"LOST" Season 4 discussion - spoilers

Started by moyer777, February 01, 2008, 03:12:23 PM

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Well, Meet Kevin Johnson was a pretty good episode, and many things are starting to clear right up about the entire show concept.

Also, the episode answered some questions and really didn't ask very many, although I am very angry with Sayid for his actions at the end.

Can't wait for the next ep!
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


I thought it was a pretty cool show as well. Good to see what happend to Michael after getting off the island, and not being able to kill himself. Was surprised that Sayid went to the captain as well, was not really expecting that. The stuff with Alex at the end was interesting, wondering if it is Ben pulling some more strings. Now I have to wait a month for the next set of episodes.


OK, I will bring this up and please understand I do not want to be controversial. When Michael went up to that guys hotel room (forgetting his name now) they obviously went out of their way to show that he was gay. I personally think that they did this to show the contrast of what is allowed on the island and it shows that people go off the island they actually express their selves in other ways.

I am assuming that once Ben finds out that one of his men is gay he is not going to be happy. Why do I say that? Well I say this because on the island, Ben's people all seem to have loved one's that they are trying to pro-create with. So since this guy can not pro-create I am thinking that this will be against Ben's rules.

Overall there must be a reason that they went out of the way to show that there was a gay relationship on the show. I am not saying it's a bad thing but it's there to push the storyline ahead somehow and I am trying to figure out why.

Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


It was an interesting episode, but since Michael has been gone so long I found I didn't really care much about learning what happened to him.  I'm wondering how long he will stay on the show?  Now we have about a month to ponder things until LOST returns at the end of April.  I didn't find any deep meaning in the showing the gay relationship.  It might be simply that there are no other gay men on the island.  He did say he likes to "indulge himself" when off the island.  I didn't have a big problem with Sayid in this episode either.  From his point of view he doesn't trust Ben at all and Michael betrayed them all once.  So I think his actions made sense.  The interesting thing is Sayid must eventually come to understand Ben more since he seems to work for him in the future.


It is possible that Ben might be opposed to people who cannot recreate. I took it more that when on the island, that Tom is probably limited to what he can do, and when off the island he makes sure to really indulge himself. Thought it was interesting and added a little more depth to the Character. Ben is a master manipulator and seems to know something about everyone, so I suspect he knows that Tom is gay. I liked how Miles pointed out to Locke that Ben was a manipulator, and was able to talk his way out of confinement to having supper with them. He added some doubt back into Lockes mind about Ben.


That was a great line, "Yesterday you had him tied up and today he's eating pound cake." or something like that.


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It just seems to me that every little piece of information has something to do with the main story or leads somewhere eventually. I think there is more to it than just adding to the character profile.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


JJ Abrams and the people working on "LOST" are also masters of misdirection and manipulation.  It's their bread and butter.  Keep in mind how in just the week before they tried to make you think Jinn was going to see Sun have their baby and it turned out it wasn't the case.  They are like magicians as they weave this story.  They show you something to take your mind off something else - just like a magician does in their act.  So I firmly expect them to toss out all kinds of stuff that either have no meaning at all, or are just intended to misdirect the viewers.  They have done this constantly.  Just keep that in mind as you are feed clues and new things each week.


I find it interesting that if Tom was with a girl no one would have commented that they went out of the way to make him appear straight.

I don't think it matters at all if one character is or is not gay.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Quote from: Locutus on March 22, 2008, 09:59:52 PM
I find it interesting that if Tom was with a girl no one would have commented that they went out of the way to make him appear straight.

I don't think it matters at all if one character is or is not gay.

I don't think people are bad for noticing it or talking about it at all. The reason I was talking about it was that Ben seemed to place a high value on reproduction and wanted certain people together to pro-create. This is something Tom could not do while being gay.

That was all I was talking about. I was not trying to make this a social issue.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Quote from: Blackride on March 23, 2008, 04:51:26 AM

I don't think people are bad for noticing it or talking about it at all. The reason I was talking about it was that Ben seemed to place a high value on reproduction and wanted certain people together to pro-create. This is something Tom could not do while being gay.

That was all I was talking about. I was not trying to make this a social issue.

Whoa, big guy. ;) I wasn't saying anyone was bad or anything. I was merely commenting on the things we notice and the importance we put on them. When I saw that, my comment was "I guess Tom's gay." and that was it. It was the same for me as saying "That guy is married." or "I guess she's actually in her 40s."

I'm also not convinced the producers put any more thought into it than if they put Locke in green camo or tan camo, for instance. I think it was just a character moment. I mean, assuming the old statistics of ten percent of any population is gay, at least a couple of the characters would be, and it would be a bit of a cop out for them to say "Yes, we have gay characters, they just aren't the main ones."

So I agree, and I wasn't trying to make it a social issue either.
Admiral Piett: Impossible! Are calcs proves us otherwise.
" Blalock's 'Shadow Puppets' To Get California Release" <-- Best headline ever on this site.


Sorry Locutus. I wanted people to understand that I myself was not making a social comment on the issue. I really had nothing at all wrong with what you said.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


Wow.. just finished watching this weeks Lost... so many answers and what cliffhanger... thank goodness the strike ended when it did.. can you imagine if we had to wait till September for new episodes.. April 29th can't come soon enough.


Lost To Wrap Up In April

Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, co-executive producers of ABC's Lost, told SCI FI Wire that the current season's final batch of new episodes will unspool a story arc based on a plan devised in anticipation of the writers' strike.

"The last two weeks before the strike, we actually sat down and said, 'Here is what we want to tell for the rest of the season,'" Kitsis said in an interview. "We all sat down, and the entire staff came up with a battle plan in place."

When Lost returns in late April, it will wrap up the fourth season with five episodes, three fewer than planned before the strike took place. "We got to tell a little more story this season than we anticipated," Kitsis said. "It's really worked out well. We came back from the strike, and everyone is just really excited, and I have to say, creatively, every day has been a pleasure. Everything we're doing right now is exciting, and every script that is going out, you're jealous if you didn't write it."

As for the missing episodes? "I feel that the three missing episodes will be made up over the course of the next two seasons," Horowitz said. "Seasons four, five and six are meant to encompass 48 episodes."

Kitsis added: "I have a feeling it will mean more, like, two-hour shows as opposed to more episodes, but those are decisions above our pay grade."

Season four has so far been marked with a continuation of the "flash-forward" storytelling technique introduced in the finale of season three. "This just seemed like the most interesting way to tell the rest of the story of the show," Kitsis said. "When we realized that we were only going to do three more seasons, it enabled us to starting thinking a little more out of the box in how we want to tell the remaining story that was left. The flash-forwards are, I think, just a great way to keep the show energized and tell the story in an interesting way. It was a brilliant idea by [executive producer] Damon [lindelof]."

Lost returns with new episodes on April 24 in its new Thursday timeslot at 10 p.m. ET/PT. --Kathie Huddleston


More Lost this season?

TV Guide's Michael Ausiello is reporting that the current season of Lost may be extended an episode if negotiations between producers and ABC work out.

The current season is set to run for thirteen episodes but an additional episode could be ordered and produced for the series' fourth season. The season was originally supposed to run sixteen episodes but was shortened due to the writers strike.

Ausiello told readers that while negotiations are on-going, this is not a done deal.

"In fact, the scheduling hurdles alone are enough to make a grown man cry," wrote Ausiello on his TV Guide blog. "But you have to admit, the prospect of a 14th hour is a tantalizing one."

The prospect of a fourteenth episode brings up some interesting questions about the rest of the season for the hit drama. One of the biggest is when would this proposed episode air. Lost is scheduled to end it season on May 22 as part of a big night of finales for the network. Ausiello speculates that a two-night event for the show could be one way to resolve this question.

Also, there is the question of how this could impact the completed episodes. Would they have to be re-edited for the new fourteenth episode?

Currently, Lost is set to end its season on May 22. The series will return with new episodes on April 24th in its new time slot of 10 p.m. EST.