Harry Turtledove The Great War Trilogy

Started by redcoyote, April 19, 2008, 06:21:25 PM

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I am currently on book two of three of the Great War trilogy. It deals with The first world war where The United States remained split and the Civil War ended in a stalemate. It is now the first world war and the USA and the CSA are fighting against each other. The USA is on the side of Germany whereas the Confederates are aided by England, France , Canada and Japan.
  The books are told from the perspective of several people from different walks of life. I find it highly entertaining because  I love alternate reality stuff. I love the Mirror universe stuff from Star Trek I think that is where I first got my liking for what might have been.
Genius by birth, Slacker by choice.


Sounds like a cool book series.. I might have to check it out.

Darth Gaos

The Great War trilogy is actually the first set of a MUCH larger set of books.  The followup trilogy to the Great War deals with what, to us, would have been the inter-war years, then there are four (or five, I cannot remember) more books that deal with WWII.

GREAT GREAT set of books.  I really enjoy Harry Turtledove's alternate history stuff.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Actually it is the second part there is a book called How few Remain which tells of the Civil War and how it ended in that time line.
The trilogy after the Great War is Called American Empire. The next trilogy which deals with what in our world would be World War 2 is called  Settling Accounts.
  Harry Turtledove does some great series and individual books on alternate realities. When I get through with Time line 191  I want to read Guns of the South where a time traveler takes Ak-47 rifles to the confederate army.
   Then The World Was series where during the middle of WW2 Aliens invade the earth and Axis and Allies have to team up to fight off the alien invaders.
Genius by birth, Slacker by choice.


Quote from: redcoyote on April 20, 2008, 04:35:48 PM
   Then The World Was series where during the middle of WW2 Aliens invade the earth and Axis and Allies have to team up to fight off the alien invaders.

Oh yeah; the World War series.  Those were some pretty cool books; reptilian invaders showing up during WWII and seriously altering the course of history.  There was also a follow up series to these books called Colonization, which jumps the story forward to the 60's, and Homeward Bound, which wraps up the series.  Definitely must reads for Alien Invasion/Alternate Timeline fans! :thumbsup


I have never been a big reader. I mean i have read a few books in my life. But the Great Was Trilogy has me spending almost every minute of my free time reading these books. I am almost half way through the third book of the trilogy. I am anxious to see what happens. Then I will go into the next trilogy called American Empire. These books have me totally enraptured.
Genius by birth, Slacker by choice.


I have those books and I can't wait to start reading them. I've heard great things about the series.

I like Harry Turtledove a lot.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock

Darth Gaos

What I especiallyt love about Turtledove is his use of actual historical figures that he puts an extra twist on.  Love his writing.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?