New William Shatner Autobiography

Started by Ktrek, January 24, 2008, 02:48:40 PM

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Not like we haven't already had enough books by and about Shat but if anyone is interested the Shat has a new biography coming. It's supposed to briing you up-to-date.

Here is an Amazon link to order:

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine

Captain BJ Wanlund

Is he hiring a ghostwriter this time??

Looks pretty good, I've enjoyed him on Boston Legal!!!

Love Star Trek TOS & TNG (never really got into DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise).  Also love Star Wars (everything save for the prequels...), and Indiana Jones, and ElfQuest, basically anything remotely SF or fantasy is my bag, tho I tend more towards SF than I do fantasy.


Sheesh, how many books does this guy need to write?

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:



I loved this book. I got it on audio so i could put it on my ipod and Shatner reading it really does make it enjoyable. Great stories and he really does not take himself seriously.


I've finally gotten around to reading this book. I'm to the beginning of the Star Trek animated series and I'm loving it. I was very impressed with the stories from his early career. The TV industry was much different in the 50's!

I highly recommend this book. Though there are some serious adn somber moments, it really captures Shatner's sense of humour and ability to make fun of himself.


As i said earlier i got the audio book and listened to it via ipod on my honeymoon. I loved it. Something about the author reading it to you kind of makes it all that bit special.


My only question about this book is how much of it is the god honest truth and how much of it is slanted to make The Shat look good. Don't get me wrong, I'm am loving this book, I'm just a bit curious.


Well i think it all seems quite true, there is nothing in the book really that seems over th etop. The bit about his wife dying is quite moving especially when you hear him talk about it. The last line of the book is a treasure though.


As I said I agree. I guess I'm just trying to take each description of every situation with a grain of salt. This is the story told from his point of view. I'm not talking so much about his wife's death, that was indeed tragic, but more his talk about his relationships with other actors (especially the Trek cast). I found in a lot of those situations he paints himself to be without fault.

I find he's very candid about his personal relationships, but a little less so when it comes to professional ones.

Just an observation. I am loving the book though.


Yeah i think that is because the majority of the people who will hav purchased this book will be trek fans so he knows that you won't want to read about bad blood. Personnaly i would. I'm still fascinated by the story that he and james doohan didn't get on until just before he died. That would have been nice to read.

Darth Gaos

I am not huge on autobiographies in general, mainly for the reasons that billybob stated above, but this may be one I have to check out.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Just finished the book. I thought it was great. I can highly recommend it if you are a fan on the Shat in any form.



Indeed, we may never know for sure...