What's everyone reading right now?

Started by Rico, May 30, 2008, 07:50:44 AM

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I just finished the "Dead Witch Walking" book that I was reading.  Good read.  Deciding now on what to start next.  Lot's of choices, limited time.

Captain BJ Wanlund

I've read the 1st 3 Legacy of the Force books recently, and they are very good.

I got a really lucky find recently at a used bookstore I frequent every now and again: A proof (rare beasts, those) of The Religions of Star Trek.  Haven't quite dug deep into the book yet, but I fully plan to.

Hope to pick up "Devil May Care" (the new James Bond continuation novel by Sebastian Faulks), "Mama For President: Good Lord, Why Not?", and at least the 4th through 6th Legacy of the Force novels very soon.

Love Star Trek TOS & TNG (never really got into DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise).  Also love Star Wars (everything save for the prequels...), and Indiana Jones, and ElfQuest, basically anything remotely SF or fantasy is my bag, tho I tend more towards SF than I do fantasy.

Darth Gaos

I am now reading Jeff Shaara's novelization dualogy on the American Revolution.  The first book is titled Rise to Rebellion and covers from about 1770-1776 and the next is called The Glorious Cause and covers the rest of the war.  These are fabulous novels for anyone interested in history.
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


I am currently reading my way through the original Dune. Never read it before and have been wanting read it for a long time, but in my english class we had to read a classic book from the given list and Dune wasn't part of that list (As much as it should be).


I just finished the 3-part series of Star Trek TNG: "The Q Continuum".  I really loved this series as it tied in a lot of Star Trek Cannon.  And of course blamed Q for it. Eh heh heh heh.  ;)  Very very VERY good series.

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr


Just finished reading 'The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters' which was awesome and highly recommended, Doyle-esque science fiction - what could be better? Currently reading 'Ender's Game' for the first time, despite thinking the author is a first class a-hole I can't help but like the story.
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


WOW!  I'm reading "Ender's Game" too right now - it's sitting right next to me on my desk!  Almost done.  Did you know they are doing a comic book series on the book?  Coming out soon.


Quote from: Rico on September 16, 2008, 07:19:13 AM
WOW!  I'm reading "Ender's Game" too right now - it's sitting right next to me on my desk!  Almost done.  Did you know they are doing a comic book series on the book?  Coming out soon.

Really? Cool :) my copy is at work, accidentally forgot to bring it home with me last night :(

I didn't know there was a comic book series coming out, that'll be interesting. Might save me from having to buy the entire saga when I already have enough unread books in my flat to start my own bookshop!
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


Just started Azimov's 'Foundation' again. I love those books.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Just finishing up the novelization of The Force Unleashed video game of all things!


Whos Tom Baker by, well Tom Baker. All teeth and curls you know ha ha.


I'm reading a recent release by the Star Trek author Greg Cox. It's a TV tie-in book of the television show 4400 called The Vesuvius Prophecy. It's not bad and if you like the show the characterizations are pretty much spot on. My only complaint would be that the level of writing is about 10th grade or so. I was hoping for a little more since he has written some very fine Star Trek novels. I understand he is writing another one. I can only hope it's better.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Harlan Ellison's original teleplay of The City On The Edge Of Forever.


Darth Gaos

"Low Level Hell" 

A first person account by a OH-6 Loach scout helicopter pilot who served multiple tours in Vietnam.  These guys were nuts
I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Ok I'm going to have to admit to you excellent people (take pity now) I have never read a Star Trek novel. So I'm eager to go and grab one and delve in but there seem to be so many can anyone suggest where to start. I'm not bothered what era the books are in (TOS, TNG, DS9, VGR etc). Let us know your recommendations.