5th season of Atlantis!

Started by moyer777, October 26, 2007, 10:29:13 AM

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I actually liked it a lot.  I always love it when they take the characters and actors out of their normal setting and do something new with them.  Sheppard made a great, down on his luck detective.  One more episode to go next week.  Going to really miss this show.


Oh, are they back on over there already? I'll have to get my hands on this new one.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I just discovered Stargate Atlantis on the internet a couple of years ago.


I had stopped watching SG-1 at about the 3rd season. 

I can't call Teyla a Xena wannabe since I didn't watch Xena or Buffy.  I could never get into vampires.

Rodney McKay and Zelenka are major reasons why I like the show.  The Wraith are good villians too.   But I think McKay is a good example of what schools do to a lot of smart kids.  I watched a kid cry in class in senior year of high school because he got a B in math.  And I would swear the teacher enjoyed it.  I confess I almost started laughing but then I thought about the hundreds of hours of homework he had to do to get straight A's in EVERYTHING until then.  I got straight D's in religion freshman year.  I did almost no homework in it.

Blowing up an entire solar system must be way cool though.  The Ancients left such cool toys lying around.  LOL

Andre Norton does it better than J.K.Rowling


Well, Atlantis ended it's series run last night.  A great episode, but somewhat bittersweet.  I've always loved this series just as much as SG1.  The characters are great and the stories have been solid.  The fifth season has had some standout episodes too.  The clip ahead is a montage of the final episode.  DO NOT WATCH - unless spoilers don't bother you.  FAREWELL ATLANTIS!




Yeah, I think it would have been better as a 2 hour finale.  Seemed a bit rushed.  Final scene with the cast was great.  Who was the chick with Ronan ?  What was that about ? What's with Stargate Universe ?  Is this a new cast or movies ?


The girl with Ronan was the one from the Command center.  Remember a few episodes back when the Wraith invaded the base and she kicked some butt?  Since then Ronan and her have been sparing, etc.


Ah..."sparring"  Is that what they call it ? ;D


I really enjoyed this series.  I was sad to see the last episode. 

The new series will be about a ship that is stranded in another galaxy- sound familiar?

I have always thought it kind of funny..


If the same people are responsible for this series as the last two, then it will be good.

As for now, I will miss the SGA crew!

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Is that the premise of the new series?  Really??  No Stargates there or something?


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In stargate universe, they finally use the 9th chevron and end up on an ancent ship that is the sister ship to the one that seeded the universe with stargates. The purpose of this ship is to see what life sprang up on these seeded planets.

Now for the kicker. They can't get home and they can leave the ship and explore, but the ship is automated and has no problem leaving without them. So they could end up stranded on a world without any hopes of returning home or even back to the ship.

From what I have been reading it's more of a cross between Voyager and Sliders. Voyager in the exploration of the universe, but Sliders in that they have some sort of timeframe where they need to be done or they are stuck.


here is wiki's take on it too... it is also a spoiler...


I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com



Read some bits on the wiki last week about the new series and it does look interesting. The thing is that I feel that STA had absolutely treaded into Trek territory a few times and STU sounds like it is going to go down that route even further. Not necessarily a bad thing but their must be other areas they could explore instead. Time will tell.


I watched this series and I have to say, I'm sorry to see it go.  Stargate will forever fill a part of Sci-Fi like Star Trek does for me. 

Farewell, for it was far too short.

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Finally seen the Vegas episode and loved it.

It had nothing to do with 'Atlantis' the place, but as a study on the spin off impact of what's going on I thought it was really good. Having already established the parrallel realities within the show, it was nice to see one completely disconnected from ours (i.e. one that contains only its native characters).

For once, there was a very definite story reason not to have seen Teyla or Ronan too. They may be underused this season, but at least we have a valid reason for it here.

On to the series finale for me...

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.