"LOST" Season 4 discussion - spoilers

Started by moyer777, February 01, 2008, 03:12:23 PM

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Just read this on TV guide.com... WARNING... there are somewhat meaty spoilers.. Read at your own risk.. I don't think they were bad but that's me. :)


Lost: The Cast's Burning Questions Answered!
by Shawna Malcom

"It's no shock to say that Season 4 ends with the Oceanic 6 getting off the island," Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof shares with TV Guide. "The real mystery is how, and what they have to sacrifice, and what happens to the people who didn't leave. You get all that this year." Sounds good, we'll take it. But what other intel are producers willing to spill? To find out, we turned to no, not viewers but to Lost cast members themselves for their own burning questions. Warning! The producers' answers could cause a major head rush, if not a full-on Desmond-style time jump.

Jorge Garcia (Hurley): "Is Ben in the coffin?"
Carlton Cuse: Come on, Jorge!
Damon Lindelof: Seriously! [To Cuse] He's just trying to make sure it's not him. It's process of elimination. The next question is, "Is it Michael?" [Laughs]
Cuse: Before the end of the year, you will know who's in the coffin.
Lindelof: And Jorge will definitely know before anyone else.

Yunjin Kim (Sun): "Is Aaron actually one of the Oceanic 6?"
Cuse: We're not officially saying yet. We want the audience to engage in an active debate about who the Oceanic 6 are.
Lindelof: Following [Sayid's] episode, we got several inquiries we weren't anticipating about, 'Is Ben a member of the Oceanic 6?' He could've assumed the identity of somebody on the plane [with] no surviving family members. Who the actual six are is very much in play through the end of the [March 13th] episode. We'll confirm or deny after that.

Josh Holloway (Sawyer): "Is it Jack's turn with Kate?"
Cuse: [Laughs] That doesn't sound very romantic, but I guess we get the underlying meaning. The Jack-Kate situation remains unresolved and probably will be for a while.
Lindelof: We will say we haven't seen the last of Sawyer and Kate this season. Not by a long shot.

Henry Ian Cusick (Desmond): "It's 2004 on the boat. What year is it in Penny's world? What year is it when the Oceanic 6 get home?"
Lindelof: What's fundamentally interesting about all the time-jumping is that we want it to make sense when people watch the show 10 years from now. We don't want it to seem dated. So it's not really about what year it is in the outside world, it's about how many years have elapsed between the time that we're watching on the island and the flash-forwards. That's one of the fun games the audience is playing: "Gee, Aaron looks like he's about 18 months old. What does that mean, and how old was he when they got off the island?"
Cuse: There are some growth issues when you go on or off the island. But I can't say more about that.
Lindelof: You've already said enough.

Evangeline Lilly (Kate): "Did Michael reach the mainland? Go home? Come back to rescue us?"
Cuse: The good news is that Evie will get all of her answers in [the March 20th] episode.
Lindelof: Well, most of them.
Cuse: Those questions form the basis for that episode. Evie should be somewhat happy.

Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet): "Why did Juliet become such a badass? Who trained her — the Others?"
Cuse: I think there was probably some martial arts in New Otherton.
Lindelof: She probably went out shooting with Friendly back in the day, which is why she can handle a firearm so well. But the real inspiration for Juliet being a badass was Elizabeth herself. When she read for the part, she had this huge cast on her arm and was talking about her days of kickboxing....
Cuse: And then she beat Damon up.

Holloway: "Sawyer needs a freakin' haircut! Since I'm living with Hurley, can he cut my hair?"
Lindelof: [Laughs] That episode's a casualty of the strike.
Cuse: But yeah, Josh can have a haircut.
Lindelof: Josh might've forgotten, but this is a recurring request from him. He's like, 'My hair's getting long, can't Kate cut it?' So we did an episode [in Season 2] where Kate cuts his hair. I love how Josh chooses who's going to be his barber at any given time!

Cusick: "Did Jack's flash-forward in the third-season finale take place after the events of Sayid's most-recent episode?"
Cuse and Lindelof: Yes.

Naveen Andrews (Sayid): "Damon spoke once about going back into Sayid's childhood. It didn't sound like bulls--t at the time. Has he abandoned that?"
Lindelof: I love how he phrases it — "It didn't sound like bulls--t at the time" — [implying], "But it certainly seems like bulls--t now." [Laughs] It's certainly something we still want to do. It wouldn't necessarily be an entire flashback based in his childhood, but there may be significant things that happened when Sayid was a kid that we need to reveal.


Awesome. I love this show, and now I'm even more stoked. Thanks!
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Tonight's episode was OK. It just seems like every week they introduce some small item and resolve it the same episode with no overall resolutions.....Still decent though.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Quote from: Blackride on March 06, 2008, 07:07:15 PM
Michael is Ben's contact on the ship.

I was hoping we would not see Michael again - but it makes sense.


I liked the episode tonight.  At first I didn't like Juliet and didn't trust her, but it seems pretty obvious she was just being used by Ben all along.  Again, this season has been very solid so far.  Can't wait to see what happens next.


A solid episode tonight. The story with Juliet was good, and can see if Jack continues with a relationship with her, he will even be more of a marked man by Ben, so should setup for some really good conflict. Seems like Ben still has things under control, even when he is a prisoner. The statement that Ben is exactly where he wants to be, makes me believe he truely still has things under control. The boat people still have me puzzled, and interesting to see that Whitmore is playing a big part in things, more so then being Penny's father.


Quote from: Blackride on March 06, 2008, 07:08:28 PM
Tonight's episode was OK. It just seems like every week they introduce some small item and resolve it the same episode with no overall resolutions.....Still decent though.

I think they are resolving a lot of stuff. Now we know why they had the gas masks that we saw in the beginning of the season. Now we have a better idea of who the people on the boat are. We know how Ben gassed the Dharma initiative years ago. We know more about Godwin and Juliette. We know that Ben has a thing for Juliette. I could go on. This tied up a ton of stuff, and gave a face to the other side of the fight for the island, that we probably suspected - Charles Widmore.

Anyway, I guess I'm not seeing what you are seeing. I think this show just keeps getting better, and they are really ramping up the tension. It is so much tighter than last year - and I loved last season.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Quote from: Locutus on March 06, 2008, 11:52:38 PM
I think they are resolving a lot of stuff. Now we know why they had the gas masks that we saw in the beginning of the season. Now we have a better idea of who the people on the boat are. We know how Ben gassed the Dharma initiative years ago. We know more about Godwin and Juliette. We know that Ben has a thing for Juliette. I could go on. This tied up a ton of stuff, and gave a face to the other side of the fight for the island, that we probably suspected - Charles Widmore.

Anyway, I guess I'm not seeing what you are seeing. I think this show just keeps getting better, and they are really ramping up the tension. It is so much tighter than last year - and I loved last season.

OK, I can definetly agree on your points above. Maybe I am just looking for something major to happen soon. Somebody needs to be killed off :)

Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


The Oceanic 6 get off the island by the end of this season, and I think you are right about Michael. So that's pretty big.

Some things I want answered:
1) The statue with the four toes instead of five
2) Is the black smoke and the powder around Jacob's cabin the same thing?
3) Is Jacob the spirit of the island or is he a person trapped in time trying to get out?
4) What's with the moving house?
5) How did the Black Rock get to the middle of the island?
6) Why did Oceanic 815 go off course in the first place?
7) Is the electromagnetism of the island the only property that causes the healing, or are there other properties that work together?
8 ) Where is the Hurleybird? Is it another aspect of Jacob?

I could probably think of more questions, but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


How they are going to tie all these things together is beyond me.

"I am not a smart person but I know what love is" by Forest Gump
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Someone, please explain tonights episode - especially the last 3 minutes.


I loved this episode.. I'm a huge Jin and Sun fan.. so it was good to see more of them this season.. what an emotional episode.

They totally had me with the Jin Flashback and Sun Flashforward intercut. When it ended I looked at Harry and said.. "What just happened" but then I thought about it and figured it out. Totally had me fooled.

So it looks like Sun is the last of the Oceanic Six (Kate, Jack, Sayid, Hurley, Aaron and Sun).

I'm thinking Jin is still alive on the Island.. for some reason there was a limited amount of space for rescue and Jin made Sun go to save herself and the baby.

Seeing Micheal on the ship was very anti climatic for me. I had heard he was coming back and once I heard that Ben had a spy on the ship.. I thought of Michael and sure enough it was Michael.

Anyways a great episode tonight..

BTW.. Jin's date of death on the head stone was on Sept 22nd 2004 (that's the date the plane crashed)


Whoa. Good catch on the date.

I wasn't thinking that Ben was the one who staged the crash, but it makes sense. Well, as much sense as anything else. It also makes sense that Whidmore would want to add those resources to his own.

Yes, the Michael reveal was not too spectacular - unless you avoid spoilers and news about the show like many people do. We only have ourselves to blame for things like that being lukewarm. Although I would admit to a small thrill about being right about something on the show for once. ;)

I will say that this episode felt more manipulative than the previous ones. Most of the time, the show doesn't seem to intentionally obfuscate beyond the individual characters motivations. This one, with the flash forward and back and Kate oddly misrepresenting what happened at the power station, it felt forced.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Quote from: Locutus on March 14, 2008, 11:28:50 AM

I will say that this episode felt more manipulative than the previous ones. Most of the time, the show doesn't seem to intentionally obfuscate beyond the individual characters motivations. This one, with the flash forward and back and Kate oddly misrepresenting what happened at the power station, it felt forced.

I am not sure if I liked that or not. I didn't see a purpose to it except to confuse us on purpose. Jin's story did not push the story forward at all and was just there to confuse. Other than that it was on par with the rest of the season for me. Still waiting for some sparks to fly :)
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.