Directors Strike Next???

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 08, 2008, 08:12:34 AM

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"They're Not Yet Within Shouting Distance"

According to Variety, the headlined quote comes from one official from the Directors Guild of America (DGA) and his assessement of the informal negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP).

The behind the scenes talking has been so ineffective that neither side can even settle on a date for when and if formal talks between the two parties will begin.

Those close to what is really going on say that the gap between the DGA and the AMPTP is so vast you could drive the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier through it, sideways and still not touch each parties table.

While the DGA is showing signs of regret over the WGA's inability to deal with the AMPTP, top leaders in the director's guild haven't totaly given up hope for their own talks but have stated empatically that no talks can begin until at least some semblence of an "appropriate" platform starting point can be established.

The same WGA-AMPTP sticking point, mass media compensation, is what is blocking the start of solid talks between the DGA and the AMPTP.


Oh this is too hilarious.  But I felt that if the Writers went on strike, then others like Directors would go on strike.  This is too funny though.  Although it isn't funny, it is.

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The entertainment industry is really going to been in a mess soon if these groups don't start working out some deals.


Yeah and SAG (Screen Actors Guild) is next. It's going to be a tough year for the Entertainment Industry :(


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on January 08, 2008, 08:48:33 AM
Yeah and SAG (Screen Actors Guild) is next. It's going to be a tough year for the Entertainment Industry :(

Whats next??  The Actor's Guild goes on strike?  (Overpayed in my opinion).

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
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Well I am glad I watch DVDs and British shows oh and re-runs
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


Quote from: Kinglinksr on January 08, 2008, 09:30:59 AM

Whats next??  The Actor's Guild goes on strike?  (Overpayed in my opinion).


SAG is the Actor's Guild

And only a small percentage of actors are over paid. Most actors make make medium income. You only hear of the multi million dollars deals.


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on January 08, 2008, 09:49:38 AM
Quote from: Kinglinksr on January 08, 2008, 09:30:59 AM

Whats next??  The Actor's Guild goes on strike?  (Overpayed in my opinion).


SAG is the Actor's Guild

And only a small percentage of actors are over paid. Most actors make make medium income. You only hear of the multi million dollars deals.

ha....ha....woops.  /bonk head.  Thats what I get for being half-asleep when reading your posts Kenny.  My big bad.  And yes, I know, there are some ppl that make medium income.  /sigh I really need another vacation.

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
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DGA & AMPTP Will Talk

The Directors Guild of America (DGA) and the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers (AMPTP) have come to their first agreement. They will sit down and begin talks.

This may not sound like such a big deal, but for the past month the two bargaining giants were at such odds that they couldn't even agree to meet with each other.

An official statement issued by both groups said that their talks will commence at the headquarters of the AMPTP, but the date for these talks has yet to be confirmed.

The DGA contract with studios and networks is set to expire on June 30 of this year and one of the major sticking points is the same shared with the Writers Guild of America (WGA) — that being proper compensation for DVD and online media revenues. It seems highly unlikely that the AMPTP will give the DGA what they adamantly refuse to give to the WGA. However, the 13,000 members of the DGA may not be quite as strong on their insistence as those 12,000 members of the WGA which could undermine the WGA strike. That strike is currently in its second month, quickly coming onto its third.

Spokespersons for the director's guild and the producers said that they want to keep a tight lid on information coming out of the talks and would offer no official comments to the press until their negotiations have concluded one way or the other.

There is still one other organization set for contract renewal with producers this year. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG). Representatives for SAG and AMPTP have been trying to eliminate any problems between the two before their talks begin sometime this spring.


Day three of the Directors Guild of America's (DGA) contract talks with the studios went well enough for another session to be scheduled for today (Tuesday, Jan. 15). Most in Hollywood believe that the DGA and the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers (AMPTP) will quickly hammer out a new contract to replace the pact set to expire June 30. If this happens as fast as many think, it doesn't bode well for support of the WGA striking writers.


Well that was quick.. this makes the Writers look even worse.

Hollywood directors reach deal with studios: source

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Hollywood directors' union reached a contract deal with major film and television studios on Thursday, a source familiar with the negotiations said, confirming a report in Daily Variety.

A deal between the Directors Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers could hasten the settlement of a 10-week-old screenwriters' strike.