Don't forget to tells us about yourself

Started by Rico, January 31, 2006, 07:59:05 AM

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Welcome to the forum, Dev.  Great RPG posts, by the way.   :thumbsup


Hi, I'm new to the forums. Actually, this is my first forum period. I'm a long time Trek fan, and I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Right now I'm watching the Enterprise marathon on Sci-Fi.  :archer
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Hello and welcome!

Sounds like you're well qualified to join us :) ;)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.



I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Hello, my name is Jaames. I'm a life long Science Fiction and Video Game fan. I grew up watching re-runs of Star Trek: TOS, the original Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, and V, and my love for the genre has only grown. I discovered the fabulous Anomaly Podcast about a month ago, and Jen and Angela have led me here to Treks in Sci-Fi. I am currently watching the 4th season of Enterprise as I did not have a DVR when it first aired and subsequently missed all of it. I honestly have to admit that I think the 3rd season was one of the better seasons of any Star Trek I've ever seen, and I have seen (and love) all of them (except Enterprise, until now). I loved the new BSG, but was not blown away by the finale (are we ever really blown away by finale's?) And I have been playing Oblivion for 90+ hours and still have not started the main quest. So there you have it! Me in a digital nutshell.


Welcome Jaames!  Great to have you around! 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Welcome Dataskatt and Jaames to our Geeky family... sounds like you guys will fit right in.

Jaames  :cheers another V fan.. I loved that series back in the 80's


Growing up, whenever I had a sick day from school, I would either watch all 3 Star Wars or V and V: The Final Battle. I didn't even know that V was actually a series on TV for a year after those miniseries aired until I bought the DVD's when my VHS tapes had worn out, that was a pleasant surprise 20 years after I'd fallen in love with it as a kid. :thumbsup


Welcome aboard Dataskatt and Jaames! :cheers




Welcome dataskatt and Jaames you'll have lots of fun here.


Wow, a constant line of new members!

Things are warming up round here :)

Hello all!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Jaames on March 26, 2009, 11:07:33 PM
Hello, my name is Jaames. I'm a life long Science Fiction and Video Game fan. I grew up watching re-runs of Star Trek: TOS, the original Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers, and V, and my love for the genre has only grown. I discovered the fabulous Anomaly Podcast about a month ago, and Jen and Angela have led me here to Treks in Sci-Fi. I am currently watching the 4th season of Enterprise as I did not have a DVR when it first aired and subsequently missed all of it. I honestly have to admit that I think the 3rd season was one of the better seasons of any Star Trek I've ever seen, and I have seen (and love) all of them (except Enterprise, until now). I loved the new BSG, but was not blown away by the finale (are we ever really blown away by finale's?) And I have been playing Oblivion for 90+ hours and still have not started the main quest. So there you have it! Me in a digital nutshell.

Hi Jaames! Glad you joined us! :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast