Star Trek PC Games?

Started by wraith1701, February 22, 2008, 09:42:38 PM

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Hey folks.  I've been considering picking up the Trek PC game Star Trek: Armada, and I was hoping that someone out there has some experience with it.  First of all, because of the age of the game, I've heard that there might be some issues with running the game on Windows XP.  Anyone experience any problems?

I was also wondering if anyone has played any other Trek PC games.  If so, are there any games that you recommend? 

Hope to hear back from you guys...


My son Andrew is sitting right here... he has played a bunch of them on the PC.. here is what he says..

I have no problem playing Armada on my xp machine, there is Armada II which was more fun.  I have also played Star Trek Elite Force II, and I liked that a lot.  If you get Armada or Armada II type in "showmethemoney" and it will give you 2000 units of dilithium.  heheh.

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Cool; thanks for the reply!  8)

By the way; what about Armada II was more enjoyable than Armada?


Games to recommend?  I would highly suggest Star Trek Bridge Commander.  This game is more of a space-ship shooter but is great for ship graphics.  Draw back is that the NPCs are not very good graphic wise, but considering the age, they are very good.  Captain Picard & Data (voice and all) appear. 

Its a game that you take command of a ship and essentially explore, fight other ships and such.  Great game. 

However, because its rare and Highly modifiable, its expensive on Ebay.  You can modify the game from its stock ships to really cool ships and more.  Even improve existing graphics.   

Haven't been able to play however due to lack of hard drive space.  Hope to fix that though.   

Hope that helps.

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Quote from: wraith1701 on February 22, 2008, 09:56:24 PM
Cool; thanks for the reply!  8)

By the way; what about Armada II was more enjoyable than Armada?

Andrew says that Armada II was more difficult.  You can use warp speed, you can be more species like 8472, plus better super weapons. 

I also love Bridge Commander, it rocks.  You are the captain of a ship.  You actually sit in the captains seat and can order people around.  You can command view screens, hailing, warping, scanning etc.  I also enjoyed Data and Picard's voice.

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Yep.  Agree with Rick.  I just wish I could reinstall it onto my system.  but 80 gigs leaves little room.  ugh

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So are you locked into commanding a Sovereign Class ship in Bridge Commander, or do you get to pick your own ship?  Also, on the listings I've seen for this game, 3-D glasses are mentioned.  Are they required for game play?


Quote from: wraith1701 on February 22, 2008, 10:57:15 PM
So are you locked into commanding a Sovereign Class ship in Bridge Commander, or do you get to pick your own ship?  Also, on the listings I've seen for this game, 3-D glasses are mentioned.  Are they required for game play?

You don't have to have 3D glasses. 

In normal play you go between a galaxy class and sovereign class but in scrimage mode  you can become any type of ship that is in the game, Cardasian, Klingon, Romulan, Ferangi and Federation. 

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Thanks.  It's starting to look like I'll be picking up 3 games instead of just one.  Armada, Armada II, and Bridge Commander all sound great!


Quote from: moyer777 on February 22, 2008, 11:16:53 PM
Quote from: wraith1701 on February 22, 2008, 10:57:15 PM
So are you locked into commanding a Sovereign Class ship in Bridge Commander, or do you get to pick your own ship?  Also, on the listings I've seen for this game, 3-D glasses are mentioned.  Are they required for game play?

You don't have to have 3D glasses. 

In normal play you go between a galaxy class and sovereign class but in scrimage mode  you can become any type of ship that is in the game, Cardasian, Klingon, Romulan, Ferangi and Federation. 

If you can modify the game, you can choose the X-species, Borg, Ferengi and many more.  There is a great site for this.  I used to have a great set-up.   I could choose from TOS-Voy series ships.  Borg ships can drain your computer processes though.  But they are all great.  I may restart this "hobby" of mine and post a suggestion on these forums later on. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
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Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


When it comes to good ol' shoot-em-up space ship battles, which game is best-- Armada, Armada II, or Bridge Commander?


For fleet battles, Armada, for Bridge Commander it is more one on one,  you control the weapons etc.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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Thanks.  Bridge Commander FTW!


I've had some fun with Legacy. The controls take some learning but overall it's not so bad.