Star Trek: Season 4 - Family Matters

Started by Jen, September 28, 2007, 07:11:55 AM

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As the Tiberius knifed through the inky blackness of space, the only things separating its crew from the cold, harsh vacuum were the duranium shell of its hull and the invisible, pulsating energy of its warp field.  Within the circular command bridge of the ship, a group of humans and humanoids toiled at their various work stations, each playing his or her role in the operation of this mechanized Avatar of the Federation.

At the tactical station, K'Tan heard his monitor give a soft, warbled beep followed by the familiar feminine voice of the ship's computer- "Diagnostic cycle complete.  All software routines are operating within normal parameters."

Satisfied that his settings were sound, K'Tan forced down his musings on the Tiberius' current mission and focused on his job.  As the tactical officer on duty, his job entailed not only keeping the ships offensive and defensive systems in optimal condition, but also encompassed maintaining short and long range sensor sweeps.  While the ship sped through space at warp speed, these scans served to alert the crew to the approach of any spaceborn objects too dense to be swept aside by the craft's deflector shield, as well as keeping them appraised of the approach of any hostile vessels. 

Still curious about the capabilities of the Tiberius, K'Tan boosted the signal strength to its maximum.  The sensor return revealed scattered traces of harmless stellar dust and ice crystals stretching off to a point two lightyears ahead of the ship, after which the readings dropped off. 

Let's see if we can extend sensor range, K'Tan thought to himself. 

Fingers dancing nimbly across the tactical interface, K'Tan pulled up screen after screen of power distribution schematics.  As his eyes settled on the bio-science department's power usage, an idea began to take root.  K'Tan keyed in a text query- Exactly how many of the ship's science labs were currently being used?  His lip turned up in a grin at the computer's response:  Of the more than 2 dozen science labs currently being fed power by the ship's reactors, only 5 were currently being used by the science team. 

What a waste, he thought to himself.  K'Tan keyed in a set of commands routing power from the idle science labs to the ship's active sensor array.  After a minuscule pause, he saw that the range of the sensors had been tripled.  Instead of two lightyears, he could now scan an area stretching up to six lightyears ahead of the Tiberius.  Sliding his finger along an icon on the interface, K'Tan extended the area currently being scanned to its new limit.  As the sensor range increased, the innocuous ice-crystals and bits of stellar dust being detected were suddenly overshadowed by a glaringly incongruous blip on the tactical monitor.  At this extreme range, it was hard to be certain, but it appeared that there was a mid-sized flotilla of ships approaching on an intercept course with the Tiberius.  Heartbeat quickening in anticipation, K'Tan turned to the officer currently in charge of the bridge.

"Lieutenant Tucker, sensors seem to be picking up the warp signatures of several ships on a direct intercept course with us..."


Ensign Isaac Starstriker looked up from his board.  For some reason he had thought he had heard Quinns voice.  'Maybe in my head'...he heard the new tactical person say "Lieutenant Tucker, sensors seem to be picking up the warp signatures of several ships on a direct intercept course with us..."  Startled by this, he looked down at the sensor portion of his board and sure enough he could see warp signatures.  "Maybe its the convoy of Starfleet ships to the Romulan Neutral Zone?" asked Isaac.  "Or a fleet of Romulan Ships invading our space" rebutted Enoch while smiling at Isaac in the helms position.  Isaac smiled and looked at Lieutenant Tucker.  Tucker asked "Can we get a fix on the ships?"   

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Sevryll entered the bridge with her mother. "Can we get a fix on the ships?" barked Lieutenant Tucker as he looked back at the new tactical officer. The tall Vulcan Commander left Sareth standing near the turbolift and approached lieutenant K'Tan's station, to review his data.

Unfortunately, the rigged sensors could not determine the precise stellar coordinates,  but K'Tan could easily read the baring, "bearing three-two-zero mark one-five," meaning the contingent of ships was approaching the Tiberius's port side, slightly forward and slightly below—they were coming from the neutral zone. As K'Tan zoomed out, Sevryll noticed how he was able to detect the distant ships. He had rerouted power from her science stations. She arced an eyebrow and slowly turned her gaze from K'Tan to Tucker. "We are expecting them, lieutenant. It is the Titan." She turned back to K'Tan and nodded in approval of his ingenuity, then escorted her mother into the readyroom where Admiral Talbot and Captain Quinn waited.

Back on the Aurora
Joint post by  Just X and Jen

"When their grandfather finally returns home, he will do so with a close family friend who ends up making a connection with Sevryll and her children."

Aeric drew a breath before continuing, "unfortunately, if you weren't born with my unique ability, the only permanent way to protect an individual from a temporal incursion is the nanite system that I designed. The core purpose of the system is to protect the host from temporal incursion, but each system must be customized to each host and that takes more time than we have now." Aeric said. " If you have any doubts, I am prepared to share thoughts with you, but I will warn you in advance that the human mind isn't designed for easily processing the volume of information I would have to share."

It was an enticing offer and David pondered Aeric's suggestion for a moment in silence. Sevryll detested lies and even though Aeric's proposition allowed David to keep his pledge to her and leave Section 31, it meant he would be forcing her to live the rest of her life dishonestly. If he left the agency on his own terms, there was some hope that he could continue life as the father of her children, rather than some nobody who managed to successfully woo her. No... there was still a lot he needed to know before he could seriously entertain Aeric's scheme.

"That won't work lieutenant. At least I'm working towards leaving the agency with my name in tact. If we do it your way, I have to continue perpetuating a lie. I can't ask her to maintain the deception, it's too much to ask. As it is, keeping my presence on the ship a secret could mean her court-martial."

Aeric nodded. "That's honorable, but we still have a situation. We are coming upon a point in the timeline that may become important to the future. With the new temporal shields, the crew is somewhat protected, but those not on the ship won't be protected."

"My job is to help correct the timeline, but I am not going to risk my friends if there is a means to protect them.  Key events are a possible target of a temporal attack, and without everyone on that away mission protected, we're at a loss. Can I trust you? Will you help me?"

The Romulaan pressed and twisted the Tritanium knuckles into his opposite hand. Though the Section 31 Operative was aware of the existence of alternate timelines, he wasn't sure he believed everything Aeric had told him. Just because the creative details of their alternate lives appeared on a PADD, didn't mean it was gospel; of all he people David should know that. There was no time to do his due diligence, yet he couldn't just take the guy at face value; he'd be one lousy spy if he did. To top it all off, his analytical wife would never agree to the nanite injections, and frankly he didn't blame her. To put it lightly, Borg technology was taboo.

"We'll take our chances Lieutenant. We're not going to inject ourselves or our children with that second-hand borg junk. You can keep it. You want my help? Show me something a little more concrete than some doctored images and imaginative backstories. I want irrefutable, tangible evidence."

Aeric listened to David as he requested proof and thought of only one thing that could convince him and him alone. He was only slightly offended that his technology was being referred to as "second hand Borg junk". As much as he hated the Borg, they were right in adapting their existence to new technology and adjusting to it. Aeric had only begun to fight fire with fire and his system was the first step. "Computer, unlock storage locker containing temporal artifact 37-B. Authorization James fourteen-thirty-alpha-zero."

On Aeric's command, one of the small storage lockers opened to reveal a small jewelry box. Aeric retrieved the box and moved to hand it to David. "This was recovered in another timeline. If you want I can share the memory of that event with you, but her rejection was far from the most pleasant moment in your life. Feel free to quantum scan it or do whatever you need to clear your doubts. After you are done, we can discuss how to protect the team on the away mission and how to give the commander back her family."

Inside the box was a custom made engagement ring that David had given Sevryll, in one of the alternate timelines. When she had refused the proposal he insisted that she keep it. Her Vulcan logic prevented her from seeing any reason for keeping the golden band and had every intention of discarding it. Aeric asked to hold it for her, "you may want it back one day."  Yet he had another reason for taking the object. Because of the ring's small size it could be protected far easier from temporal flux and it would confirm his account of the timeshifts to Starfleet Command. Aeric could only hope that this David had some contact with a similar ring.

The operative opened the box and lifted the small ring to examine it. The 18k white gold band was carved and texturally enhanced with milgrain edging. He rolled it in his hand to count the round full cut diamonds that accented the engagement ring's band. There were twenty four in all, the number of months he had known her.

The day David "acquired" the ring, a pickpocket made the mistake of lifting it from his coat. Apparently the operative's elderly disguise was quite convincing, because the pick perceived him as an easy mark. David knew it was the "sandwich" technique the second it occurred; an individual stall-stopped in front of him suddenly, and the pick bumped David from behind, lifting the ring from his pocket. Before he could stop the man, David's colleague, Gaius, incinerated him with a phaser. David couldn't afford to have a second ring made to the same specifications, so he had another created that would appeal to Sevryll's practical Vulcan sensibilities.

"I don't have the proper equipment to verify your claim. I'll have to scan this back on Tiberius."

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Tain sat in the main security briefing room and awaited Lt. Manrique's arrival. As usual Tain was early, something he took pride in. The doors opened and Manrique walked in. He saw Tain sitting there and smiled at him.

"Well Tain, you may have some faults, but punctuality is definitely not one of them."

Manrique took a seat at the table.

"So what do you have for me today?"

Tain looked down at his datapad.

"I guess the biggest event was looking over the security discrepancy in Dr Lucas's quarters. The Dr. was a bit ... well .. upset  with our investigation. I took Ensign Rieman and Brinst with me and had them start looking into things. When I got down there the good Dr. was lighting into them right well. Poor guys looked like they were confronting a Centarian Remorz!!"

Tain chuckled as he remembered the looks on the ensigns paces.

"I showed up and he started up on me."

Tain glanced over at Manrique.

"There is a possibility that you might hear more about this sir. I did have to 'persuade' the good Dr. to let us get about our business."

Manrique suppressed a smile. He had already heard from Ensign Rieman about Tains persuasion. Rieman said that while Dr. Lucas was yelling at Lt. Tain, the Lt. just stood there silently. When Lucas finished Lt. Tain quietly bent down, picked the Dr. up, and deposited him out of the way of then Lt. Tain then laid his hand on Dr. Lucas's shoulder and quietly told the Dr. that he thought it would be a healthy thing, if the Dr. would let security do it's job. Ensign Rieman said that after Dr. Lucas had recovered his color, he remained quiet as the job was completed.

Tain continued with his report.

"Ensigns Rieman and Brinst were very thorough with their investigation. We definitely found what looks like an unauthorized breach of Dr. Lucas's quarters. You know , it's amazing how much the Dr. perked up after we let him know that fact, he almost became friendly!"

Tain passed over the datapad to Manrique.

"That's about the only thing of consequence this morning sir. Well, except for the ongoing tweaks to the training simulation Col. Kheve and I have been making. With your input later today, I think we will be ready."

Tain smiled.

"In fact, I think this may call for a bit of a celebration. Shall we set something up for all three of us in Five Forward for this evening?"
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


In the privacy of the Captain's ready room, Sareth was carefully informed about the message to Talbot and the apparent disappearance of her husband; she handled the news of her with great poise. Her dreams had told her all that she needed to know, and the information given during the debriefing came as no great surprise.

Refusing Sevryll's escort, Sareth bowed out of the meeting early in order to meditate. After the professor left, three officers continued their meeting. For the sake of appearance, the awayteam  would comprised of mostly Vulcan and Romulan officers. It was decided that  Aria possessed medical knowledge of any capable Star Fleet physician, and that the Vulcan head nurse, Lieutenant  Relas, could remain aboard Tiberius. The team would be composed of Admiral Talbot and his Marine escorts as well as Commander Sevryll and Aria James. Lieutenant Colonel Mowembe would be the only individual to undergo cosmetic surgery.

Their rendezvous with the Titan was still two hours away and in the time that remained, Sevryll would have the team implanted with the Bajoran tracking devices and she and Aria would begin their hand-to-hand combat training in the holodeck with Khev and Tain.

At the conclusion of the meeting with Talbot and Quinn, Sevryll exited the readyroom and strode toward the turbolift. When the doors closed behind her, she contacted the Colonel and then Aria, "we are to report to holodeck two immediately for hand-to-hand combat drills with the members of the awayteam."

Sevryll  headed back to her quarters to change into more appropriate attire. She donned the simple garb of a Suss Mahn student and centered herself through meditation, before making her way to the holodeck. The holodeck doors opened before her and she bowed upon entering, as was customary when entering a Suss Mahn training sanctuary. Within the empty holodeck, Colonel Khev and Lieutenant Tain returned the gesture of respect, to their first student to arrive.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Joint post by Jen and X: Note this takes meeting ends shortly before the new round of combat training beings.

"Do what you need to do. I can wait until you have confirmed your findings," Aeric said. "I also want you to remember that this is only a loan until you can get it tested."

Aeric didn't need to wait to see the man's reaction. He needed to complete his own work. He moved to a work station that contained several pieces of unfinished technology. "I have access to some technology that should offer some protection from and the detection of temporal events. Aria and I have been working with the DTI to develop personal temporal shields and detection systems, but they are still in the prototype phase. When you get back, we'll see if we can put together some field equipment for the away team. Computer, disengage privacy mode."

Aeric didn't exactly dismiss the colonel, but until David had a chance to study the artifact, further conversation was useless. He would have to contact the engineering department to see if they made any progress in adding compatable technology to the new uniform accessories and designs. If he could perfect the temporal shielding then it would remove the need for others to be subjected to the nanite program. "If you need anything, just let me know. Like it or not, we have family in common and we should not see each other as enemies when we could be assets."


    "Captain, I'd like to discuss a few more items with you.  Nothing crucial to the mission Commander."  Admiral Talbot said to Commander Sevryll.  The tall Vulcan woman gave a slight nod to her Captain and exited the ready room.

    "What's on your mind, Admiral?"  Captain Quinn said, standing up from his desk.  Quinn noticed the Admiral looked a bit tired or distracted, he couldn't quite tell which.

    "Captain, before the proverbial stuff hits the fan I just wanted to thank you for undertaking this mission and the way in which your crew has helped.  I know you're taking a risk here and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate it."  Talbot said as he smiled slightly at Quinn.  The Admiral liked the way Quinn had handled the mission so far.  He wish he had the chance to get to know Quinn more before this whole affair had started.  They seemed to have a similar command style he had discovered.

    "Not a problem, sir.  It is my First Officer's father we are going after.  Not to mention the legendary Ambassador Spock.  How could I refuse?"  Quinn said, trying to lighten the mood somewhat.

    "Yes, Spock.  I've only met him a few times over the years but he has one of the most logical minds I have ever encountered.  Plays quite the game of chess, too.  If anyone can make this unification thing happen it's him and my old friend Krell.  I just hope were not too late."  Talbot said, pacing a bit in the somewhat small room.

    "I'm certain we still have time, Admiral.  Sevryll or Sareth would know if anything severe had happened to Krell.  But if there isn't anything else Admiral I've got to get to the bridge.  We are nearing the neutral zone."  Quinn said as he moved towards the ready room door.

    "One last thing Captain.  I've recorded a message on this isolinear chip.  I'd appreciate that it get to my wife Lydia if anything were to happen to me on the mission ahead.  Of course, I'll certainly do my best to avoid that as will my aides I'm sure.  But one never knows.  I've actually found it to be good luck over the years to be prepared for such things.  It seems to stack the odds in your favor.  And I have a feeling we may need some extra luck on what's ahead."  Talbot said, handing the chip to Quinn.

    "I'll keep this sir, but I plan on giving it back to you when this is all over.  Now, if you'll excuse me Admiral."  Quinn said as placed the chip on his desk.

    "Of course, Captain.  Luck to all of us!"  Talbot said as he exited the ready room.


Quinn began to follow the Admiral out of his office when he badge chirped.

"Quinn here" he said as he pressed his badge. Lt. Tucker's voice could be heard. "Sir you have a transmission coming in. It's Captain Riker."  A smile came across Nathan's face "I'll take it in my room, thank you Lt."

Quinn walked back to his desk and sat down. A man's broad smile greeted Quinn and his monitor came to life. "Nathan" the man said in his deep voice. "How are you doing?" Quinn returned the smile "I'm going great Will, how are you and Deanna doing?" "Fine.. fine.. " he said "I was surprised to hear that you would be joining us on this mission." Quinn laughed, "well to tell you the truth so was I"  Riker gave him a quizzical look but said nothing "We should be meeting up with you guys in 20 minutes.  I'll beam over once we rendezvous." Quinn nodded " I look forward to seeing you face to face... give Deanna my love" Riker chuckled "Will do... Riker out."

Quinn stood straighten his tunic and exited his ready room. As he entered the bridge and walked over to the Captain's chair, Lt. Tucker stood, nodded and walked over to station 3. Quinn sat down and gazed out at the streaks of light passing by.


From his station at tactical, K'Tan watched the Captain take his place in the center seat.  Captain Quinn slowly stroked his chin as he gazed pensively at the stars streaking by on the sensor screen.  The man looked as though a heavy burden was resting on his shoulders, but he seemed to carry the weight with practiced ease.  Gathering his courage, K'Tan stepped from behind his station and strode towards the captain's chair.

"Excuse me, Sir," he said, after clearing his throat.  "I couldn't help but hear mention of an upcoming away mission.  I have extensive experience in security, and I am proficient in the use of a number of conventional and unconventional weapons. I am also well trained in unarmed combat.  I'm not sure what the particulars of this mission are, but I feel that my experience would be an asset.  I would like to request that I be included on the mission."

Quinn regarded the Lieutenant's scarred visage with a bemused expression.  After a brief pause, the hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"Indeed."  Captain Quinn stood from his chair, and gave a slight nod towards the door of his ready room.  "Come with me, Lieutenant, and we can discuss this further.  Mr. Tucker; you have the Conn." 


Lt. colonel Arcturus Mowembe entered the holodeck shortly after Sevryll. Right away she could see that the marine was unwell, for his eyes betrayed the pain that the rest of him had masterfully disguised. "Are you ill colonel?" asked the Vulcan after greetings had been exchanged. "I'm as healthy as a lion, Commander," he said in a thick Tanzanian accent. They all had been to sickbay for their Bajoran tracking injections, and Sevryll knew that Doctor Peterson would have detected any obvious illnesses at that time. Still, it was clear to her that the marine was hiding something. Arcturus forced a smile in a futile attempt to convince her otherwise, and she slowly turned her gaze from him to the doors as Aria entered.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Joint post by wraith1701 and StarTrekFanatic5

As K'Tan followed the captain into the ready room,the doors whispered closed behind him. The captain sat behind his desk, and fixed K'Tan with a steely, piercing stare.  K'Tan couldn't shake the irrational feeling that Quinn was looking beyond the confident, brusque facade that he habitually wore like an emotional suit of armor, and was assessing what lay beneath.  He found himself hoping that he wouldn't be found wanting.

A fine sheen of sweat broke out on K'Tan's brow as the two locked eyes for what seemed to be an eternity.  Finally, the captain gave an almost imperceptible nod, as though satisfied with what he saw, and mercifully broke the silence.   "What I am about to tell you is strictly classified.  I trust that I can count on your discretion."

Quinn steepled his fingers on the desk before him, and continued.  "We are actually on two missions; an official mission that is fully sanctioned and backed by starfleet, and a mission that, for lack of a better description, does not officially exist."

Warning bells began ringing in K'Tan's head as the gravity of what the captain was telling him set in.

"Our official mission is to take part in the ongoing reunification proceedings between Vulcan and Romulus."

At the mention of the word "Romulus", K'Tan felt a brief flare of anger ignite in his chest, a flame which he quickly tried to stamp out.  Curiously, Quinn's left eyebrow seemed to raise slightly as K'Tan worked at reigning in his negative feelings.  If he didn't know better, he would almost swear that the captain was acutely aware of the anger smoldering within him.  K'Tan's suspicion was furthered by the Captains next words:

"I get the impression that you are not very fond of Romulans, Mr. K'Tan."

Before the lieutenant could reply, the captain gave a slight shake of his head, and let out a sigh.

"Let me be frank with you, Lieutenant.  As a result of my betazoid heratige, I have inherited quite a considerable amount of telepathic talent.  As a matter of common courtesy, I try to avoid looking into the thoughts of my crew unless the situation absolutely demands it.  Sometimes, however, picking up on especially strong emotions is unavoidable.  It's not unlike trying to tune out a heated argument taking place right next to you.  You might not want to hear what is being said, but if the shouting gets loud enough, it can be quite impossible to ignore.  Right now, your internal argument is very loud indeed."

K'Tan couldn't prevent his jaw from dropping in astonishment as the captain continued.

"Your personal feelings, and whether or not they will affect the carrying out of your duty, are very real concerns of mine.  Especially considering the fact that our second, unsanctioned mission will involve going to the heart of the Romulan Empire, to Romulus itself, to extract a man we believe is being held prisoner there."

K'Tan tentatively stepped towards the desk, and prepared to plead his case.  He recognized that the only thing that would do when speaking to a man who could see through any attempts at being disingenuous was to simply tell the complete truth.

"You are correct, sir; I do have personal issues when it comes to Romulans.  Having grown up within the Klingon Empire, I couldn't help but absorb some of the prejudices and attitudes of my adoptive people.   There is also the fact that my biological parents were both slaughtered by Romulans."

Despite his best efforts, K'Tan could feel his face heating up with barely controlled fury as he thought of his parents being struck down in cold blood.  After taking a deep breath to calm himself, K'Tan continued.

"I am aware, however, of the irrationality of making sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people.  While at the academy, I had the opportunity to work and learn with beings from all over the Federation.  I've seen that nearly all sentients share the same strengths and shortcomings, and that no one race holds a monopoly on evil deeds.  It has been difficult, but I have been working on reconciling what I know to be logically true with what my heart tells me."

The captain made no reply, but continued to regard K'Tan silently.

K'Tan nervously continued.  "I swear to you sir; I won't let my personal feelings affect my performance."

Quinn took a moment to type a series of commands into his PADD, then turned back to K'Tan.

"I'm inclined to believe you, Lieutenant, but I think I'd like a second opinion.  I've just alerted our Chief Counselor, Mr. Margon, to expect a call from you.  You are to schedule a session with him as soon as possible.  If he shares your belief that you can eventually overcome your prejudice, and that you won't be a liability on this mission, then I will consider making you a part of our away team.  Dismissed."


Joint post from moyer777 and wraith 1701

After finishing his shift on the bridge, K'Tan sat at a table in the Five forward lounge.  He pushed the plate containing the remains of his dinner aside, and took a long sip of his raktajino.  His appointment with Counselor Margon was set to start shortly, and try as he might, he couldn't shake a nagging feeling of nervous anticipation.  For the most part, he felt sure that he would be found fit for duty by the ship's councelor, but the insistent voice of doubt was steadily gnawing away at his confidence.  What if the counselor determined that he was in fact not fit to join the away team?  What if he was found unfit to serve on the ship in any capacity?  K'Tan could not imagine how he would recover from such a setback.     

After a final sip of his raktajino, K'Tan exited the lounge and headed towards Commander Margon's office.  As he strode down the gray carpeted corridor, his communicator badge beeped.  It was the Counselor.

"Lieutenant, meet me on holodeck 2."

"The Holodeck Counselor?  What for?"  K'tan mused.

"You'll see, just get yourself down here we have some work to do"

K'tan made his way to the turbolift and found his way to Holodeck 2.  The counselor was standing by the door with a warm smile on his face.

"Greetings Lt.  I trust you are ready to get to work?" Margon said.

"Of course, Counselor.  But why are we at the holodeck?" K'tan asked.

"Well, after reading your file and consulting with the captain I think the only thing we can do is get your heart into your head"  The counselor smiled and continued "Computer, run Margon Romulan simulation 1.4"

The holodeck doors made their familiar sound and opened into a dark cavernous setting.  The counselor and K'tan stepped in and the arch dissapeard behind them.

Margon looked at K'tan and said "Lt. I want you to do whatever your first impulse is, no matter what is presented to you."

Before the counselor finished speaking, the sounds of Romulan disruptors echoed not far from them.  Several people came running past them.  They were dirty looking, their uniforms were torn and looked as though they were being chased.  One of the young men grabbed K'tan... "Run!  Run!  They are right behind us!".... he practically pulled K'tan over and left a bloody hand print smeared across K'tan's shoulder.

K'tan stared at Margon... "This isn't exactly what I had in mind counselor!"  Before he could think a laser blast hit the rock wall next to him.  He looked over to see a uniformed Romulan raider pointing his disruptor at him. Another blast and Margon was on the floor of the cavern doubled over.  They had shot him!  Before K'tan could even think he reached for his non existing weapon. It was happening again. He felt helpless, like a little kid. They were at Aviskie again. His adrenaline kicked in.   Upon realizing the weapon wasn't on his side he ducked quickly and charged the Romulan officer.  After all, this time he wasn't a three year old.

The disruptor flung out of his hand and K'tan began beating the Romulan with his fists.  His blood boiled.  He couldn't even see straight and he began to loose all sense of control.  His fist came down on the Romulans jaw and he saw a flash of his parents, the next blow and all he could feel was rage.  As his lip curled back in a snarl, one thought echoed repeatedly in his head- This time, he would make them pay.  The Romulan fought back, but it didn't matter.  K'tan had the upper hand and he knew it.  All the years of training kicked in and he was in rare form.   The Romulan began to tire and eventually fell to the ground not moving.  But K'tan didn't stop.  He kept punching and hitting and striking the officer until he barley heard the words...

"Computer Freeze Program"  the counselor said.

K'tan was breathing heavily he began to come to his senses... his emotions raw.

"Lt." said the counselor, "Stop."  He was firm but friendly.

"But they killed them!" he said, not even realizing that tears were streaming down his face, "They killed them!"  He collapsed onto the floor and let out a tremendous sigh.

"I know son, I know, but it's over now."

"What is this some cruel joke counselor?"  asked K'tan heaving now, out of breath.

"No, it's hollo therapy, and you obviously need it. Lt.  We need you, but you aren't ready to go on a live mission to Romulas.  It's my job to help you get ready.  The captain wants you, and you need this."

"So what do we do now?" asked K'tan with a frown on his face.

"We do it again, but this time you will control yourself.  You will create a boundary but you will not seek revenge.   You are more of a man than that.  You must look deep within the discipline of your soul.  Use what you have learned.  Become stronger than the hate and revenge.  Computer!  Repeat program"

In an instant the same humans came running past them.  This time K'tan expected the bloodied man to pull him over and braced himself.

The rock exploded next to him, but this time he immediatley charged the raider and knocked him off his feet.  With the skill of trained warrior K'tan had the Romulan's hands bound and the raider unconscious stacked and leaned against the wall of the cavern as he crouched down hearing the approach of another.

And on it went, different scenarios but similar temptations to lose control.  Two hours went by and finally the counselor smiled.  "Computer end program"  the surroundings changed to the grid lines and the counselor patted K'tan's sweaty shoulder.  "Nice job Lt. tomorrow we have lunch with Romulans!"

K'tan shook his head and actually let out a laugh.  "You've got to be kidding right?"

"Nope" said the counselor. "I'll see you at 1200 hours tomorrow, right here.  Bring your appetite but leave your prejiduce in your quarters"

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Aeric felt the soft pulsating hum of the zero-point generator as he moved towards the cargo bay of the Aurora. The crisp and cool air on the shuttle carried the fresh scent of the mountains of Earth. Aeric's mind was connected so deeply to the control systems of the vessel that it was hard to tell where the man stopped and ship began. Like the ship, Aeric was a testament to the technologies that had been recovered from the various timelines that he had encountered.

His mechanical and genetic enhancements bordered on being illegal in many parts of the Federation, but in his mind they were a necessary evil for his mission. His mother's people might have been listeners, but thanks to the blood of his father, Aeric was something more. His duty to the Federation had turned him into a watcher and protector. His early hatred of the Borg had been long ago replaced with a healthy respect for what they could accomplish and a fear of what they could do if they possessed the talents that his birth afforded him.

Without having the need to speak, the replicators hummed into life. His mind poured through the various templates and settled on TAP-SCN12 phaser pistol type II. As soon as the template was selected, the industrial replicator began producing the components to assemble enough of the pistols to arm the away teams. Other shipboard replicators reproduced the components that were needed for the additional technologies as Aeric began construction of the pistols. It was a complicated ballet of thought and action that blended in a fluid motion. Parts were created the moment before the lieutenant reached for them as he worked to complete his tasks before the mission disembarked.

Aeric did not speak much of his past to outsiders, but he had a kinship with Vulcans that went back to several of his timelines. He had the honor of meeting Spock long before many of those on the crew were born, but in the timeline that affected him most, S'chn T'gai Spohkh, like himself had been close to Elizabeth Tucker and he had come to respect the man, but he was not enamored of him. Aeric knew first hand that the icons of history were just beings that gave their all to achieve their goals. Legends were made and unmade by those that had the courage to take their destiny into their own hands. When Elizabeth was lost in subsequent timelines, Aeric still retained his respect and closeness to the vulcans and humans. She was the first woman to raise him and even with other timelines returned his birth mother to him, Aeric still held a place for her in his heart.

Elizabeth had known of Aeric's gifts and has long asked him to take care of her family if he were ever in the position. As Aeric assembled the equipment for the coming mission, he knew that he could not fail her. There were promises that required one to do all in their power to keep. This was one of those promises. For all of the logic that the vulcans possess, Aeric knew first hand how strongly their hearts could beat and of the dedication that it took to restrain those emotions. Aeric's mind wandered on those early memories as his hands moved on their own to complete the tasks before him.

Aria took a deep breath as she approached the doors to the main holodeck. The soft swoosh of the opening doors greeted her as entered the already running program. Through a combination of her natural senses and nanite enhancements she could smells the perspiration of several beings already exerting themselves in physical activity. While it was not the most pleasant of scents, she had long ago become accustomed to that facet of biology. Her metallic silver eyes scanned the horizon of the holographic terrain as she observed the organic beings within the simulation. Many were already deep into combat with holographic opponents, but she was searching for one specifically.

Aria smiled as she found the person she was seeking. Colonel Khev was in the process of instructing members of the team in the basics of hand to hand combat. As she observed the colonel, she found that she had many questions about him. He had been in a closed meeting with her father several hours ago and Aeric had yet to inform her of the nature of that meeting. She could not begin guess the purpose of that meeting and realized that her time would best be served if she ignored that curiosity.

She watched patiently as the two colonels engaged in mock combat and was quite impressed by their techniques.  Without her emotion suppressor engaged, she could feel her vulcan blood pump at the idea of combat. These emotions were somewhat tempered by her father's blood, but she could not deny that her vulcan genes were built for combat. Aria noted with computer-like calculations that the movements of the romulan appearing Mowembe were getting less efficient with each passing moment. Blows that should have caused only slight bruising were causing severe discoloration on the lieutenant colonel. Aria froze as a kick from Khev impacted Mowembe's chest with a sickening crunch. Blood spurted out of the lieutenant colonel's mouth as snapped ribs were driven into his lungs and sent his limb body sliding across the rough gravel floor.

Concern for his fallen comrade quickly registered on Khev's face as he moved the side of Mowembe to begin first aid on the fallen man. Aria's own instincts came to the fore as she raced to the side of Mowembe. Without thinking, Aria had pulled her tricorder from her side and was scanning the extent of the damage.

" Computer pause program," the romulan colonel shouted as he quickly quickly tapped his combadge. "Khev to sick bay, we have a medical emergency in the main holodeck."
He knew that something was seriously wrong. The damage from his attack should have never been that severe. The lieutenant colonel should have had the wind knocked out of him, but the force too low to break bones.
"Colonel, I am reading several broken ribs, internal bleeding, and a punctured lung." Aria said as she linked to the tricorder and processed the information directly in her mind. "I am also reading that his body has gone into anaphylactic shock. It appears that his body has rejecting the modification and causing his immune system to attack even the healthy cells in his body. He needs to be transported directly to medical to remove the implants before the other damage can be repaired."

Aria knew that any attempts to accelerate the healing abilities of the man's body would only increase the speed at which his body attacked itself. Without thinking about it, Aria engaged her emotional supressors and extended her interface to encompass the holodeck systems. Moments later, with safety protocols disabled, a hypospray preloaded with a dose of stenophyl materialized into her waiting hand. Aria quickly pressed the device to the injured man's neck and allowed the contents to empty into his blood stream. It would reduce the severe cardiovascular and respiratory distress and give the CMO the time to remove the implants, but there was little else she could do without real tools to work with. She was so caught up in her work that she had almost failed to notice her mother drawing closer to the scene.
Sevryll said nothing as she observed the young woman working as professionally as any Starfleet trained

Still connected to the computers, Aria transmitted her finding to the medical computers as she requested the emergency transport to be activated. "Aria James to the medical bay. Patient should be arriving shortly and you should have received all medical scans of the injuries."

"The damage was not from any fault of your own. His own body was damaging him, but in my assessment, his injuries will not be repaired in time to join this mission." Aria took a deep breath and watched as the colonel finished transporting to the sick bay. She calmly rose and turned her attention to the remaining colonel and her mother. She extended a hand to the man as she glanced over to her mother. She didn't know the exact chain of command for the mission, so she addressed her words and tone to those gathered in the room. "Aria James reporting as requested for additional mission training. Let us hope that this incident does not mean that we will be down a person for the mission."

With another thought, Aria allowed her emotions to return. She offered the colonel a genuine smile as he took her hand.

"Colonel Khev," he stated as he shook and finally took the chance to get a close look at the girl that was supposed to be his wife's child.


The hulking Orion security officer approached as David accessed the girl's odd metallic colored eyes. "Lieutenant Tain," said the Orion while offering Aria a large green hand. She felt awkward under the Romulan's stern gaze and turned to greet Tain with a smile, "Aria James."

Noting the slight tension, Sevryll met David's glare and with a look that conveyed what words would not sufficiently express. Soon after, her glowering husband suggested they resume training exercises. Wasting no more time, the colonel began teaching them the art of close quarter combat.

"In my Kenpo school on Earth, there was a motto painted on the wall in red paint that mesmerized me as a young cadet: I come to you with empty hands, I have no weapons. But should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor, should it be the matter of life and death or right or wrong, then here are my weapons - my empty hands. Poetry, huh? Back then, it smacked to me as a moral speech of ancient wisdom, of superior skills and glorious battle. These were the teachings of the wise master to the young grasshopper. I was inexperienced then... I know today that even little kids pull the legs off bugs like grasshoppers to watch them suffer. Now that I'm older and more cynical, with the "been there/ done that" under my belt... I have seen the real world motto, "always bring a phaser to a knife fight" painted on a few walls in blood, not paint. If you're in a fair fight, you just didn't prepare well enough. The truth is, fighting with empty hands should be the very last thing you do, after you have exhausted every weapon on and around you, tried every trick and spit every last drop of saliva into your attacker's eye."

"Computer create four honor blades," the computer complied and instantly an eddy of light formed the Romulan daggers he requested.

Sevryll arced a single eyebrow at David's candid speech, but she had no time to analyze whether the lecture had been an act or a factual reference. Instantly a Romulan man appeared before her. David handed her a knife and indicated that she should conceal it on her person. "Commander Sevryll, you have been compromised and this man has decided that you will not leave the room alive. The element of surprise is gone. What do you do?"

Before she could answer he called out, "Computer, begin program In-fighting 1." The holographic Romulan moved towards the Vulcan woman with a threatening motion. Sevryll was no warrior, yet growing up she was trained in the Vulcan martial art of Suss Mann. Though she did not practice the art regularly, the forms had long ago become instinctual. Within a fraction of a second, her analytical mind began to evaluate the attack in order to select the first countermove. Should she block or evade the attacker? Which block or move should she make? Her eyes located target areas for possible counterattacks. Once they were observed her mind selected a target. When the targets were chosen she began yet another selection process, to decide which techniques she would use to counter. All these thought processes were done in a split second before any physical technique was executed.

She slid forward with her left leg, into a cat stance, while her open left hand blocked the attacker's elbow and her right hand met his temple with a knuckle strike. With the speed of a le-matya, she stepped back and covered before stepping forward again with her right foot and kicking with the left. The man groaned as her left foot smashed him in the groin. She followed up with a quick chop to the back of his neck then grabbed his shoulder and pulled down as her foot struck the back of his right leg. Taking him down in a heap, she punched the attacker in the face, rendering him unconscious.

The colonel shouted, "computer! Freeze program! Well done commander... but apparently my lecture on open hand combat was wasted. You were supposed to use the knife."

In her haste to defend herself, she had forgotten the honor blade concealed on her person. She pulled it out and offered it to the colonel, hilt first. "The attacker was unarmed. I did not require the knife."

Khev refused to take the dagger and instead called out, "Computer, resume program." Before Sevryll could turn around, the man had stood and attacked her from behind. Sevryll attempted to throw the him, but the holographic Romulan anticipated the move and maneuvered his arm around her neck in a choke hold. As he began to tighten his grip, she raked her right heel down his shin and shifted her body, racking him with a back fist in the groin. He loosened his grip and she struck him in the solar plexus with an elbow. Spinning around she plunged the dagger into his midsection. The man vanished as Khev applauded; Sevryll did not relish the act and did not meet his proud gaze.

He repeated the exercise with Aria before beginning the training program that unleashed multiple attackers on the two Vulcanoid females. By the end of the two-hour session, Sevryll was ready to leave the holodeck for a sonic shower and the quiet comfort of her own bed.

"You both have done very well," said Lieutenant Tain. Colonel Khev watched as Sevryll pushed the hair out of her face and wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve. He had never seen her in a combat scenario before and though he knew she loathed violence, inwardly he was proud of her abilities.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


As Quinn exited his ready room Lt. Tucker called out, "Sir we have rendezvoused with the Titan. Captain Riker is ready to come aboard." Quinn turned on his heals and headed toward the turbolift. "Thank you Lt. I'll meet him in transporter room three," he replied and the trubolift doors slid shut behind him. He pressed is comm badge as the lift began it's descent, "Quinn to Commander Sevryll, meet me in transporter room three to greet our guest."

Quinn didn't wait for a reply and as the turbolift doors opened he headed down the corridor toward the transporter room and entered. A broad smile crossed his face as he watched two forms materialize on the pad, for standing before him was not only Captain Riker but the lovely Deanna Troi. Riker stepped down and reached to shake Quinn's hand. "It's great to see you again...CAPTAIN Quinn," said Will with a smile as Deanna rushed down and embraced her cousin. "Oh Nat.. it's so good see you!"

The training session had just adjourned when Sevryll received Captain Quinn request for her to meet him in transporter room 3. She had anticipated Riker's visit, but he was an hour early. She raised both brows at Quinn's statement, excused herself and dashed out of the holodeck. There was no time to change, but she could not in good conscious present herself in her current state. Still dressed in her Suss Mahn robes, the commander dodged surprised crewmen in the corridors as she sprinted to the turbolift and requested the deck where her quarters were located. After a taking a quick sonic shower and changing into a fresh uniform Sevryll dried her hair as rapidly as possible and pulled it back into a hair clip.  A yeoman jumped out of her way as Sevryll raced out of her quarters and down the corridor to catch the turbolift once again. As soon as she entered the lift, the Vulcan abruptly called out the deck where Transporter 3 was located and leaned back against the wall to rest. After a moment, she realized Quinn and Riker had most likely left the transporter room. Standing straight, she tuggged her jacket down and uttered a new destination, "Bridge." In all her years, the commander had never been late for anything... it seemed this day her impeccable record would be tainted.

Captain Quinn, Deanna Troi and Will Riker exited the tubolift and stepped onto the bridge. Will and Deanna nodded and smiled at several bridge officers who tried not to look too awestruck as they glanced up from their panels curiously. Nathan lead his guests toward the Captain's ready room and motioned for them to sit. "So how is Uncle Jarrad doing?" Deanna asked as she sat down on the couch. "Oh you know, still sparing with mother," Quinn said with a laugh. Deanna laughed and turned to Riker who sat down beside her. "Oh the stories I can tell you... you thought my mother was bad, she's nothing compared to Anashta" Deanna said with a smile. Riker rubbed his ribs, "Oh I remember the hug she gave me at our wedding. I think she cracked a few bones." They all laughed as the ready room doors opened and Commander Sevryll entered.

Slightly out of breath Sevryll stood formally in the entryway, "I apologize for my tardiness Captain," said the commander. In her opinion, there was no excuse for her delay and so she offered none.

Quinn smiled and walked over to Sevryll, "Will, Deanna I would like to introduce you to my first officer, Commander Sevryll."

Sevryll nodded to Deanna and her husband. "It is an honor to meet you both."

"Sevryll has been preparing for an upcoming mission in the holodeck," said Nathan "can I get you anything to drink?" he asked as the slender Vulcan seated herself in the chair near to his desk. "Thank you Captain. Cold water, please." It felt good to finally sit down; she was feeling unusually fatigued, but chalked it up to the intense fighting program Tain and David had created.

"Can I get you anything?" Quinn asked as he turned to his guests.

"No, thank you," said Deanna.

"I'm fine thanks," replied Captain Riker.

Will glanced over at Sevryll and noticed a faint greenish bruise on her cheek, "rough training session commander?" He pointed to his face, "looks like you had a bit of a scuffle."

Sevryll and Nathan exchanged glances as he handed her the glass of water.