Recurring Deams

Started by Jen, December 19, 2007, 10:40:20 AM

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My co-workers and I were just discussing the topic of recurring dreams (PG dreams). I have a couple that continue to plague me... One of them happens to be pretty common according to my friends; they all have the same type, I guess we were all over achievers or something. 

The one that we seem to share is college related. We each dream that there is a class we registered for and never attended for some reason. In my dream it's because I lost the print out of my classes that the university mailed me.... you know, the one that has all the building names and room numbers, the professor's names and the class times listed on it? Well, I end up remembering to attend the class the day of the final and I am obviously not prepared for the exam. This would not happen in real life because the professor would drop you for skipping more than a week. Mind you, next year I will have been graduated for 10 years.

I have a couple of other recurring dreams that have bothered me since I was in college. I was on the university martial arts team and though I wasn't the karate kid, I can defend myself. But in one of my other recurring dreams, I am attacked and have to protect myself, but none of my punches or kicks land and they do nothing to the attacker. The person after me, just laughs and I wake up.

I've been dreaming another one off and on since I was a kid. I somehow end up left on the side of the road and my parents are driving away... I can't run, either my feet won't move properly or I'm running in place and my voice won't work. They can't hear me and they leave me behind. I haven't had that one in a while though.

I also dream I can fly. Usually I'm swimming in the clouds and gliding around the roof tops. That's one of my favorite types of dreams. I used to make paintings and sketches based on dreams I've had. One of my favorite sketches is one where I'm flying with my cat through the clouds.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I have that EXACT same college one!


hmmm I usually don't remember my dreams unless they are very traumatic.


...of course in mine I am naked...  :blush


Quote from: Bryancd on December 19, 2007, 10:49:27 AM
...of course in mine I am naked...  :blush


Ok, I have had some pretty vivid dreams over the years.  When I was growing up I even seemed to be able to force a certain type of dream.  I would focus on something while I fell asleep and I would then sometimes dream about it.  I can't really do this as much anymore but I do tend to dream about what's on my mind.

I've had a few flying dreams.  Those are fun.  I have had college ones.  Mine usually were about taking final exams.  At MSU finals were given all over campus.  Many times not in the building you took the class.  So come exam time I would have to find a new building and room for the final.  I have had a few dreams where I was looking and looking and couldn't find the place to take the final.  Pretty obvious what that means.

I haven't had too many, I'm being attacked dreams.  I did have one years ago about working late and someone chasing me in the plant with a gun.  That was a spooky place to work at night sometimes.

Anyway, dreams are fun and I usually have several each week I can remember.

Darth Gaos

FUnny you say that RIco, I was the complete opposite.  In order to PREVENT bad dreams I would think about the stuff that scared the bejeepers outta me before I fell asleep.  Weird.

On the recurring dream front.  I had 1 recurring dream when I was in Junior High.  It was always the same but since my teenage years I have never had it since.  I was in my Junior High School and I would look behind me and the floor tiles would begin popping up in an inverted "V" fasion (kinda like this I guess..../\ )  Well this would go on for a while getting ever closer and then JAWS...yes Jaws...the shark would come up through the floor and eat someone...he was in the pipes...a 30 foot long great white shark.  OK, now when you stop laughing, understand that I would wake up in a cold sweat, shaking all over.  The first thought in my mind upon waking was always....."That has got to be the dumbest, most ridiculous dream I have ever had"  but let me tell you when in the dream I was scared spitless.  The bad was it was also the only dream I have ever had that when I would fall back to sleep I was RIGHT BACK IN THE SAME DREAM.   LAME...why could that not have happened with other young teenager dreams, know what I mean?

Anyway...ridiculous but true.  It is also the only dream I can still remember VIVIDLY today.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I used to dream a lot more (or at least remember my dreams a lot more) when I was younger (like 8 - 16 years old). When I was very young I'd have dreams I was falling and end up sitting on the stairs to the basement (my room was on the second floor). That hasn't happened in almost 15 or 20 years though.


I use to sleep walk a lot when I was in jr high. I shared a room with my sister and she said  I woke up one night yelling, "turn on the power! Turn on the power!" and I jumped out of bed and dashed for the light switch and turned it on then casually crawled back into the bed. Too much Star Trek.  :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


My wife was talking about "checking the raffle tickets" a few nights ago, I thought she was awake but when I asked her she said she had no recollection of saying that or what it meant. She told me she talks in her sleep all the time, I've been sleeping with her for four years and I've never hard it before!


Hmmm. . .I rarely remember my dreams and when I do I only remember them for like one day. The dreams that I temperarily remember are good, pleasant dreams. I believe I've had a dream or two that I've had repeated a few times but I can't remember what they're about. I just remember telling myself that I've had that dream before. I wish I could remember my dreams. I've read that if you wake up during a dream and quickly write down what the dream was about and read what you wrote in the morning, then you'll remember the dream. Makes sense--I also did it a few times before and it worked. I'm glad I have very few nightmares. . .I probably average one a year.


Apparently I snore a lot and loudly but my brother and dad have the most ANNOYING snoring I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.  But we're not talking about that.

My most recent remembered dream was actually quite vivid.  (Granted, I don't seem to dream a lot) This was one that was completely odd considering that I've dreamed about being on the bridge of the Enterprise and seeing weird anomalies including a giagantic Captain Picard.....very odd. 

Anyway, this dream was about me being a cop.  I could distinctively remember holding the gun even to this day.  I didn't kill/shoot anyone but I did pull a lot of things like pulling ppl out of cars and cuffing Cops, the TV show.  (Never watch it).  It was so vivid I still remember actually feeling the gun now.  Its so darn odd.  The most vivid was actually getting into the start of a firefight with some unknown being then waking up.  My brother said I was yelling/snoring a lot that night that it woke him up and he had to sleep on the first floor....I'm an odd person. 

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Quote from: Jen on December 19, 2007, 12:30:25 PM
I use to sleep walk a lot when I was in jr high. I shared a room with my sister and she said  I woke up one night yelling, "turn on the power! Turn on the power!" and I jumped out of bed and dashed for the light switch and turned it on then casually crawled back into the bed. Too much Star Trek.  :D

IS there such a thing as TOO much Star Trek ?  :D

I think we've discussed this in other threads - or maybe I just DREAMED we discussed this in other threads

I've had a few recurring dreams - maybe 1-2 nights.  Yup, did the flying thing and the never going to to class.  In mine, I just forgot until mid-term and had to catch up.

Anyone have lucid dreams ?  Those are cool.  I have a few nested dreams (dream that I'm dreaming) each year.  They are almost all the time heart-pounding because I think I'm awake and I'm still dreaming.  Scarrry.


The 2 bad dreams you mentioned (loss of control and Abandonment) are common anxiety dreams and very distressing. Your flying dream sounds like fun! I will try and remember to take my cat next time too.
Falling dreams can be pretty bazar, last one I had was from a low obit on a construction rig. I think it was based on these pictures and too much google earth.
I recall free-falling (weightless) on a construction platform with massive articulating booms and rattling chains all the way down through the clouds to the ground at over 300 miles an hour! Just as it hit the edge of a canyon - I simply stepped off and everything else went crashing down into the gorge to the river below. Some fun!!!


I don't really recall my dreams anymore, I know I have them from time to time, but cant recall. I know in the past, some of my dreams, the people in them change, I am not sure how to explain, but the person who I originally see in the dream, changes to someone else, but the role in the dream does not. So it is like the person changes to someone else, but I still recognize them as the same person as who started the dream, really weird. The person could start off as a celebrity or friend, and then change to a family member, and I still interact with them the sameway, like nothing has changed.
The only other thing that I recall, is that a lot of my reoccurring dreams, I am usually in a situation where I cannot talk or move. I try to speak or move, but nothing comes out, people know I am there. I think these dreams usually come out when I might be frustrated about something. I am usually trying to tell somebody something, but I cannot, they usually leave me a little unsettled after.


Quote from: markinro on December 19, 2007, 01:44:24 PM
Anyone have lucid dreams ?  Those are cool.  I have a few nested dreams (dream that I'm dreaming) each year.  They are almost all the time heart-pounding because I think I'm awake and I'm still dreaming.  Scarrry.
I just had one like was like a bad film of Spider Man....I was trying to rescue a "Mary Jane" from these guys but every time I punched them they felt like sissy punches.....of course, it might explain the hand mark on my face.....then I woke up twice...very disoritenting.  Odd thing is I haven't watched Spider Man in like...idk months. 

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