Doctor Who, Series 5 and Specials.

Started by Meds, July 18, 2008, 03:46:18 PM

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Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on January 03, 2009, 10:18:45 AM
The most texts i've had so far, is " he's got good hair"

I guess that must be a job requirement now. :P

For some reason he reminds me of Neil Patrick Harris.  It must be the forehead...


He reminds me of Willy Hartcourt-Cooze (on the left ) a chocolate maker here in England and on TV.


Hmmm - not sure about this guy but I'll reserve judgment until I see him act in the part.  He looks way too pretty to me.  And that hair - uggh!


I can't say much about him since I didn't like the look of Tennet when he took over.. like Rico said.. I'll wait and see how he is as Doctor and then love him. :)


He just doesn't look, how should I say it - "worldly" enough.  The Doctor has had such a vast amount of experience both good and bad and David does such an amazing job conveying that.  I'd frankly hate to be the one to step into his shoes.  But, I know I'll be watching to see how the new guy does.    :dalek


I don't necessarily like the way they parted his hair for the promo pics with the TARDIS, but they may still be figuring out a look for Mr. Smith's Doctor.  Heck, they sure have enough time since the next series won't air until 2010, those cheeky execs. :P

Despite his youthful looks (and his Neil Patrick Harris forehead), it is definitely going to be interesting to see what his next take on the Doctor will be.  Of course, one of the main reasons I'll be watching is to see what Mr. Moffat has up his sleeves in the next year or so.  That's my main interest right there.   :dalek 


That captures it for me. Moffat will make it interesting come what may.

Actually, there was something about him in the interview that suggests he might be able to carry it off. I'm not sure what it was but despite his age it seems just possible this could work.

I'd like another season or two out of Tennant but I'm looking forward to 2010.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I think when you compare him to all the other doctors that have come before, he makes a good addition.



Dear Matt Smith,

I'm extremely jealous of your knowledge of the two scripts for the upcoming series.  That is all.



(Why is 2010 so far away?)


He looks kind of young to me.  We'll have to see him in action in 2010.


My wife just said he looks like the child of Quinton Tarentino and a really good hair dresser


The Daily Telegraph - never slow to run a Doctor Who-related story with the least excuse! - report today that the BBC and the production team have now stepped up the search for an actress to play the companion figure in the 2010 series.

The paper quotes executive producer Piers Wenger, saying that "Someone terribly exciting like Billie Piper, who was at the beginning of her acting career but who had a profile for other reasons, would be great. We are looking for someone whose light can burn brightly." The Telegraph suggests that this could mean performers such as singers Lily Allen (right) and Rachel Stevens or television presenter and actress Kelly Brook could be under consideration. The paper claims that Allen is "a favourite with bosses at the BBC," while Wenger says that "We would never cast anyone on the basis of their celebrity, but if Lily wanted to audition we would be delighted. It would be a lot of fun."

Wenger is also quoted on the subject of the much-touted casting of a black actor as the Doctor not having happened. "We saw a dozen or so people, some of them black. There was never any resistance to the idea of a black Doctor and it would have got us all sorts of headlines and brownie points, but we set out to cast the best actor for the role irrespective of ethnicity or age, and that was Matt."


Maybe the Doctor is really Benjamin Button?!  He's aging backwards with each regen!   :roflmao
