"LOST" Season 4 discussion - spoilers

Started by moyer777, February 01, 2008, 03:12:23 PM

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ABC Confirms More Lost

ABC confirmed that it has ordered an additional hour of Lost and that the SF hit's two-hour season-four finale will air May 29 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

ABC's announcement on April 14 confirmed a rumor, first reported by TV Guide columnist Michael Ausiello. The additional hour brings to 14 the number of hours in Lost's strike-truncated fourth season.

ABC noted that Lost will be pre-empted on May 22 due to a special two-hour Grey's Anatomy season finale.

Lost returns with the first of five new episodes on April 24 in its new timeslot, Thursdays at 10 p.m.


Lost Spoilers Revealed

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, executive producers of ABC's Lost, offered reporters major spoilers for the remainder of the fourth season, which resumes with new episodes on April 24.

Speaking in a conference call with reporters on April 17, they revealed that Sawyer (Josh Holloway) is not one of the Oceanic Six; that the conflict between Jack (Matthew Fox) and Locke (Terry O'Quinn) will reach a head in the season finale; that viewers will learn more about the fate of Claire (Emilie de Ravin); and that viewers will learn more about what happened to Rousseau (Mira Furlan) and Karl (Blake Bashoff), who were shot by an unknown assailant and left for dead in the last original episode to air, "Meet Kevin Johnson."

Also, Cuse promised viewers will see the smoke monster again in the first new episode back. In upcoming episodes there will be more of the mysterious Jacob, and viewers will also finally learn more about the four-toed statue.

As for the two-part fourth-season finale, "There's No Place Like Home," the producers said there was no way they could squeeze in all the story they wanted to tell without expanding the final episode to two hours.

"We had an eight-hour story plan that got condensed down to five initially because of the strike," Lindelof said. "And in trying to cram all that story around the finale, the rubber hit the road. And we realized that it all felt very rushed and we were short changing our emotional moments. You know, our character moments. So we read the 80-page first draft of hour two and looked at each other and said, 'There's no way we're going to be able to cut this down to a 55-page script. Why don't we expand it to 100 pages?'"

The final three hours will deal with the romantic triangle of Kate (Evangeline Lilly), Jack and Sawyer. "All we can say is Sawyer is not one of the Oceanic Six, and Jack and Kate are," Lindelof said. "Obviously there will be a huge focus in these final three hours of the show that comprise the finale in terms of how that series of events transpires and what ultimately happens to Sawyer, and it's all on the axis of the love triangle. We think that both fans of Sawyer and Kate--otherwise known as the 'Skaters,' from what I am told--and Jack and Kate--the 'Jaters'--will have a bounty of interesting romantic scenes."

As for that standoff between Jack and Locke? "I think Locke and Jack, to us right from the beginning, represented the two significant philosophical poles of the show," Cuse said. "Jack was the ultimate empiricist, and Locke was the person who believed his fate and destiny were all tied up in the magic and mystery of this island. And the conflict between those two guys is really the central conflict on our show. So that's a theme we continue to explore. And there's a big culmination of that that takes place in this season's finale."

Beyond that, the series will be "revisiting the emotional idea" behind the kiss that Jack and Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) had early in the season, possibly in the May 1 episode, Lindelof said.

"There are definitely some very large and seismic events that will happen to our castaways between now and the end of the season," Cuse said. "And by the end of the season some people's fates will be clear. and others will not be so clear."

Lost returns with "The Shape of Things to Come," the first of five new episodes, on April 24 in a new timeslot, Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Part one of "There's No Place Like Home" will air on May 15. The two-hour second part will air on May 29 at 9 p.m.

(Because of the writers' strike, the fourth season was shortened by two hours, which will be bumped into the show's fifth or sixth seasons.) --Kathie Huddleston


Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Fox: Lost Is Back With A Bang

Matthew Fox, who plays Dr. Jack Shephard on ABC's Lost, told SCI FI Wire that the upcoming final five episodes of the fourth season will be packed with action, a few surprises and a change for his character.

"You won't believe what happens in the next five episodes," Fox said in a group interview on April 18 while promoting his upcoming film, Speed Racer. "The show is building to its climax of the year, and it's a lot of things happening. It's big, and it's going to be good."

Fox added that things may change for his character, who has appeared in "flash-forwards" as an emotional wreck. "Jack's a frickin' mess in the future," Fox said. "So that's been not pleasant to revisit that. It's never fun to put yourself into a place where you're suicidal and really, really messed up and desperate. So, yeah, he's really gotten to the rock bottom, but I understand why we're taking him there, and there will be a turn in there where he begins to sort of build towards a redemption. And taking him to the very pit of despair is going to make, I think, that more rewarding."

Lost has been on a break during the fourth season, which was interrupted by the writers' strike. "I think it's been a good year for us," Fox said. "The strike, obviously, was difficult, just because we were really on a roll through [episode] eight, then we took this break. But I think everybody was really excited to get back to it."

Now that the strike is over, the cast and crew have had to film several episodes at once in order to finish the season on schedule. "It's been, you know, chaotic," Fox said. "I mean, you know, as it always is this time of year for us. I mean, we're doing many shows [at once]. I think we're shooting three episodes simultaneously, essentially. So it's like anywhere between two and three units working at the same time and going back and forth between them and shooting things very out of sequence, which you always do, but I think when you're covering three episodes, it's a lot. But it's great. I mean, it's really great."

Lost returns with the first of its new episodes on April 24 in its new timeslot, Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT. --Cindy White


Lost's End Is In Sight

Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, executive producers of ABC's Lost, told reporters they know how the hit series will end when the show, now in its fourth season, finally finishes its run at the end of season six in 2010.

"The last scene has definitely been determined," Lindelof said in a conference call on April 17. "There would have to be some major shift in both our mindsets to back off that. That's what we've been working towards for a couple years now, even before the end date was announced. Now that the end date is announced, we're able to determine at what speed we're working. ... So we've got both pieces of bread that are eventually going to make the sandwich that is the remaining two seasons of the show, and now it's the matter of how much mayo we want to put on."

Lost returns to finish out its fourth season this month, and the producers have said they will do only two more seasons after that. This season, which was interrupted by the writers' strike, viewers got their first glimpse of the Flight 815 survivors once they leave the island.

"We view the show as a mosaic, [and] we're putting tiles in all over the mosaic," Cuse said. "And when the mosaic is complete, Lost will be complete. And obviously we put tiles in the present and the past. And with the flash-forwards, now we're putting them in the future. But it's entirely possible as we move into future seasons that that notion of what is the past, what is the future and what is the present on the show could change. So in other words, it's somewhat dependent from what point of view we are telling the stories. I don't think we have any hard and fast rules about what we must or must not do. In fact, we approach it and say, 'Hey, this is the narrative we're going to be telling in this season of the show. What is the best storytelling method to tell that story?'"

But is there a chance there may be more Lost in store in the form of a sequel once that last scene finally plays out? "Oh, God," Cuse said with a chuckle. "We're so focused on just trying to finish telling this story. I mean, we're really planning that when Lost has ended that we're not holding [anything] back. We feel that would do a disservice to the audience. We want the conclusion at the end of season six to be the end of the story. So that's how we're planning."

Season five, will most likely premiere at the end of January in 2009, Lindelof said. But fans may be able to get a glimpse of what the future holds both online and at Comic-Con International in San Diego this July.

"We're beginning discussions about what we're going to do between seasons and we have the kernel of a cool idea," Cuse said. "But, yeah, we loved Find815[.com] and we hope to do a similar thing where there is an online prologue that will lead into season five and hopefully generate some excitement and interest in what that season is going to be."

The producers are also discussing what they might do at Comic-Con, Lindelof said. "Which will be probably before any of that stuff leading into the season, but might be tied into it," he said. "Last year we showed the Orchid [orientation] video, which is going to pay off in a big way in the season finale this year. So we would love to do something similar. Give the Comic-Con fans an exclusive look at something." Lost resumes its fourth season with all new episodes on April 24 in its new timeslot, Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT. The season-four finale is set for May 29. --Kathie Huddleston


I am soooooooooooooooo looking forward to the rest of this season. This is one of the most consistently entertaining and well-written scif/fi shows still on the air, besides Battlestar Galactica.

Comic Con will be excellent.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Very good episode last night. Very intense and well acted.

I am going to have to go back to college and get another degree though to understand all that is going on :)
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


OK, last night's episode...


A little more insight on smokey the cloud, that was kind of cool.  Ben is a man of many talents.   Kind of harsh on Ben's daughter... ouch.  Cool little room that Ben went into.  I wonder what else he can control???   OK, how did Claire survive that?  Hmmmm.

All in all, it's hard to keep up with everything.  What a whirling bunch of puzzle pieces! 

So who is Jacob and what will he tell them to do??????  AHHHHHHH!

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Very interesting episode.  Lots of stuff happened.  This series continues to evolve and move forward.  Ben is quite the character.  How did he get to the Sahara?  What exactly is the smoke monster?  Or Jacob??  Many questions.  And who else knew it was Jack's appendix?  If you have had yours out (I have) you would know immediately what his pain was from.  I guess Juliet is going to be doing a little surgery.  What I don't get is shouldn't the island be keeping everyone healthy?  Anyway - great show.  Loved how Bernard knew morse code.  That was cool!


Good point, Rico. What is the deal with the appendix?

The smoke monster - wow. That was awesome.

Great episode, and can't wait for the next one.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Yes, good episode. I must say I was stunned with the Killing of Alex, I did not think it would happen, then it did. I guess I was surprised that they killed off Roussuea the last episode, so not sure why I was surprised what happend to Alex, but I guess the way they did it.
I am thinking Ben got to Sahara the same way the polar bears did, or the way they were sending those rabbits in that viral video before the start of the season. I liked how they setup how Ben and Sayid started working with each other after getting off the island. Will be interested to see what happens with Locke and Jacob when he finds him, and what they are told. Ever since they announced the end date for this show, the storyline has really started to move.


Well I was finally able to watch last weeks episode... the body count continues to rise. I have a feeling no one else gets off the island because they are all dead. :) I like how the answer a few questions but ask many many more. One day we will have the answers.. at least I hope.


I'm pretty sure there are many still left on the island after the Oceanic Six are "rescued."  The producers have indicated that.  They have said the present time frame on the series will catch up with the flash forwards and we will see episodes showing what happens after the flash forward stuff.  So I'm thinking some or all of the Oceanic Six will return to the island and we will see what happens after they go back.


Another good episode of Lost last night. The flash forward stories are getting more and more intriguing with (dead)people coming to visit the Oceanic 6. Also was a bit shocked to see Claire and Clair/Jacks Dad holding her baby, not sure if he was in illusion or the real thing. I am thinking an illusion of some sort, as Miles never mentioned him. Also thinking that all the whispers in the Jungle are of people who have died, considering Miles heard them, and then basically tripped over Carl and Rousseau dead bodies. I also like what they are doing with Sawyer, they are making him more and more caring for his fellow losties. His concern for Claire, and know he is left with Aaron to take care of and get back to camp.


Another really great episode of Lost this week. Not really sure what to think of Claire now, is she Dead, or something else. Same with Jack/Clarie's Dad, I am wondering if he is an illusion, like a few others that occurred on the Island. I guess his body went missing after the crash, so something could be inhabiting it. I guess to show himself to Locke, who does not know who he is makes me believe he is more then some of the other dead people that had been seen on the island. I really want to know more about Richard as well, I thought he just aged slowly, but now thinking either he does not age at all, or travels through time somehow. Really looking forward to the next episode.