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Started by Jen, August 29, 2007, 04:33:28 AM

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Quote from: Shelby Daelen on September 04, 2009, 07:50:45 AM
Hasn't been said in a while so I will say it - Everyone writing in the RPG is a star. We are really working hard towards the same goal - having a great storyline. There is a lot of talent out here. :D



HOORAH!!! love the RPG, isee Ricks RPG writer song coming back :)


Hey  great post Jen and Eric, really enjoyed that especially Rylas thoughts and poor K'Tan, beaten by Tass and now a small boy. What has happened to D'Callans drinking buddy.


Ouch! Liked the whole role role reversal thing with K'Tan. Almost laughed at the brutal repair job by Ryla!

Yay, the bat-thing is back!

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.



Thanks guys, it was fun writing with Wraith. Can't wait till he comes back online. :) It's quiet around here without him.

I liked writing the voices of Ryla's previous hosts as "the voices in her head"... lots of stuff to play with there. Trills are fun. Quirky Trills are even funner. :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Awesome big post Jen, Chris and Mike. Love the description and i even felt hungry reading all about the food being cooked. Also great post from Shelby. Really enjoying th relationship between the two characters. :-)


Thanks, although I seemed to lose contact with that file for a few days so I missed its posting :(

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Great post Eric, my mouthed dropped when k'tan said Ryla instead of tara. Brilliant.


LOL, I just read your post Eric. Ouch. I guess Ryla's hopes to befriend Tara, just blew out the bay doors with that slip. :D  

BTW, great descriptions...I was able to picture that scene perfectly.

Great work everyone. The season is wrapping up nicely! Keep it up.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I loved the 'Ryla' slip. Classic!

Nice D'Callan interjection into our turbo lift conversation too. Slipping that little scene between the two halves of our post set it off nicely.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Thanks Mike, great post by you and Crystal there, really nice flow and i couldn't help but throw the old chief of security into the centre having a strop lol. Great stuff everyone.


Great Post Allen and Crystal. Burst out laughing with some of those slip ups. I'm sure he'll get a breast of the situation ha ha. Great fun.


It's always fun to write with someone else but I do it far too infrequently. It was nice to have the chance :)

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Hey guys and ladies, great jobs on the recent posts!

Just a little reminder: Once the ship docked with the station, the romulans we rescued were all transfered to the station. I don't think that there are any left on the Arabella at this point unless it's by the captain's invitation or something like that.


Good job everyone. FYI, I'm hoping to wrap up this season ASAP. If you have something to finish, character wise, please let me know...I would like to end on Weds or Thurs at the latest, but will make accommodations for individual story lines. I plan to end the season with a murder cliff hanger at the gala...don't move us from that scene. Thanks.

BTW, since the ship is now at the base, there's no reason Nalah has to remain aboard Arabella. To fit in with what you have going on right now, I would suggest there is some sort of red tape the Arabella's security department  is working to get through, to transfer Nalah aboard the Romulan station. Maybe the station is doing a background check.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast