Dear Rico

Started by MSUFan, February 19, 2008, 05:44:53 PM

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Should Rico get Steve a new iPod

Heck Yes!
6 (37.5%)
No, he doesn't deserve it
1 (6.3%)
2 (12.5%)
I'll vote Yes if Rico's wife makes a guest spot on the next Podcast
7 (43.8%)

Total Members Voted: 16


Dear Rico aka Dad,

The iPod you got me the Christmas before going to Michigan State has seen a long and great life. Unfortunately, it has become outdated, and although it works fantastically it has been completely filled with songs. As we know Rico's son (me), loves his music. It makes long walks in -20 degrees feel like a sweet summer day. It helps him get pumped up during his workouts and before IM basketball games. So I think the ultimate decision would be to get another iPod that is bigger so that I wouldn't have to discriminate against songs and everybody could be listened to by Stephen.

Solid argument


Hmm, his argument is logical.  I say yes!

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Tricky Steve.  Using the forum members to do your dirty work.  Hehe!  I like the 4th option on your poll!  Let me think on this.


I voted for the fourth option. I hope you get your iPod Steve.  :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Please buy him an iPod, I am desperate to get Apple's stock up!!!!! ;)


I say yes, buy Steve a iPod, as it was a novel approach to ask for one. :)


Yeah, got to get him one now.  :)

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Why am I not surprised at these results ???   Maybe Lynn would like to be an honorary forum member or a new topic: Wives of Trekkies (a.k.a How to remain sane in an insane world)


Wow - one no vote?!?!  LOL!


Quote from: markinro on February 19, 2008, 06:45:54 PM
Why am I not surprised at these results ???   Maybe Lynn would like to be an honorary forum member or a new topic: Wives of Trekkies (a.k.a How to remain sane in an insane world)

LOL, I read your post to my husband... he says the topic should be "Spouses of Trekkies: how to remain sane in an insane world." Said he'd be glad to post in that one.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


I know that in this modern world there are so many things that a young person deems important but I will only vote yes if Lynn sucks it up and gets in on the next podcast.'re on your own. After all a couple of weeks of hard honest labor and you can get your own IPod and Dad can't say a thing about it! :)

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Quote from: Ktrek on February 19, 2008, 08:02:43 PM
I know that in this modern world there are so many things that a young person deems important but I will only vote yes if Lynn sucks it up and gets in on the next podcast.'re on your own. After all a couple of weeks of hard honest labor and you can get your own IPod and Dad can't say a thing about it! :)


Would definitely agree with that sentiment- but at the same time I think most of my hard honest labor goes straight into my classes and the workload that goes along with them.

Dan M

I'd rather Rico spend all his disposable income on high-end prop replicas, so I can continue to live vicariously through him.


I like your bold approach to getting the ipod Steve; you've got a lotta stones lol... :laugh:

I'm not sure of what your exact situation is, but my first impulse is to take Ktrek's stance on this-
QuoteI know that in this modern world there are so many things that a young person deems important but I will only vote yes if Lynn sucks it up and gets in on the next podcast.'re on your own. After all a couple of weeks of hard honest labor and you can get your own IPod and Dad can't say a thing about it!

I know how demanding college can be, but I also know that it is possible to sacrifice a little of the 'free' time to pick up a part-time job.  Many college students, myself included, worked while attending school without destroying the ol' GPA. 

If all you want is a little extra cash for an ipod, all you would need to do is work maybe 6 to 10 hours a week.  I don't know what the job market is like where you are, but I imagine that it would be fairly simple to find a job working just a few hours for one or two days a week.  And just think how much more the ipod would mean to you if it was purchased with your own cash! 8)


Quote from: pickard on February 19, 2008, 10:28:53 PM
I'd rather Rico spend all his disposable income on high-end prop replicas, so I can continue to live vicariously through him.

lol  thats too funny. 

Quote from: MSUFan on February 19, 2008, 08:13:01 PM
Would definitely agree with that sentiment- but at the same time I think most of my hard honest labor goes straight into my classes and the workload that goes along with them.

Even though I'm a freshman, I have to agree with that statement.  We work very hard and besides, an Ipod helps us study more.  (music).

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