New Voyages: World Enough and Time

Started by Rico, July 13, 2007, 08:23:58 AM

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Some more info and pics for the next fan film by the New Voyages guys....

The next episode of Star Trek New Voyages "World Enough And Time" starring George Takei finally has a premiere date: August 23rd. It will be seen in a live streaming event timed to coincide with the gala premiere at a theater in Beverly Hills to be attended by Takei, director Marc Zicree as well as show creator/star James Cawley. This will be the first STNV episode that will use live streaming (the episode will be streamed again, but will not be available for download like previous episodes).

George Takei & Grace Lee Whitney in STNV "World Enough and Time"

James Cawley tells that he feels this episodes is their best work yet, saying "everything pales in comparison." Besides having George Takei reprise his role as Hikaru Sulu, the team really tried to get all elements of the production to professional grade. Although Cawley is proud of the previous episodes, he feels that this is the episode that could really break out from a typical amateur fanfilm and truly be able to stand along side the original series.

Mini Review
The STNV team have provided with a copy of the episode. I will be writing a full review but in brief I would say that I was impressed. To date I have not really been a fan of most fan films. "World Enough and Time" is not without its flaws, but it is the first Trek fan made production that I thought really could be considered ‘professional.’ Although their production design has always been of a high standard this one has made marked improvements in sound, lighting, special effects, direction and yes even in acting (mostly).

With Daren Dochterman on board for the next episode "Blood and Fire" which recently ended principal photography I look forward to seeing what they do next.

More information on the premiere of "World Enough and Time" at New Voyages site.



Oh, here's the trailer too:



Wow, they really nailed the bridge of the Excelsior and the uniforms look great. And see, even acknowledges what has always been my only issue with N.V., the acting. I look forward to seeing this.


I knew you would come around Bryan.  ;)


I honestly don't think the acting in New Voyages has been any worse than the acting in TOS. I have enjoyed the series from the start, although I have to say that each episode gets better. I just wish they could release them with a little more frequency.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Ktrek on July 13, 2007, 10:22:13 AM
I honestly don't think the acting in New Voyages has been any worse than the acting in TOS. I have enjoyed the series from the start, although I have to say that each episode gets better. I just wish they could release them with a little more frequency.


I totally respect your opinion, Kev :).

....but I completely disagree with that! ;).


The only thing I always say when this comes up (and I knew it would) is these people are not professional actors (except the occasional guest star).  And even with that said I have seen much worse acting from so called professionals in some TV and films.  So, I applaud their efforts and look forward to each new free episode they share with us.


Quote from: Rico on July 13, 2007, 11:12:45 AM
The only thing I always say when this comes up (and I knew it would) is these people are not professional actors (except the occasional guest star).  And even with that said I have seen much worse acting from so called professionals in some TV and films.  So, I applaud their efforts and look forward to each new free episode they share with us.

Fair enough, but TOS? I don't think the two are really comparable. The main characters acting was suberb and they had some incredible guest stars as well.


The more I think about it, I think my issue with N.V. is that they are imitating the TOS characters poorly as opposed to just being new characters with whome I have no association or preconceptions. Instead, the cast doesn't really look like the TOS cast, sound like the TOS cast, or act like the TOS cast and it keeps jarring me out of the story.


I always kind of see it as a somewhat alternate TOS.  Kind of like a new James Bond movie with a new actor in the same character we all know.


Does anyone know why they are only streaming this one?  Not downloading?

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I think it will also be available for download but not right away. I could be mistaken but I don't think I am.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


I have watched the first few of these like anything, it does seem to get better with each episode and has come along way since the beginning, I think that this group will eventually surprise us, besides, this is the only fan film that George Takei has liked enough to star in, This in itself says alot.


This is coming out TODAY!  August 23rd, 2007!  Streaming event later on.  Make sure to sign up for it at



Didn't you post a site once that will allow you to capture any streaming video? I'd like to do that. Especially if they are not going to make the episode available for download.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine