Anomaly Podcast

Started by Darth Gaos, April 22, 2008, 11:08:23 PM

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Well done ladies! It is well deserved.



I've sent you a email and i'll say it here as well, congratulations to you both on awards well deserved. I stand up and bow to you both. :)


Thanks guys! WE were I think you can tell by the recording that Jeff Roney spliced into his show. Everyone else who won awards seemed to know it...I think we were the only ones they surprised. Jeff went on to do an extensive interview with us that will be on a separate episode available via Roney Zone Radio. I'll post a link when it's up in his feed. That was our first interview and we were VERY nervous for some reason. Angela did most of the talking. She switched to PR Assistant Mode and went to town. LOL...she does PR for a living and does it well, I was thankful she took over. :)

Anyway, thank you all for your congratulations and for your support and encouragement. Some of our best and most loyal listeners come from Treks In Sci-Fi... we appreciate you all very much.

If you didn't listen to the award show. Other winners included Star Wars Action News, The Butlernerverse and we shared the Best Panel Of Show Hosts with the EUCast. There were a plethora of awards for audio dramas, which is what the Fanworks Network is best known for. If you guys like Star Wars you should check out their audio dramas. I'll be joining their ranks soon as an actress playing Bastilla Shan in a KOTOR drama soon...just waiting on my lines. :)  I'm practicing my English accent by listening to Harry Potter audio books at the moment. LOL.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


That is cool that you are going to do some acting for them.  Awesome!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Hey Jen, where can I get your shows?

never mind, I found it on iTunes, subscribing now! Need to catch up!  :metallica:


Congrats on winning the awards Jen and Angela


Just listened to the first two shows, well done! I really like them. :)


Quote from: Bryancd on February 02, 2009, 03:46:45 PM
Just listened to the first two shows, well done! I really like them. :)

Thanks Bryan. :)

We're playing promos for those who are podcasters/friends of Anomaly. If you are interested in trading promos and bumpers with us, send an email and let us know...Maybe we'll record something custom for you. Contact us to discuss a possible cross promotion by visiting or email us at

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The Anniversary Episode (Anomaly Of Anomaly 1) is up in our feed, and we added another show that's just clips and promos entitled "Anomaly of Anomaly Anniversary Easter Eggs.

Anomaly Of Anomaly 1 was an hour and 40 minutes. It was a long one but it features 3 unplugged versions of our show music recorded in our Multimillion Dollar Studio by Angela's husband's band: The Illuminati.   I'm presently working on making the unplugged portions of our show into music tracks that people can listen to on our site. If you want to learn more about the music and how you can get a few tracks, please email us. We may be able to work something out. If you're new to the Trek SF forum, or Anomaly: Illuminati music is exclusive to the Anomaly Podcast so don't play it on your show unless you've asked us please (protected by specific Creative Commons License). You can listen and share what we've included in our episode, but don't use it to make any other project without asking Angela and I first.  :)

The Anniversary show also features a few clips and out takes from lost shows, all the songs we've ever sung, all our introductions,  talk about how we got started, what we have in store for the future, listener comments and an awesome song that Rico Moyer sung for us. LOL...thank you again Rick. It's awesome! So all these great things added up to the longer, yet very fun Anomalous Celebratory Extravaganza that you will find in your feed if you subscribe (search for Anomaly in iTunes or at

We enjoy chatting with one another about these geeky topics but knowing that people are listening and enjoying Anomaly, encourages Angela and I to continue recording our conversations and making them into Anomaly episodes. :) If you get a chance, please leave feedback on iTunes for Anomaly (and all the podcasts you listen too, ie. Treks In Sci-Fi, Waffle On, Take Him With You and Knights Of The Guild to name a few). Don't forget you can send comments and questions in emails or audio files as well.

Word of mouth is the best advertising. Blog or Tweet and include links to your favorite podcasts (mentioned above). Use the "tell a friend" link at the top of each iTunes podcaster page and send a link to all your pals. Angela didn't know about Treks In Sci-Fi until I told her about it, and look what happened! We've been listening for about 3 years now and we started our own show. So, tell your friends!

Peace out!

Anniversary Episode:

Extras (just clips from past episodes):
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


This is so great, I have been looking forward to this.  It's downloaded, now I need to go on a walk and listen!!!  Thanks Jen and Angela for all your hard work!

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week


Awesome! I have been having 'Anomaly' withdrawal symptoms!  ;D

I'm also going to leave feedback for everybody tomorrow. I've been meaning to do it for ages.


Quote from: Dangelus on February 11, 2009, 10:59:33 AM
Awesome! I have been having 'Anomaly' withdrawal symptoms!  ;D

I'm also going to leave feedback for everybody tomorrow. I've been meaning to do it for ages.

Yeah! Gamma Quadrant Golf Clap (GQGC from now on). Thank you Dan.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Delta Quadrant Hockey Punch? :)


Quote from: billybob476 on February 11, 2009, 11:20:25 AM
Delta Quadrant Hockey Punch? :)

It is my goal to make that the next Anomaly Catch Phrase...maybe if our listeners started sending audio comments, using that line, Angela will bend to our collective will. :D
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Oh, we'll convince her. My next (and first, sadly) comment will include it! The creativity that Twitter engenders is amazing isn't it?