WoWs got its claws in me again

Started by Jobydrone, June 04, 2008, 04:57:26 AM

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Still the brain hurts......................................




You won't be able to fly in Northrend until level 77 but go get your flyer and tool around in outland for a bit.



Dang - there's the Ozzie video.  We need more than one WOW thread.


Heh, I was keeping things in here because I thought you only wanted one WoW thread!


No biggie - just kidding.  We actually have a few WOW threads.  I almost split off the Wrath talk into a new one.  God, Ozzie kills me!


OK, a coworker of mine bent my ear for 15 minutes today about WOW.  He's just about convinced me to go ahead and take the plunge, but I'm kind of apprehensive-- I don't want to end up like one of the characters on The Guild!

Does anyone have any advise on getting started?  How does "leveling-up" work?  Should I start off playing solo until I get a feel for the game, or try playing with folks I know and learning from them?  Is there a particular module that I should start out with?  And how much does it cost per month? 

Any advise or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 


15 bucks a month and get them all because you'll need them sooner or later


Well, it's really an easy game to get into.  I almost always just play solo.  The game does a very good job of leading through the basics.  The cost per month is $15.  Let me know if you want a little help to try it together sometime.  I'm on the Earthen Ring server (you can pick the server you want to make a character on).  I think I have a trial code that will let you play the game for free for ten days - just to try it out.  It can be downloaded too.

Oh - here is my warlock Jyx on her mount after she got turned into a little elf during the Christmas in game festival (Winter holidays).



I just googled "World Of Warcraft Servers" and there's like A TON.  This might seem like a silly question, but why so many?  Is there an official World Of Warcraft server for online play, and if so, does it differ from the other servers out there?  And once a character is created on a server, can you use that character to interact with players using other servers? 


It;s been reported that WoW has over 11 million active users. A single game server couldn't handle the load of trying to serve that many players at once, so they spread out the accounts amongst many servers.

You interact with the people who are also logged into your particular server. There is one situation where you can interact with players from other servers but generally you do not.

I've never seen a specific number but I believe each server generally support about 30,000 characters. You can have up to 10 different characters on a single server per account.

They are all offical, however there are a few different types.

Normal: Standard setup, player vs player combat is opt-in.

PvP: More 'realistic'. Player vs player combat is 'always on' so horde can always attack alliance and vice versa.

Roleplaying (RP): Same as normal except roleplaying is encourages (i.e. speaking as if you were your character instead of speaking as yourself playing your charcater)

RP-PvP: Roleplaying server with always on player vs player.

I'm also on Earthen Ring (which is RP) but I play Horde-side primarily whereas Rico plays Alliance.


Thanks man!  And who are the Horde and Alliance?  Are they the "dark side" and "light side" of the WOW world?


To put it simply the Horder are the "bad guys" and the Alliance are the "good guys". They've been fighting for years but there is currently a tenuous peace between them.

There is A LOT of warcraft lore if you are interested in getting into it but it's not required knowledge in any way to enjoy the game.