Our Next President

Started by Geekyfanboy, January 21, 2008, 12:35:55 PM

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I think this thread needs to get back on topic, stat! The Presidential election debate was going great, this sidetrack into religon is a very bad idea, clearly.


I think you mean:

:offtopic :offtopic :offtopic


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Okay ... I'll reply.

I think that the problem with painting people in broad strokes is that it tends to ignore the detail that makes the picture a masterpiece.

I think that I have a wide range of friends and experiences that have allowed me to learn more about views and positions that others are not allowed to see.
My wife is Wiccan, my mother Southern Baptist, My father Catholic, and my best friend is a born again evangelical christian.

I think I make fun of them and respect them equally as I have done what I could to learn from their faiths even if I don't fully agree with everything they promote or condemn.

I think that many people have this innate desire to want to hate or dislike something that isn't like them. Be it race or religion, at some point, some people feel that their uniqueness is in danger and they make a stand against something that they don't agree with. They make this stand not because they really want to hate something outside of their world, but because they feel that if this thing was to spread, it would be a danger to their own beliefs and they attempt to do what they can to protect that.

I think that for me, I don't have the luxury to be close minded. I have to always try to see the big picture for fear of hurting someone that I love by making a generalization or uninformed opinion.


Now to bring this back on topic...

So it looks like McCain is going to be the Republician nominee

I still think it's to close to call for the Democrates ... Obama is starting to pull away from Hilary but I wouldn't count her out yet.


I love your American politics, it's brilliant. All the razz and glitz. Here in Blighty we have some really boring grey people attempt to get you excited by saying "please vote for me, we'll give you extra rubbish bins". Although i don't feel it is right for me to make any comment on your next president (due to the fact i am not American or live in your great country) i think you have the opportunity to have firsts on two factors. Your first woman president or your first black president. can't be bad for something new. we had a woman prime minister (and she kicked ass, boy did she kick ass). One thing i will say is this. I'm fairly new to this podcast and forum, I've been coming back because i love the community and friendly writings. I've had really nice message's from Moyer and Rico and i look forward to hearing off anyones else, what i do think is important is respect peoples views but lets not get moody, this is a fun place not a slanging forum.

Darth Gaos

I wouldn't count Hillary out yet either because she and her husband are the epitome of "machine politicians".  I would put nothing past these two in the their bid to regain the White House.  In a way I feel sorry for Barack Obama and what he is probably going to have to endure from that family over the next few months.  I read an article today that said Hillary will probably start to attempt to woo away the delegates that Obama has already won so far!  It is going to be an interesting next few months.

HaweyeMeds....welcome.  As to your post, you make a some good points....however "new" does not always equal "good" and Prime Minister Thatcher and Senator Clinton could not be more opposite in their beliefs or how they choose (chose) to run their respective countries.

I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Hawkeye Meds,

Just because you don't live here doesn't mean you can't have an opinion on who should be President. If the female PM you are referring to is Margaret Thatcher she was great! I always thought she was a tough ol' broad and I mean that in the nicest way.

Also, glad to know you are enjoying the community. I found it almost a year ago and have stuck around for the same reasons. I get under Kenny's and Rico's skin once in a while but nobody's perfect! :angel:

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine

Darth Gaos

And next time I will try and spell your screen name correctly out of respect to you and the great Doctor Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce.  ;D
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


A pleasure to have a reply form you both ha ha. Yes i was referring to M.Thatcher and ironically she seemed to have more balls than the men prime ministers, saying that she did go a bit mad during the end of her reign and i by the time i was old enough to vote John Major was in charge and jeez that knocked my confidence in British politics. Will keep an eye on you getting under Rico and Kenny's skin Ktrek and thanks for spelling my name right Darth, i raise a glass of martini to you both, now where are the olive's.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on February 19, 2008, 01:21:16 PM
i raise a glass of martini to you both, now where are the olive's.

Like Bond I prefer mine shaken not stirred but you can hold the olive! lol

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Wow, Obama wins WI. I think I am watching the Democratic Party splinter before my eye's. This election should have been a lay up for them and yet they have a real mess on their hands. If they end up nominating Obama, McCain will actually win this election. Shocking.


Quote from: Bryancd on February 19, 2008, 06:44:11 PM
Wow, Obama wins WI. I think I am watching the Democratic Party splinter before my eye's. This election should have been a lay up for them and yet they have a real mess on their hands. If they end up nominating Obama, McCain will actually win this election. Shocking.

Actually in several different polls If the election is Hillary VS. McCain then McCain wins but if it's McCain VS. Obama then Obama wins. The differential is only like 5% points over Hillary but enough to win at this point and the more momentum Obama gains the spread will even be more drastic. I still think that Hillary will find a way to buy out the super delegates and steal the nomination away from Obama, even though he will have the popular vote. I hate the delegate system the way it's currently set up.


"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Ktrek on February 19, 2008, 07:56:26 PM
Quote from: Bryancd on February 19, 2008, 06:44:11 PM
Wow, Obama wins WI. I think I am watching the Democratic Party splinter before my eye's. This election should have been a lay up for them and yet they have a real mess on their hands. If they end up nominating Obama, McCain will actually win this election. Shocking.

Actually in several different polls If the election is Hillary VS. McCain then McCain wins but if it's McCain VS. Obama then Obama wins. The differential is only like 5% points over Hillary but enough to win at this point and the more momentum Obama gains the spread will even be more drastic. I still think that Hillary will find a way to buy out the super delegates and steal the nomination away from Obama, even though he will have the popular vote. I hate the delegate system the way it's currently set up.



I know but I attribute that to the incredible momentum and positive press he has been rightly receiving in comparison to Hilary. When November roles around, it's going to be a very different story, where he is going to be contrasted against a more seasoned and experienced candidate who is a moderate Republican and a war hero. Also, I am ashamed to say, I don't think at the end of the day that white America is ready to elect an African-American President when it comes down to pulling that lever in November. Sad but I think it may be true.


I think that while some of white America might not be willing, there is more of the melting pot America that is. I think that especially in the youth of America, more people are not noticing color or accepting it as a restriction. Sure there are older Americans that still carry with them the memories and views of a segregated America, but as someone once pointed out to me. Those same people that wouldn't elect someone because they are black would also be the same people that wouldn't elect a woman because she wasn't a man. It was then pointed out if forced to chose between a black man and a white woman, many would pick the man because at least he's a man.

I think this thing about experience is kind of flawed because it can be a double edged sword and Obama is running a campaign that acknowledges that he's not Washington experienced and attempts to turn that into a positive.


The problem is that surveys and polls, done on the phone, on line, mailed in, don't provide the utter anonymity that the voting both does. Ask an well meaning American if race matters to them, and they answer will likely be an impassioned no. Put that same person in a voting both and you can very well have a different outcome. It will be very interesting and a statement on the issue of race in this country. I fear we are still much more segregated than what is often portrayed in media and our cultural touch stones.

In regards to experience, again the perceived comfort it provides is easy to dismiss during the early and frenetic days of the campaign, it becomes much more meaningful to people in early November behind the curtain.