometimes.

Anyone else have strange, very vivid dreams out there? 


Ever have nested dreams ??   OMG -- those are nasty.   My heart is just racing when I wake up


Haven't had those very much.  You mean where one dream leads to another, etc.?  Only can remember that a couple of times for me.


You dream that you're dreaming only to wake up and find out -- you are still asleep.   For me, it happens a few times/year.


I know I must dream and I'm sure they are vivid but I tend to not remember my dreams. Once in a while I'll  remember but it quickly leaves the mind. As for nested dreams... I can't remember the last time I had one of those.


That nested dream stuff never seems to happen to me.  Only seems see it on TV or in a movie that way.  Oh, I had a very vivid dream the other night that I was Doctor Who!  It was pretty weird.  I was in the Tardis and everything.  I have been catching up and enjoying season three of the series.  Pretty easy to see where the idea for this dream came from. 


You have some weird dreams dude.
"I aim to misbehave."


You as Doctor Who ?   Really ?   Gee -- I can't imagine why...