Trek News - TNG Remastered Like TOS

Started by News Bot, July 28, 2007, 05:23:13 PM

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Looks like some of the effects shots and models on TNG are being replaced with CGI contrary to what we've been told. I don't have a problem with this, looks like they are improving shots logically and not adding unecessary elements like CGI rocks ;)



This doesn't surprise me.  I was also wondering when I watched the copy I was given if it was CGI or not, the Enterprise looked too good for a model...Too crisp and such. 

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When did they say they weren't using any CGI?  I always thought they would have to use CGI.  Since CGI is nearly model-like these days I think it's fine - especially if it gets the effects up to HD quality.


Quote from: Rico on April 19, 2012, 04:20:56 AM
When did they say they weren't using any CGI?  I always thought they would have to use CGI.  Since CGI is nearly model-like these days I think it's fine - especially if it gets the effects up to HD quality.

The press release doesn't mention CGI at all so the don't say the wouldn't be using it I suppose. It talks about recompositing the original effect elements:

QuoteThe visual effects were all shot on film and will be painstakingly recompositioned, not upconverted from videotape.

I suppose I was under the impression no CGI would be used from that statement unlike with TOS. As I said, I've got no problem with it, especially with how well the CGI in TOS:R came out. :)


Be careful with press release info - on just about anything.  Things can easily change once they get into a project.  I don't think they really understood the undertaking until people were starting to really work on it.


This article also mentions the same CGI shots as unexpected but mostly welcomed. Looks like I wasn't imagining it. :)


Some more cool Blu-Ray captures from the upcoming season one of TNG at the link below:


Info on the season one Blu-Ray set.

Apr 30, 2012: TREKCORE EXCLUSIVE! Season 1 Bonus Features Revealed
TrekCore has confirmed with CBS the complete listing for the bonus features which will be included in this July's release of Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1 on Blu-Ray. The full disc-by-disc breakdown is shown below:

Disc One:
• Encounter at Farpoint
• The Naked Now
• Code of Honor
Special Features
• Episodic Promos
• Energized! Taking The Next Generation to the Next Level (HD)
• Star Trek: The Next Generation Archives: The Launch
- Introduction to the Series (1987)
- Promo #1
- Promo #2
- Promo #3
- Season One Promo

Disc Two:
• The Last Outpost
• Where No One Has Gone Before
• Lonely Among Us
• Justice
• The Battle
Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Three:
• Hide and Q
• Haven
• The Big Goodbye
• Datalore
• Angel One
Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Four:
• 11001001
• Too Short a Season
• When the Bough Breaks
• Home Soil
• Coming of Age
Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Five:
• Heart of Glory
• The Arsenal of Freedom
• Symbiosis
• Skin of Evil
• We'll Always Have Paris
Special Features
• Episodic Promos

Disc Six:
• Conspiracy
• The Neutral Zone
Special Features
• Episodic Promos
• Stardate Revisited: The Origin of Star Trek: The Next Generation (HD)
- Part 1: Inception
- Part 2: Launch
- Part 3: The Continuing Mission
• Gag Reel
• Archival Mission Logs
- The Beginning
- Selected Crew Analysis
- The Making of a Legend
- Memorable Missions


I am getting this, I just wish I knew that they were FOR SURE doing the rest of the series. The first season isn't exactly stellar...but it is cool to see the show look as good as it can.
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I am not completely committed to upgrading. I would like to have the better quality but I just am not sure I'm willing to plunk down another $700 for a show I already own twice now (VHS and and DVD). I've got a few months to think about it. I haven't even watched completely through my TOS blu-rays. Hmmmmm....

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


It won't be $700.  I won't even pay $100 per season for this.  More like in the $50-70ish range to start, with discounts coming very soon after I'm sure.  But I know how you feel.  I felt the same a bit with TOS that I bought in multiple formats.  Just the way things seem to go with media.


I just made my dad get rid of his BetaMax tapes so don't feel bad!


I don't like being a negative nancy, but the special features on this seem pretty pathetic.  They were awesome with the DVD sets, especially how they offered bonus disks with more special features in each season set for early purchasers.  They would have to do alot more for me to buy these episodes again, especially since I'm paying a monthly fee to Netflix which allows me to stream every episode of every series on demand.  I'd like episode commentaries with the Okudas, Roddenberry's son, the actors, writers...come on now, there's plenty of people that would have probably jumped at the chance to make a little money for doing that.  Widescreen HD and some upgraded effects are pretty nice but I want more than just that.
"I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal."  -Groucho Marx


I am hoping they post them on Amazon Unbox...that would suit the miser in me..  :)


I may wait a few months for the intial price to go down, but boy what a great packed box. It's £51 here from our UK store.