Doctor Who, Series 5 and Specials.

Started by Meds, July 18, 2008, 03:46:18 PM

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It was the 5th doctor who said the desk top theme which was Peter davison. The Tardis is now how it should look like. I'm sure i posted pictures of real police boxes. In essence it looks like the same shell just with more authentic paint colour, the right type of windows and the ingenious addition of the st johns ambulance sign which all boxes had in the early 60'S. In fact if you watch the very first episode when the doctor puts his key in you can see the sign. Oh and it's got a new authentic lamp.


I still can't get past this new guy's hair.  Get a bloody haircut Doctor!  ;)



More pictures from the new DR.


Few More. Plus the new sonic screwdriver, hmmmmm.


I sure hope this kid can act because I still think he's too young to show the gravitas of The Doctor.


Oh dear. The third one worries me. Can this really be the Doctor?

Either way, I'll enjiy finding out whether he can carry it off.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


I love the way everyone is having doubts. I have absolutly no doubts what so ever. Steven Moffat would not have chosen him if he didn't think he was up to the job. I love his outfit very second doctor.


Meds have you seen this new guy act in anything?  Is there something I can check out that he has been in?


I saw him in a very gritty police drama earlier this year called Moses Jones see if you can find anything from there. Also he was in Ruby in the Smoke starring Billie Piper. 


He's got an interesting movie coming out in the future called "Womb" about cloning.  Here is the trailer - although he doesn't do much acting in this clip.

Womb trailer


He does seem young for the part but I'll give him a chance.   I was unsure about David Tennant when he replaced Eccleston but about mid-season, it was like "Christopher who?" :)


People said the same when peter took over from tom baker so it's nothing new.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on August 10, 2009, 05:03:06 AM
I love the way everyone is having doubts. I have absolutly no doubts what so ever. Steven Moffat would not have chosen him if he didn't think he was up to the job. I love his outfit very second doctor.
I don't have any doubts about the actor ... the clothing and haircut, I could do without, but I have no problems with the actor.