Trek comics

Started by Rico, June 05, 2008, 05:24:24 AM

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Well, on my comic run to the shop yesterday I saw that four new TREK books came out all in one week.  Year Four, the TNG IG book, New Frontiers, Assignment: Earth #2.  So I had to pick them all up.  I don't recall a time when there were 4 Trek titles going at the same time.  Although I think the Year Four book is the only one that isn't a miniseries.  Anyway, is anyone else reading these?


I'm reading New Frontier.  I love the fact that this series picks up directly after the last book in the New Frontier novel series and moves the crew's story forward, instead of telling some flashback or alternate reality story.  Peter David has created some really amazing characters with the crew of the Excalibur, and I admire his story-telling style.  This guy is one of my favorite writers.

I've been tempted to pick up Year Four and Assignment: Earth, but not so much with Intelligence Gathering.  Both of the TOS-era series seem to be covering new, unexplored ground, whereas the TNG book seems to be trying to shoehorn a story into one of the small gaps left in TNG history.  Not a whole lot of room for story development in such a tiny space.  I'd personally prefer that someone would write a TNG comic taking place after the events of Nemesis, instead of trying to squeeze one in to already established history.


Good points.  I'm with you on the TNG book.  I like the Year Four stuff and the first issue of Assignment: Earth was fun if you like the Gary Seven character.  The New Frontier has been really good.  Probably the best writing out of the bunch.


Here's a questions for you guys.. if they would continue a TNG comic after Nemesis who should it include? Riker and Deanna are on the Titan, Worf is on DS9, Data is dead. Should it follow Picard and his new crew on the Enterprise E?

I for one like the TNG books, it's like getting untold stories from the "classic" TNG crew.


If it was me doing the writing Kenny I would do story arcs.  Several issues following Picard & the Enterprise and their story, then several issues following Riker & the Titan, etc.  And maybe even have the story lines intersect at some point.  Classic TNG stories are ok, but I would also like to see some comics post Nemesis as well.


QuoteHere's a questions for you guys.. if they would continue a TNG comic after Nemesis who should it include? Riker and Deanna are on the Titan, Worf is on DS9, Data is dead. Should it follow Picard and his new crew on the Enterprise E?

Your point about the absence of Data, Deanna, and Riker make sense; some fans might be reluctant to follow a story missing them. 

I have to correct you about Worf, though-- he is no longer on DS9.  In fact, in the world of Trek Book continuity, he currently serves as Picard's first officer on the Enterprise E ( he eventually replaces the guy we see at the end of Nemisis, but that's another story). 

According to the Trek books currently being published, the current crew of the Enterprise E includes-

Capt. Picard
Picard's CMO (and love interest) Beverly Crusher
Commander Worf (First Officer)
Geordi La Fororge (Chief Engineer)

Many other interesting characters make up the crew; some of whom have appeared on earlier Trek tv shows, others who exist only in the world of written Trek Fiction.  Based on the ongoing success of the TNG books, I imagine that these characters would enjoy equal success in the world of comics.


Could some of the voyager crew go on the enterprise? That may sound nuts but i know nothing about the books.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on June 05, 2008, 02:03:17 PM
Could some of the voyager crew go on the enterprise? That may sound nuts but i know nothing about the books.

Funny you should mention that.  Seven Of Nine actually played a pretty big part in the last Next Generation novel.  She didn't join the crew, but you never know...


Ah. I'd like to see more of Janeway and Paris. They would be good in a tie in. Seven of Nine is always a good addition, oh and the good Dr.


I just picked up issues 2 and 3 of the comic series Mirror Images, which covers the Trek Mirror Universe.  I haven't had the chance to do more than scan over them yet, but they look incredible!  It seems that issue 2 continues a story of Kirk trying to wrest command of the ISS Enterprise from Captain Pike.  The book is chock-full of all the back-stabbing and naughty stuff you'd expect from a Mirror Universe story.  Pretty cool stuff.  The shop owner is going to order issue one for me (the store was out), so I'm going to hold off on reading the 2 books I have until I can check out issue 1. 

Issue 2 seems to continue the Kirk/Pike story, and has a small side-story about a young Mirror Universe Picard.  I can't wait to read them!

Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on June 05, 2008, 10:30:59 PM
Ah. I'd like to see more of Janeway and Paris. They would be good in a tie in. Seven of Nine is always a good addition, oh and the good Dr.



Admiral Janeway died; sacrificing herself to help stop a new invasion by the Borg. 


Been reading them as well.  Good stuff!