Star Trek: Season 4 - Family Matters

Started by Jen, September 28, 2007, 07:11:55 AM

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    As Admiral Talbot rounded the corner jogging on his way to Engineering he nearly crashed into a young ensign who was working on getting herself down from a Jeffries tube.

    "Sorry, ensign.  Didn't see you there.  Good to see the engineers on the Tiberius don't just depend on their computer readouts and still crawl up in the ship's tubes to do some of their work."  Admiral Talbot said to the somewhat flustered ensign.

    "Yes sir Admiral.  Chief Engineer K'arath doesn't like us to become completely reliant on the various engineering computers.  He says it is important to calibrate and double check systems first hand from time to time."  Ensign Barton said.  She was fresh out of the Academy on her first assignment aboard a Starship.

    "Sounds like a wise man.  In fact I was planning on paying him a visit this morning if you think that would be ok?  I was trying to finish up my morning run and end up on the engineering deck.  So it's not really a coincidence that I nearly bowled you over.  Sorry again about that."  Talbot said, smiling at the now less nervous ensign.

    "I'm sure the Chief would love to show you his engine room, sir.  May I ask the Admiral why you were joggin in the corridors?  Tiberius has some excellent exercise and recreation rooms.  Not to mention the holodecks."  She said, trying not to pry too much into the Admiral's affairs.

    "Habit I picked up on my first Starship command assignment.  I like to get a feel for the ship and crew in the early morning by going for a short jog before the day shift starts.  Helps me clear my head and plan the day.  It also let's me see things that a captain or even an admiral wouldn't normally get a chance to see.  Now, Ensign, ahhh....."  Talbot paused for a moment.

    "Barton sir.  Ensign Marie Barton.  Just came aboard Tiberius before we left Earth, sir."  The young ensign said to Talbot, trying not to look to eager.

    "Ah, another new recruit.  Glad to have you with us Ensign Barton.  Your first deep space assignment.  Enjoy it Ensign Barton.  You'll always remember your first Starship fondly.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go meet this Chief Engineer K'arath.  He sounds like my kind of engineer."  Admiral Talbot said as he wiped the perspiration from his brow and started to move away.

    "Thank you for the advice, sir.  I appreciate it.  Good day to you sir."  Barton said, standing more formally than she had tried to do.

    "And to you as well, ensign."  Talbot said as he moved towards main engineering.


Commander Sevryll affixed three solid pips to the collar of her duty uniform, then  reached for her combadge that lay beside a holoimage of David holding their infant children. Her hand slowed as it approached the badge and she stared down at the photo. Lost in the moment of that day, she unconsciously lifted the gold communication device and brought it to her chest.  Before she had a chance to fasten the delta shield to her black and gray jacket, the voice of Ensign Tev-Awsh came through in a quick succession of eager words, bringing Sevryll crashing back to reality. She was a very enthusiastic young woman and apparently the new ensign happened to be twenty minutes early to a meeting that Sevryll had called among her science officers. The commander recommended that Ensign Tev-Awash replicate a beverage and relax then she turned to her two small children who were waiting patiently near the door. Today was their first day of preschool and they were just as eager as the young ensign. Sevryll  pulled back her long brown hair and secured it with the bronze fastener David had given her on their anniversary. She then offered the children each a hand and accompanied them to their class.

Commander Sevryll anticipated reluctance from M'rynn, but the little girl seemed comfortable as long as N'Vall was with her. After meeting their teacher, they joined a small group of children who were busy with blocks. Mrs. Noguchi reassured Sevryll as the Vulcan mother watched them from her place near the door, "they will be fine commander, and I will see to it that they save a place for you at their table at lunch later today." Sevryll thanked the woman and lingered long enough to see M'rynn smile at her. Then the child came to hug her mother. It was only then that N'vall noticed Sevryll was leaving and he reluctantly left the company of his new friends to offer her an obligatory good-bye hug.

Sevryll found it difficult to leave them after their parting embrace. She knew that she would see them again in a few hours, and was puzzled as to why she would feel so distressed. It was illogical to have such feelings—she shook off the superfluous emotional sensations and abruptly exited the classroom.

On her way to the first of several meetings, Sevryll contacted Captain Quinn. " Sevryll to Quinn," came her cool voice.

"Quinn here. Good morning Sevryll."

"Good morning Captain. When it is convenient, I would like to meet with you regarding the officers I have been considering for the away mission." Of course, during that meeting, she would bring up the vision her mother had the night before. Sevryll's mind still dwelt on her father and his condition—and she hoped that her work would keep her mind too occupied to remain transfixed by the details of Sareth's dream.

"Certainly Commander. I'll check my schedule and get back to you. Are the children off to their first day of school?" he asked cheerfully.

She thought back to the image of David holding their newborn infants, it seemed as vivid as yesterday—then all the instances in between that moment and the present flashed by her eyes in a blur of swiftly passing time. An eddy of emotion churned inside her before she could gather the ability to answer Nathan in an even tone, "yes captain...thank you for asking."
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


K'Tan snapped to attention.  "Lt. K'Tan reporting for duty, Captain.  I am honored by the opportunity to serve on your ship.  I swear to you; I won't let you down."

Quinn's smile broadened, " At ease Lieutenant, I am Captain Quinn... welcome to the Tiberius " Quinn extended his hand as K'Tan stepped down from the transporter padd and took it. K'Tan smiled and started to talk "Sir.. let me just say that I will..." Quinn raised his hand to stop him, K'Tan fell silent at once.  Quinn escorted K'Tan out of the transporter room and down the hall. "Let me first say that I read your..." Quinn thought for a moment for the appropriate word, " colorful history in Starfleet.  We will not tolerate that kind of behavior here." Quinn said this not in a threatening manner but as a matter of fact. " I am one who believes in second chances and even third and fourth chances if the situation calls for it. I expect only the best on my ship. Admiral Santana speaks very highly of you and I have to say that is a great accomplishment. He doesn't take many people under his wing.  He sees potential in you and so do I. Your past is behind you and that is where it will remain." By the time Quinn was finish talking they have arrived at K'Tan's quarters. "Settle in and go visit five forward, your duty shift starts at 1500 hours." Quinn took K'Tan's hand, shook it and gave it a little squeeze. "You're going to be a fine addition to this crew Lt.". And with that Quinn turned and headed down the corridor.

As he turned the corner his comm badge chirped.

"Quinn here. Good morning Sevryll."

"Good morning Captain. When it is convenient, I would like to meet with you regarding the officers I have been considering for the away mission."

"Certainly Commander. I'll check my schedule and get back to you. Are the children off to their first day of school?" he asked cheerfully.

"Yes captain...thank you for asking, Sevryll out.."

Quinn could hear something was not right in his first officers voice, but figured he would ask her when they had their meeting. Quinn entered the turbolift and said politely "Bridge".


A collaboration post between Jen, Just X, Moyer777, and Kinglinksr

Isaac Starstriker stopped his erratic emotional display and picked himself off the floor.  "What am I doing?  I'm a Starfleet officer, I'm better than this!"  This was not normal behavior, "there's something wrong with me," he whispered to himself as he tried to dry his wet face with the palms of his hands. He slowly straightened and forced himself to concentrate.

"OK, what am I going to do?  If I this continues, the Captain will remove me from duty, perhaps permanently considering the trouble I've made for him." He was certain that if he didn't get help quickly, his mental breakdown would continue to worsen. Not sure what to do next, he walked to the nearest turbolift, "Deck four," he said in a defeated voice. As he exited the lift, a rapidly moving blue body ran straight into him.  The ensign stumbled back—the wall in the turbolift stopping his decent.

"Ensign Starstriker! Are you alright? I'm so sorry!" said the familiar voice.  His back literally against the wall, the ensign looked up to see Counselor Margon, "no, Counselor I'm not...I could really use your help." 

"Something has been bothering you hasn't it? I've noticed Ensign, in fact, I was on my way to see you" said Margon in a worried tone. Isaac heard the concern and was certain he had come to the right man. "Let's talk, come with me Ensign."

In recent days, the counselor had noticed how Isaac had become unbalanced and withdrawn from the crew, and he was sure the reason would be difficult for Isaac to talk about. "So, why don't you tell me what happened at the senior officer's meeting recently," said the Bolian Couselor as he handed the ensign a cold glass of water.

"Are you going to inform the Captain?" asked Isaac nervously. 

"I would only tell the Captain if I consider you to be a danger to the ship or crew" replied Margon truthfully. 

"I acted stupidly.  I should never have probed the minds of the senior staff. I don't usually act like this, and I certainly don't reach out to others that way." He closed his eyes and shook his head in frustration.

"It's OK, ensign," replied Margon in a gentle voice.

"Bringing my Sugar Gliders to the meeting was perhaps the most idiotic thing I've done yet!"  Margon raised an eyebrow but said nothing.  "I embarrassed myself in front of my Captain and the Admiral—I've never felt so ashamed," said Isaac quietly. 

"Its nothing to beat yourself up about Isaac.  It was a mistake and I happen to know that our captain is a very forgiving man," stated Margon with a smile. 

"It's more than that counselor, I've been weeping uncontrollably. I'm not used to emotions Counselor. I can't sleep, I feel restless, angry, distracted, depressed, I hear voices... I just feel out of control. I don't know what to do and I'm afraid I'll be relieved from duty if I don't get it under control."

The symptoms Isaac described sounded distinctly like the warning signs of bipolar mania. Many of his outbreaks seemed to fit that diagnosis: distractibility, irritability, lack of insight, impulsive behaviors—the early indications were all there. "I believe you have Bipolar disorder—Oh, don't worry, it's quite common and very curable.  But I would like to start seeing you no a regular basis. Everyday to start...then when all your symptoms disappear, we can change your appointments to once a month."

Isaac was elated that Margon held the answer to all his problems. "Yes, of course Counselor! Thank you so much."

"Can we meet this time everyday?" he asked Isaac.

"I think I can arrange that.."

"Ensign Isaac Starstriker report to the bridge!" said the familiar voice of Captain Quinn. 

The ensign tapped his combadge, "On my way sir."  As he left the room, he wondered, 'Can I control my emotions?...Yes, I can.  I just have to believe that I can do some good again.'

King Linksr
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My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Lieutenant James reviewed incoming flight data as he stood behind Lieutenant Jaxa, the bajorian flight controller that was currently on duty. She cautiously monitored the progress of the Aurora and her escort of two scoutships as they prepared to descend to Romulas.

"Sir six unidentified vessels have just left Romulan atmosphere." Jaxa shouted as her fingers moved over the control panel. The convoy on her instruments was still outside of the thermosphere. The ships were on an intercept course and the Tiberius was out of weapons range.

"I need identification Jaxa. We need to let our birds know what they're up against!" Aeric shouted as he moved over to the secondary console.

"Sir, threat identified. Incomming craft appear to be Scorpion Class attack fighters and they are on an intercept course." Jaxa said as she relayed the information to the escorts.

"Open a channel to the convoy," Aeric said as he looked over the telemetry data. Jaxa responded to the orders by typing in a series of commands that opened audio communications with the escorts. She entered a second series of commands and brought up the image of the convoy on the flight control viewer.

"Channel open sir," Jaxa said as she kept an eye on her instruments.

"Tiberius to convoy, we have six Scorpions moving towards you on an intercept course, do you have them on your sensors?" Aeric asked. His fingers work the controls of the view screen to bring the convoy into better resolution.

"Negative on sensor contact," Lt Thane said and was quickly confirmed by the other two craft.

"I am transmitting telemetry to convoy now," Jaxa said as she transferred sensor data to the convoy. "They are experiencing sensor problems due to atmosphere issues. We're going to have to be their eyes until they come into visual range."

"Understood," Aeric replied as he reviewed the incoming tactical data. They were out numbered and the Tiberius wouldn't arrive in time to be of any real assistance. "Aurora, this is Tiberius. I am going to send you an alternate route to landing site."

Aeric started transmitting a new heading for the Aurora as he looked over sensor data. "Jaxa, I need you to get on an open channel to the scoutships and have them intercept the attack craft."

"Confirmed," Jaxa said and turn her attention to the tactical display. She quickly plotted an intercept course that would shield the Aurora's escape from the battle. With another glance at the boards, she sent the data to the scoutships. "Tiberius to scoutships, I am sending you new tactical orders. You have now been tasked to provide Aurora with cover. "

"Orders confirmed," replied both Carson and Thane in almost unison as their tactical update reached their systems. As the pilot of Scout One, Thane took the lead as their craft pulled away from the Aurora.

"Sir, do they have authorization to fire?" Jaxa asked Lt. James as she now focused her attention on the two birds in her care.

"Yes," James replied as he paused his communications with the Aurora. "They are clear to use all assets to defend the Aurora."

Jaxa relayed the orders as she undated their tactical information. They should be entering visual and combat range soon and she needed to give them any edge that she could. "Tiberius to Scouts One and Two, do you have visual?"

"Affermative Tiberius, we are moving into weapons range," Thane said. The excitement of the pending battle could be heard in the voice of the young Andorian. "Shields are up and weapons are online. This should not be an issue."

"Stay focused Scout One," Jaxa reprimanded. "You are still outnumbered."

"We are now entering combat," Thane replied a few moments later.

"Recommend attack pattern alpha-six," Jaxa said. "Scout Two seems to be taking heavy fire."

"Shields are down. Repeat shield are down!" shouted Carson. "Unidentified weapon in use."

"Scout One, move to cover Scout Two!" Jaxa shouted as her heart pounded in her chest. She prepared to send another update to the ships when Scout Two and a pair of the fighers blinked off of sensors. "Scout Two, we lost contact, are you there? Repeat, are you there?"

"Scout Two is gone," replied Thane as the sound of exploding electronics came in over the audio. "Weapons are down. Shields are at ten percent. Request assistance. Repeat request assistance."

Jaxa paused only for a split second as the realization of the lost ship hit her. "Scout One, Aurora is in the clear. Get out of there. Repeat get –"

A crimson explosion on the viewer coincided with the loss of Scout One from sensors. Jaxa's heart raced but she needed to focus. "Flight Conn Two to Aurora, escort is down. Three enemy fighters with unknown weapons are now moving to intercept."

"Computer end program." Aeric said as he entered the holodeck. His holographic self and the flight conn tower faded as the program halted. Aeric looked at Jaxa as she stood. "What happened Lieutenant?"

"Sir, atmospheric conditions hid that the Scorpions were armed with a non-standard payload. Separating the convoy was also a significant tactical error. The weapons and defenses of the Aurora would have made a significant difference in the battle."

"Why didn't you voice your concerns?"

"I don't know sir," Jaxa replied. "I assumed that you had considered that in your assessment of the situation."

"When you are in that chair Lieutenant, I expect you to voice your concerns. Had you done so, it might have saved lives. Your job as flight controller is to provide insight and options that other might not see."  Lt. James said as he watched her expressions.

"Yes sir." Jaxa said.

"Good, now I need to get to the flight simulators. I have two pilots that I need to discuss their tactics with. Their formations were sloppy and they should have known that a combat designation gave them discretion to use weapons. I am also disappointed that they didn't attempt to realign their sensors to pick up the enemy craft. They should have been able to compensate for the interference, but Scout One was more interesting in going into combat."

"Yes sir." Jaxa said again. "I should have reigned Scout One in a little more."

"Lieutenant, this is your team when you are in that chair. Make sure that they know what to expect. You are dismissed."

Jaxa nodded and exited the holodeck. This was the fourth simulation and each one was vastly different from the ones before it. Each simulation had ended in some sort of failure, but she had learned much. After the Lieutenant finished reaming out her pilots, she would give them her own opinion of the operations. They needed to be on the same page before any ship left the hanger. She need to make sure that they were also able to complete the mission without dying or getting anyone else killed.


After the Captain took his leave, K'Tan entered his quarters.  He was pleasantly surprised to see his battered starfleet footlocker waiting for him in the middle of the floor.  They must have beamed it here at the same time I was transported to the Tiberius , he thought with a slight smile.  Very considerate.

K'Tan debated taking the time to unpack his few belongings, then reconsidered.  He had a few hours before his shift was scheduled to begin, and the Captain had suggested that he visit Five Forward.  If he was to turn over a new leaf, his first move should be to break out of his old behavioral patterns and get to know his fellow crew mates.  The ship's designated communal gathering spot seemed like the most logical place to start.

With the aid of the ship's computer, he made his way to the communal area in just under five minutes.  K'Tan stood before the twin doors of Five Forward, and took a deep breath.  It was not in his nature to casually socialize with complete strangers, and the prospect was daunting.  Yet he reminded himself- he had survived unarmed combat with opponents twice his size and strength; he could therefore survive this ordeal as well. K'Tan strode forward, and the doors parted to admit him.

He was awestruck by the size of the place.  It was easily 3 times as large as the mess hall on the Ranger, and there were quite a few tables and booths arranged artfully around the room.  Many of the seating areas were positioned near vertically elongated windows, offering the patrons an impressive view of the stars flitting past outside.  The room was mostly empty right now, however; he only spotted a few couples engaged in deep conversation here and there, and a solitary sharp-featured Vulcan man nursing what appeared to be a glass of milk seated near one of the many windows.  K'Tan made his way past the Vulcan, offering a nod in greeting, and walked to the ornately carved bar at the opposite end of the room.

As he approached the bar, he was greeted by a bored-looking human bartender.  "How are you doing, pal; what'll it be?"

K'Tan took a seat.  "Raktajino.  Extra large; double sweet."  He decided to take the opportunity to practice his socializing skills.  "It doesn't appear to be very busy this afternoon."

"It's always like this, this time of the day," the bartender replied.  "Most of the senior staff are working first shift.  When the shift change happens, though, we usually get slammed.  Most folks like to head here to unwind before heading back to their quarters.  The difference is like night and day."

K'Tan gave a noncommittal nod, then abruptly stood, turned his back, and walked away. 

As K'Tan headed towards the seated Vulcan, the bartender shrugged his shoulders and returned to polishing glasses.  The Vulcan apparently heard K'Tan's approach from the distance; he set down his drink and regarded him with a cool, level stare. 

Without thinking to wait for an invite, K'Tan sat opposite the man and paused to take a sip of his Raktajino; it was nearly perfect- a strong, bittersweet flavor undercut by a bitting, smokey spiciness.  He set his steaming cup down and introduced himself.  "I am Lieutenant K'Tan, recently transferred here from the U.S.S. Ranger.  I am attempting to get to know my crewmates.  Who are you?"


As the door to the Chief Science Officer's office swept open, Ensign Tev-Awash abruptly stood, bumping her cup of hot chocolate and spilling it all over the large, black table she sat behind. Commander Sevryll paused just inside the entry and watched the nervous young officer proceeded to use the sleeve of her uniform to mop up the sticky brown lake that rapidly spread across the surface and dripped onto the taupe carpeting. Ensigns Morgen and Bandana swiftly recovered their padds before they were claimed by the chocolate deluge and gawked at Tev-Awash as she continued to swab the mess. Lieutenant Kretzmeyer nodded to Sevryll and calmly walked to the replicator, "two large cotton towels, one dampened with water, the other dry." The replicator responded with a melodic whir as two thick white towels appeared in the alcove. He tossed one to Tev-Awash as an amused grin spread across his face— he used the other towel to stop the river of brown liquid from falling to the floor.

"I'm sorry Commander, I don't know...I can't believe I..." The anxious Ensign started to apologize before Sevryll quieted her with a gesture of her hand. "It is all right. I hardly believe that your inadvertent discharge constitutes as a toxic spill. I trust that you were able to enjoy a portion, before your unfortunate accident."

"Yes ma'am," replied Tev-Awash with an awkward smile.

The Tiberius was the Ensign's first assignment and she was a bundle of nervous energy. Sevryll was confident that the inexperienced officer would eventually hit her stride. She wasn't the first green recruit the Vulcan had worked with—they were always anxious to please, yet they seemed to find their place as well as their confidence once they began their initial duties.

The commander found her seat at the head of the table as the Lieutenant tossed the sullied towels into the replicator and spoke the command that resulted in their abrupt disappearance. During the hour that followed the scientists discussed the various research projects as well as the on going mission preparations. Afterwards the commander spoke to Kretzmeyer privately, regarding the Doctor's subdermal implants and asked him to attempt to increase their range to compensate for the great distance the Tiberius would be from Romulus.

Tev-Awash rushed to match the Vulcan's long strided as Commander Sevryll left the office and headed to her next meeting. "Commander, I just wanted to apologize again for being so clumsy. I...I'm not sure that I'm the right person for this assignment."

Sevryll stopped in the corridor and turned towards the young ensign, "I would not have selected you if I believed you incapable, ensign."

"Thank you ma'am, but I'm just not as experienced as the others... Their experience makes me feel so inferior; I don't want you to be disappointed in me."

The Vulcan woman raised an eyebrow, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent Ensign. Put aside your apprehension and preform your duties." 

The ensign looked down at her shaking hands, "easier said than done," she thought as Sevryll entered the turbolift. The young ensign returned the Vulcan's nod and slowly turned and walked back to the lab to join the others.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The Dr. Headed to 5 forward to meet Lt Manrique for dinner, he welcomed the break after his disciplining action of Dr. Lucas. It was the one part of his job that he disliked, but found it to be a necessary evil that was required from time to time as head of his department.

He preferred a much differrent style of command but this time he felt it was necessary to make an example of Dr. Lucas who had seemed to forget the need to have compassion when dealing with patients.

The doors to five forward opened to the welcomed noise of idle conversation that was accompanied by the large consumption of alcoholic beverages, both synthetic and real. He looked around the room and did not spot his dinner companion as of yet and decided to take a table and wait for the young Lt. to arrive.

The Dr. enjoyed to sit and observe the social interaction between the crew and found the observation of interspecie relations to be fascination.. He ordered a drink and waited for Lt Manrique to arrive.


Seated across from a stoic Vulcan in the Tiberius' Five-Forward lounge, K'Tan's attention was drawn by the entrance of a tallish, brown-haired man wearing the blue piping of a starfleet medical uniform.  The man looked about the room, as though trying to find someone, then took a seat at one of the unoccupied booths.  K'Tan turned back to the Vulcan.

The Vulcan took a sip of his drink.  "I am many things," the Vulcan said, "but one might say that I am first and foremost a student of life.  I am also an artist; but while some artists might choose to create their works using a brush and paints, I prefer the use of a more maleable medium- the written word.  I guess you could say that I am a poet."

"I see; you are a civilian."  Without intending to, K'Tan made the word sound like a curse.  "So What brings you to the Tiberius?"

The Vulcan arched an eyebrow, and took another sip of his drink.  "When creating a new work, a painter will endeavor to avail himself of as wide a variety of different colors and hues as possible.  As an artist of the written word, I find that the diversity of the passangers and crew of this vessel provides me with a varied pallet of experiences and viewpoints to choose from when composing my work." 

While the idea of a Vulcan poet was mildly interesting, K'Tan felt that it was a waste of his time to mingle with the ship's non-starfleet passengers.  His time would be better served forging relationships with the actual members of the crew. 

"Good luck with your poetry," he said as he rose to leave.  "It is nearly time for me to report for duty."  K'Tan turned, and headed towards the table being occupied by the Medical Officer.

As he neared the table, the Doctor stood and extended a hand in greeting.  "Hello, I'm Dr. Peterson, Chief Medical Officer of the Tiberius.  And you are..."

"Lt. K'Tan, formerly of the starship U.S.S. Ranger" K'Tan said, giving the hand a firm shake.  "I was just leaving, but thought that I'd first take a moment to introduce myself."  K'Tan raised his arms, gesturing at the surroundings.  "This is quite an impressive ship; much larger than my last posting.  I trust that the crew are equally impressive."  K'Tan turned to leave.  "Now, if you will excuse me doctor, my shift begins shortly." 

As he headed towards the exit, K'Tan made a mental note to return to the lounge once his shift was over.  He was curious to see if they served Bloodwine, and if so, he hoped that it would be as good as the Raktajino.


Aeric stretched as he rose from his desk. He had spent the last few hours reviewing the reports of his team on their holodeck training. Before that he had been working with his deck chief on selecting the proper escort craft and equipment payload for the mission.

Given all the variables, Aeric was satisfied with his selection of personnel and payload for the mission. He would need to go over his ideas with the XO before he could finalize their duty assignments, but the team was solid.

As Aeric exited his office, he tapped his combadge. "Computer, transmit the following message to Commander Sevryll's office. Commander Sevryll, I would like to meet with you at your convenience to discuss the duty list for the upcoming away missions. I have assembled a detailed list of crew and ships that would significantly increase the odds of success."


Sevryll entered the First Officers' office and slowly lowered herself into the chair behind her desk. Oddly, she was feeling a bit fatigued—the Vulcan woman rubbed her eyes and leaned back in the brown, high-back chair.  Her second meeting had been an utter waist of time. Useless briefings such as the one Hydroponics called, should not require the presence of the Chief Science Officer especially if she was also the First Officer... But they requested that she "sit in on the presentation" and insisted that her attendance was necessary. Less than halfway through the meeting, Sevryll determined that estimation to be in error—the assembly was nothing short of ineffectual, and its only positive aspect was the fact that it ended early.

She sat up as the computer announced the receipt of a new message—Lieutenant James had requested a meeting to discuss the duty roster for the impending mission. She still had not completed her own list and decided that it would be best to discuss her considerations with the Lieutenant, before the Captain's meeting later in the day.

The Vulcan replied to Areic's message, "I am compiling my own list of personnel and have tentatively added Aria to the roster. Before I present my recommendations to the Captain, perhaps we should discuss your thoughts regarding her addition. I will be awaiting your arrival in the First Officer's office. —Commander Sevryll"

Sevryll stood and walked to the viewport to gaze upon the ribbons of light that stretch against the infinite darkness of space. The stars' distortion signified their forward progression, as well as their swift advance towards the Neutral Zone. As she focused on the blur of stars, her thoughts drifted away in search of her father. She found herself forming suppositions regarding his circumstances. After outlining a number of dreadful possibilities, she decided her assumptions were based on little, if any, evidence and they were therefore just as ineffectual as the Hydroponics meeting. The light from the streaking stars danced on her face as she closed her eyes to meditated. Time passed rapidly and before she was aware of its advancement, the door chimed. She rubbed her eyes once more, straightened her jacket and turned to face the passage, "enter," she said in a haggard voice. The door swept open and Lieutenant James stepped into the room. She greeted him formally, in an attempt to maintain the proper amount of civility.  "Lieutenant," she said as she inclined her head in Vulcan courtesy.

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


(Joint post by Jen and X)

"Commander," Lieutenant James said with a slight nod as he entered the office.
"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me. I hope that you are doing well."

"Please, be seated," Sevryll gestured to the chair in front of her desk then moved to the other side and settled into her own. Lieutenant James glanced down to his PADD and entered the commands that brought up his recommendations for the meeting. "After the mission briefing, I began work with my team to address possible situations that might happen during the mission and assembled a list based on their performance."

He passed the PADD to Sevryll and she studied it's contents, only pausing long enough to slide her own across the surface of her desk to him—the first name on her roster was "Aria James".

He scanned the list on the device, "I fully agree with your suggestion to include Aria and the Aurora on this mission. As it is not a Starfleet mission, she would be a valuable asset in maintaining distance from Starfleet."
Sevryll looked up from Aeric's PADD. "I presume the authorization I recently attained, which granted me access her classified profile, came through you."

"It did," Aeric said. "I felt that you should be entitled to full disclosure of her history as you decide on the extent of your relationship. We can continue to discuss this, but I would like to explain my recommendations."

"Resume," she said as she flicked her gaze back to the display device.

"In addition, I recommend Lieutenants Thane and Carson to provide tactical escorts in two scoutships. I will remain on the Tiberius and work with a team of lieutenants Tenmei and Jaxa in the flight tower as mission control to monitor the mission aspects and provide support," he cleared his throat and continued.

"For the sake of appearances, the scoutships will not breach atmosphere unless tactical support is needed. We will also maintain a contingent of marines on both craft if a rapid deployment rescue is needed."

Sevryll nodded in response, "I appreciate your effort to organize security for the operation, but I am concerned that the number of ships you have proposed will draw interest from patrolling Warbirds. How will your scoutships avoid detection? It is perilous enough when one ship crosses the neutral zone. Romulus may currently have disheveled defenses, but I doubt they are any less suspicious."

"I was under the impression that the Tiberius would be crossing the neutral zone as well. If I am wrong in that assumption, it only makes sense to include the escorts. From the Tiberius, I can interface with the sensor network and mask the crossing of the three vessels" Aeric said as he reviewed the data on her PADD.

"Scoutships are also designed with a low sensor profile to aid in their primary mission of information gathering, so they will be less likely to be detected in casual sensor sweeps."

"I do not have to inform you of the paranoid nature of the Romulan Star Empire. They do not perform 'casual sensor sweeps'. Nevertheless, your proposed solution is intriguing. I would like to see a scenario played out on the holodeck before I endorse your measures."

"My team has run over a dozen separate holodeck drills and I assure you that they are prepared for all aspects of the mission. As we have already assembled several combat scenarios, they would have no problems with your attendance in the simulations."

"Though I am not certain the escort is necessary, I look forward to the demonstration," she replied.
Taken aback by her mention of his unnecessary escort he replied, "to be honest, I am not going to let you, your mother, or our daughter enter a dangerous situation that could be prevented with proper preparation." Aeric took a slow breath and looked at the commander. "With all due respect, I don't want a situation to occur where the captain has to explain to certain children that most of their family is not coming back. I told your aunt that I would look after her family and I will keep that promise regardless of any timeline changes."

Sevryll straightened at the Lieutenant's slight tone. Did he just say 'I'm not going to let you?' She chose to ignore the overstep and addressed the addition of Sareth to his list of individuals 'who required his protection'.
She pushed the building emotions down to prevent them from overflowing to her voice, "I have not been given the authorization to reveal the nature of this operation to my mother—and she is unaware of my father's message to the Admiral. Even if she had been briefed on the particulars of our assignment, I would not allow her to go for the very reasons you mentioned."

Sevryll suppressed a frown, stood from her desk and walked to the replicator. "Vulcan Spice Tea," as the mechanism produced the cup of warm tea, she turned to Areic and forced herself to ask him if he wanted a beverage.

"Extra sweet vulcan mocha," Aeric said as he observed the commander. "I have no doubts that the mission will be successful, but I wish to ensure that casualties are kept as low as possible. Aria also knows the importance of this mission and she won't fail. She is a dedicated young woman and would not hesitate to give her life to make sure that everyone else makes it back. Despite her never serving in this Starfleet, I have never meet a finer officer."

The vulcan woman ordered the mocha and watched as it materialized in the niche. Picking up the mug, she walked back to her desk and handed the beverage to Areic. "I do not doubt Aria's abilities. I have reviewed her skill sets and, though I have reservations regarding the claims of when she acquired those skills, I believe she possesses programmed knowledge that will prove useful to our operation. I assure you, I will do everything in my power to safeguard...your daughter during the away mission. I will not permit her to sacrifice herself in order to ensure success; it will not be necessary."

Aeric took the drink and offered and small nod. "Commander, I don't need you to believe in the existence of an alternant timeline. However, our daughter  would feel better if you did, but that does not change the fact that there will always be things that one group instinctively knows to be fact and another will always demand proof to support their claims. If you want undeniable proof, look into the Aurora project."

Sevryll lifted her chin and raised her brow. She should have predicted the conversation would turn back to the story of an 'alternate timeline '. Frankly she was growing weary of hearing it.

Aeric gathered his thoughts and continued, "why would two prototypes need to be created? Better still, why does the quantum signature of my ship not match this reality? I did not spend years with your family to not notice how stubborn you can be when things are difficult to explain through logic, but as it turns out, you are exactly the same woman that I've grown up with. The only difference is that you did not get a chance to meet your toz'ot Elizabeth, and because of that we never crashed and you didn't end up k'kan."

"Kroykah!" she shouted. Barely able to keep her seat, Sevryll's outburst in Vulcan denoted that she had heard quite enough.

"My attention, Lieutenant, is focused on finding my father and bringing him safely home to Vulcan. I have not had the luxury of time, to review your reports on the Aurora Project. Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you refrained from addressing me as though we have any sort of history. I am not your friend, nor am I your daughter's mother; I am your superior officer and I would appreciate it if you maintained a certain degree of professionalism when addressing me."  She felt a slight tremble in her hands and she clasped them together and placed them on her lap beneath the desk once more.

Aeric raised a brow at that, but kept his tone cool and centered. "Of course commander, I did not mean to imply any sort of closeness between us. I forget that there are those who can never understand my path. Ozhika palik t'kau ri shaht*. While I might have facts to support Aria's tveshu I have not wisely shared that knowledge. It was not my intention to upset you and I deeply regret my conversation. You are not the young ko-kan I grew up with. I will not forget that again and I will not approach this subject again, until you bring it up ."

"However, I will say one final thing. I know first hand what it is like to lose a child from a temporal incursion. I am glad that you can not remember such a thing. I would never wish that on you and when the time comes that you decide that you wish to protect your children from what might come without notice, please inform me. Had I found a means to do this then, we would not be having this dispute."

Sevryll broke the momentary silence, "I ask forgiveness." She was ashamed that she allowed her fury to break the surface. Even if duty required that she admonish the tone he took with his superior, her Vulcan heritage demanded that she never raise her voice. She chose to disregard, for the moment, his offer and turned the conversation back to the mission. "When may I observe your team's holodeck drill?"

"Nam-tor du bifik ri wak na'kur-bosh plem-at?" Aeric asked with a slight smile. "It was a simple misunderstanding brought on by a unique situation. I am quite sure that Surak himself would find his emotions tested under these conditions. In fact, he was older than us both before he gained true mastery of his emotions. I will inform my team of your visit and they will be within the hour."

Turning to exit, he looked back at the commander. "Ki'nam-tor nash-veh heh kwon-sum dungau nam-tor t'hai'la t'du."

After the Lieutenant left, Sevryll pulled up Aria's profile once more and read the portions she skipped the day before.


Tain parried his opponents spear thrust, rushed his defense, and buried his sword deep in his belly. He let loose a primal scream as he quickly spun and engaged the final opponent. Tain felt his blood boiling as he forced the fight. He rained blow after blow against the enemy. He noticed his opponent make a small misstep and a small slip. That was all the opening Tain needed. With a final flurry he passed the others defenses, and another enemy slipped to the ground, lifeless.

Tain looked about at the carnage, lifted his sword high overhead and roared triumphantly. As his breathing slowed, and the blood rage ebbed, his control returned to him.

"Computer...end program."

As the landscape faded around him, Tain couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. These trips to the holodeck were becoming more and more necessary for him, as his restlessness and frustration mounted.

At first his new position aboard the Tiberius kept him interested. There were so many things to learn. As time went by he began to be overwhelmed my the monotony of it all. Tain had always been in the middle of action during his Federation career. He came to think of himself of less of a man, and more of a weapon used by his superiors. The brass picked the target, and unleashed Tain and his men upon it.

This new position was anything but exciting. As an officer he had to maintain a certain "decorum". A lot of the normal camaraderie he felt with his former squads was missing. His job now was to make sure that order was maintained, jobs were carried out, and above all his fellow crewmen, and passengers were kept safe.

Tain had no problems with his crewmates. They all seemed like fine people. Tains main issues were with the lack of action. He had become addicted to danger, and it was a hard addiction to break. At least there was the holodeck. It wasn't exactly the same. but it was good enough to "take the edge off".

Tain headed out of the holodeck, and back to his quarters. He had just enough time to get himself cleaned up , and report for his shift. He would complete his report on Firrak Remor for Lt. Manrique. It bothered him that he had not found out more information on the Vulcan, in fact the lack of information was almost more troubling then if he had found incriminating information. Tain wondered again why Manrique had asked him to look into Firrak.

He sighed as he thought to himself that the completion of this report would probably be the highlight of his shift.
Duffster is, The HugoNaut


    Chief Engineer K'arath had just finished going over the latest warp core injector modifications he had made to the Tiberius with Admiral Talbot listening attentively.

    "I have to say Admiral, it's nice to find an Admiral who know a impulse conduit from a Jeffries tube.  I've not run into many brass in Starfleet that started out in engineering."  K'arath said, trying to not sound too familiar with the Admiral.  He was quickly finding he had much in common with the half-Romulan Admiral that he had just given a tour of engineering to.

    "I appreciate that Chief.  I think it might do some of the brass good to learn that a Starship runs just as much from engineering as it does from the bridge.  And it looks like Tiberius is in good hands.  I'm very impressed by what I have seen.  You've done well here and I hope you decided to publish some of your modifications in one of the Starfleet Engineering Journals.  I know other ships could greatly benefit from your work here."  Talbot said, feeling very comfortable with the Klingon chief engineer.

    "Certainly sir.  If you think they would be interested.  I'm not the best of writers actually.  I tend to prefer doing things more than writing about them, sir."  The unusually lanky Klingon said to Admiral Talbot.

    "Perhaps you could get some help with the writing.  I just ran into an Ensign Barton in the corridor on my way in here.  She seemed eager.  It might be a good assignment for a fresh faced ensign out of the academy Chief.  Give her a shot of confidence and all that."  Talbot said.  He had always believed at building strong relationships between the various crew's he had served with and commanded.  He felt strongly that a tight knit group performed better as a team and could be more depended on when things got rough.  Which they always seemed to do aboard a Starship.

    "Good idea, sir.  I'll speak to her about it right away.  Was there anything else right now you would like to see, Admiral?  I do have an impulse isolinear drive circuit that requires some maintenance, sir."  K'arath didn't want to be rude, but he did have several items on duty list today to get done.  And while he enjoyed chatting with the Admiral he was also the chief engineer and typically very busy.  More so lately with some of the repairs and modifications to Tiberius.

    "I must be going myself, I need to speak with Commander Sevryll.  After a quick sonic shower.  Have a good rest of the day, Chief.  And thanks again for showing an old engineer around your engine room."  Talbot said, reaching out his hand and shaking K'arath's offered hand.

    "My pleasure, sir.  Come back anytime."  The Klingon engineer said, noticing the Admiral had quite a firm handshake.  Again, not typical of the few Admirals he had met over his career in Starfleet.  He knew the mission ahead was in good hands after spending some time with this former engineer now turned Starfleet Admiral.  Talbot gave the chief a quick smile as he exited engineering.


Quinn exited the turbolift onto the bridge. Gamma shift was ending and Alpha shift was arriving. Quinn walked over to the Captain's chair as Lieutenant O'Rorke stood.

"Captain, the bridge is yours" O'Rorke said with a slight nod.

"Thank you Lt." Quinn said with a return nod. "Anything interesting happen last night?" .

"No sir, a fairly quiet night. We are on schedule to rendezvous with the diplomatic caravan heading to Romulas, we should arrive in a day and half."

"Thank you Lt. you're dismissed"

Quinn sat down in the Captain's chair and turned toward his console to review information on the USS Titan. This was the ship leading the diplomatic mission and at her helm was the famous Captain William T. Riker. Quinn had met Captain Riker a few years ago when he married Quinn's second cousin Deanna and found him a very charismatic guy. He wasn't sure how Riker would take it when his ship joined the caravan, even if only for a short time. Admiral Talbot assured Quinn that he had taken care of everything.

As the alpha shift settled in he noticed that Ensign Bradolk was still at her post in Ops. Quinn gave her a quizzical raise of an eyebrow and pressed his comm badge.

"Ensign Isaac Starstriker report to the bridge!" Quinn announced.

Quinn waited for a response "On my way sir"

A few moments past and Ensign Starstriker exited the turbolift looking a bit disheveled. Quinn turned around in his chair.

"Nice of you to join us Ensign, so glad we promoted you to Chief Ops." Quinn said with a smile. He knew Starstriker was having a bad few days and was willing to give him some slake. "Take your station Ensign". Starstriker gave Quinn a slight smile and took over at Ops.