Tom Cruise & Jerry O'Connell talk Scientology

Started by Rico, January 23, 2008, 07:31:46 AM

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This is pretty wild stuff.  I've always liked Jerry - the guys got guts for doing this (I'm going to call him "cheeky").





wow.  I sat there watching Tom and felt sorry for him.  It's like the ramblings of a mad man.  At least one coherent statement would have been nice. :) He is not a great testimony for Scientology. 

Jerry on the other hand... hillarious!  I mean he got it right on.

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Jerry was pretty funny.

I like Tom Cruise the actor and his movies, but try to stay oblivious to his other interests. When I watched the video, it kept reminding me of Steve Carells Michael Scott character from The Office, same tone, and incoherent thoughts one tries to justify.


I could only smile at this. It made me feel much better about my own psychosis.


I think both videos are quite sad. The first being that Tom Cruise is such a confused soul and believes he has direction in his life when it is so obvious to everyone around hum that he is lost.

The second being that Jerry O'Connell actually thinks it's funny to make fun of other people in such a self serving manner. No matter how messed up Tom Cruise is he does not deserve to be humiliated by anyone let alone a fellow actor. I did not find either video humorous in any way!

I think Tom Cruise has a lot of problems and I pray he truly does find some help and leave this cult. Scientology has obvioulsy really messed with his mind and has done damage. It troubles me to think that others may be influenced to look into Scientology because of his star status.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Why does it seem like Scientology is just bashing what Christianity stands for?  Thats what it seems like to me anyway.

And I'm really confused by what Tom Cruise seems like he has no direction....I'm not even sure what he's talking about. 

Otherwise, I'm sorry, but your a bit of a loon if you follow Scientology.  I respect many faiths from Christianity to the Muslim faiths to W/E there is that they may or may not be right.  But scientology......confuses me more than any other religion.  If it even is a religion....

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Darth Gaos

I'm sorry but if a "religion" and its followers in this day and age is going to be as sanctimonious as Scientology seems to be and then have the wherewithal to be so hyper sensitive as to try and stifle ANY criticism of it or its followers then they deserve whatever they get.  Case in point that does not involve the obvious culprit **cough**TOM CRUISE**cough** but one Mr Isaac Hayes.  I completely lost any respect for him when he and his "religion" threw their little temper tantrum over the SOuth Park episode that poked fun at Scientology.  Isaac Hayes had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM poking fun at nearly EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET (as only Trey and Matt can hilariously do) but when the subject of the satire is the "Church" of Scientology......L. Ron Hubbard forbid....get the lawyers on the phone, oh and Isaac Hayes decides to quit?!?!?    Gimme a break....they deserve what they get....If Cruise chooses to be their mouthpiece/standard bearer...that's a him problem.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I don't understand why people care. ..are Scientology people hurting anybody?? If they choose this for there life when who are you to judge them.


Quote from: StarTrekFanatic5 on January 23, 2008, 12:55:57 PM
I don't understand why people care. ..are Scientology people hurting anybody?? If they choose this for there life when who are you to judge them.


I think you would right in stating that people have the right to believe what they want but if you have looked at the research on Scientology you would understand that it is a very dangerous mind control cult. It's not just a simple "religion". It might be advisable to research Scientology before you make statements because people are being hurt by this cult and the most obvious ones being hurt are it's members. Becoming a Scientologist is not exactly the same thing as joining Rick Moyer's church.

Also, my post above was my concern not over Scientology itself but the treament of Tom Cruise the person. As far as I'm concerned Scientology is fair game but Tom Cruise would not be. He needs help and I think most people see that.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine

Darth Gaos

Don't misunderstand Kenny....Tom Cruise believes what he believes, and you can obviously tell he believes wholeheartedely in what he is saying, I don't care.  That does not bother me and I will never begrudge anyone their belief system....I take issue with the self-righteous, sanctimonious attitude that they take when ANY criticism is tossed at them.  Anytime something like this happens there appears to be a concerted effort by the CoS to completely suppress that criticism through whatever means (mainly litigation, but I have read of other less reputable means) they feel is necessary to protect this veil of secrecy that they have.  I take issue with anyone who gets threatened simply because they disagree with something.

BTW after wathcing both videos....I love Jerry Connel even more.   "It's all about's great chicken"  LOL
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Quote from: Ktrek on January 23, 2008, 01:06:47 PM

It might be advisable to research Scientology before you make statements because people are being hurt by this cult and the most obvious ones being hurt are it's members. Becoming a Scientologist is not exactly the same thing as joining Rick Moyer's church.


Kevin, Please don't insult my intelligence and tell me to research before I talk. I have friends who are into Scientology and I have read up on it since I considered it many years ago. I don't make unfounded accusations. You have every right to believe it's cult and people are being brainwashed. I do not believe or share these thoughts but with that said I don't agree with Scientology beliefs either but still they are grown adults and as I have said.. they aren't hurting anyone.

And Darth.. I agree with your points.


Also, I have no issues with what people believe, i have issues when people use celebrity to push their views on people. Tom Cruise can be Christian, Jewish, Scientologist, Anarchist, whatever. Problem is people will flock to things because celebrities endorse them. A lot of the time people don't realize that celebrities are people just like us and they can easily be misinformed about things just like us.


I think that part of being a member of a religion is that people are going to make fun of you. I think that part of this is because people fear the unknown and knowing anything is better than knowing nothing. I don't personally care what religion someone is, but if I heard them talking of their religion as Tom did and I have in some cases, I tend to smile because that's the beauty of faith.

People will believe what they view as right and there is nothing logical that you can do to change their views. It has been mentioned that Scientology is doing damage to people, but so is Christianity. Certain people turn beliefs into a cult and it can damage people. Waco was done by people that thought that their path to enlightenment was the right one.

Don't get me wrong, I'll all for faith, but blind unyeilding faith tends to cause problems in the long run.


Here are a couple video that document only a few of the thousands of cases of people abused, hurt and dead from this cult and it's Nazi like organization. More can be be documented but I really don't want to get into a protracted debate. You be the judge!
"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine