Lord of the Rings Online

Started by Blackride, August 29, 2007, 07:13:58 AM

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I am suprised, there are definetly more people playing on the server I am then there used to be. It's kinda nice. It's got some community but not to loaded where there are people camping everywhere.

BTW the DX10 on this game is decent also.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


When it goes free to play I will be coming back to try again.

As I stated in a different post I beta tested this thing hardcore so it burned me out a bit.

If a TSF guild starts up I would be most interested.


Got an email today and it says FREE play is now open and available.  Might give it a go this weekend.


Quote from: Rico on September 10, 2010, 05:11:42 PM
Got an email today and it says FREE play is now open and available.  Might give it a go this weekend.

Let me know what you think. Going to be interesting to see what happens to the population now.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Tried a little yesterday and the game seems ok and like many MMO's.  I did get some odd, occasional freezing of the game a few times.  It's like nothing would respond and then it went away after maybe a minute.  Kind of weird.  Anyone else get this while playing ever?


The EU free to play version has been delayed, however my 14 day trial from a month ago is still active... weird

Got to level 20 with the trial, quite a good game, a little different to WoW, yet the same. Will get back into it again when the EU free-to-play goes live

Rico, no freezing on this end, although random disconnecting or limbo-state gets quite annoying


Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Quote from: Lanari on September 12, 2010, 03:46:50 PM
The EU free to play version has been delayed, however my 14 day trial from a month ago is still active... weird

Got to level 20 with the trial, quite a good game, a little different to WoW, yet the same. Will get back into it again when the EU free-to-play goes live

Rico, no freezing on this end, although random disconnecting or limbo-state gets quite annoying

What limbo state do you mean?  I talked to my friend who plays and he said the game will pause when loading new areas.  And I mean in areas where you don't get the usual zoning in screen.  I'm playing in DX10 mode, high graphics, etc.  I personally think the server I picked is getting slammed with new players due to the free play.  I'm going to give it a few days and then try again.


I've been wanting to download and try this for years now.. and after listening to Rick and Andrew on your latest podcast I did just that.. but man it's a large file over 7 gigs.. and for my horrible internet it would take 41 hours to download.. kind of worried me that my internet would be too slow for play so I stopped the download to investigate more.


Is your connection that slow all the time Kenny?  What type of service do you use?


Quote from: Rico on September 12, 2010, 05:59:15 PM
Is your connection that slow all the time Kenny?  What type of service do you use?

Here's a recent blog post about my Internet Woes!!!

One thing that has always bothered me about living in the boonies is having limited access to the internet. We currently use the only internet company out here CanyonWave because the relay dish and power source is on our property and because it uses our electricity (which we pay) they give us internet for free. Problem is the internet is a few steps above dial up. We can surf pretty good but trying to watch video like you tube you need to start the video then pause it and wait 10 minutes for it to fully load before you watch. And if the video is streaming, it has to buffer very few minutes which make it very difficult to watch anything.

We recently got a Wii and netflix as I was hoping to be about to stream movie and tv shows from netflix thur our Wii.. well that's not gonna happen as we can start to watch a movie but then 5 minutes into it you get the "retrieving" message and everything pauses for 15 minutes and then you get 5 minutes of video until you get the retrieving message again. So we can't take advantage of that option on our Wii or Blu-Ray player.

Both Harry and I work alot online and need fast internet. We tried to find a DSL provider since we do have a phone line but so far I haven't found a provider who reaches us, which I don't understand as I thought they ran the internet through the phone lines. Our other option was a Satellite which we tried for about four months but with the download/upload restrictions and fluctuating speeds it wasn't worth the $120 a month we were paying. In the end we cancelled the service and was out about $2000 dollars in fees, equipment and charges. It was a costly mistake but we were desperate to have better internet.

So we are stuck with our CaynonWave for now.. I'm always on the search for good reliable internet service. If anyone knows of anything that is fast and reliable please let me know.


Ahh, that explains things.  DSL requires things called nodes every so often so if you are too far away from the closest node it won't work.  Satellite as you found isn't a good option really.  Any 3G in your area?  Of course, that's pretty darn slow too.  I guess the price you pay for living in the outskirts.  Hopefully sometime soon a better alternative will come around.


Limbo state is a term used in WoW when you could walk around the world but not interact with anything. In essence the game is there but you were technically disconnected

In lord of the rings online, a similar thing would happen, except you could see other people. This happened 2-3 times a day and I wouldn't be able to move or cast anything, I could see others do stuff until eventually I would get DC'd.


Right, server issues are a fact of life in MMO's. I also wonder if this is related to the fact that LOTRO went free to play. They must be under a lot more server load then they had been previously.

Issues I've heard of with the game is that you can't solo much. Not sure if that's still the case.


Quote from: Lanari on September 13, 2010, 06:08:12 AM
Limbo state is a term used in WoW when you could walk around the world but not interact with anything. In essence the game is there but you were technically disconnected

In lord of the rings online, a similar thing would happen, except you could see other people. This happened 2-3 times a day and I wouldn't be able to move or cast anything, I could see others do stuff until eventually I would get DC'd.

That is EXACTLY what was happening in LOTR, except I couldn't really move.  This NEVER has happened to me in WOW.  Again, I think it's the added load of new players.  I'll see if it continues, but if it does I won't be trying this game much longer.