My cool new weapon!

Started by Rico, August 06, 2008, 05:44:33 PM

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Well, I'll probably be reviewing this on the podcast this coming weekend but I just got my Master Replica's Star Trek Assault Phaser.  This thing is very cool and has all sorts of neat functions.  Here are some quick pics and I'll talk more about it on the podcast.


Looks cool. Nice base also.
Ripley: Ash. Any suggestions from you or Mother?
Ash: No, we're still collating.
Ripley: [Laughing in disbelief] You're what? You're still collating? I find that hard to believe.


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Wow so cool, looks a bit like the alien in alien if you know what i mean, very H R Giger looking.


Now that is what I call a futuristic gun! I love the different looks of phasers
"He can't act out of a cardboard box"- Rick Moyer

"I know the answer now sometimes the doctor must look at this planet and look at it in shame" -Gwen Cooper


What number did you get Rico, and are you happy with the quality of it, as a lot of people are not at the price. Mine arrives today.


Are you a member over at the Replica Prop Forum?  I posted more of my comments on my phaser there.  I was saving saying a lot here as I was going to review it on this weekend's podcast.  In a nutshell I like it a lot.  I was scared when I heard some of the negative chatter but mine seems to be in great shape.  I got a nice collector discount from MR too - I don't pay MSRP so that helped.  Please let me know what you think of yours and post a few pics if you can.

- I got # 97.


Nice, I always liked this design.


Quite a debate going over on the Replica Prop Forum about this item.  I love how people so easily have such strong views without ever touching this item or seeing it in person.  The 18 page thread there I think has like three of us with one in hand.  Pretty funny.


Well I received mine today and was a little worried about the quality, but after opening it, I am more then happy with it, It feels a little on the light side, but other then that, mine seems to have avoided the complaints in quality and workmanship that others have had.

If I had one criticisms about this collectable, it would be that the price point seems a little high on this product, I am not sure it is worth 500 dollars, as I am sure that Art Asylum could make one much cheaper and probably the same if not better quality.

That being said, one must expect to pay a premium for a numbered collectable, that just goes with the territory, However that does not mean we should accept a lower quality of product either.

I agree with you Rico, Allot of people have come out criticizing the quality of this product, who don't Even have it in hand, and as always for those people who are foolish to go by rumours, you always have the option of returning it or cancelling your order and getting your money back.

For me I am happy to add it to my collection and as you can see it makes a nice display with my enterprise.


Great stand Iceman, now thats what i call a conversation piece.


Nice. OK, I'm going to ask a dumb question. Which series/movie did those appear in? They don't look familiar... unless it was Enterprise. They look sort of like those phase pistols, but they're the wrong color.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Jen these were used in Star Trek V And VI


Looks great!  I see you put the tiny phaser one on it's little stand.  Didn't you get a discount from MR?

Oh, to learn all about phasers go here:


Yes, but once they convert it to canadian funds and I pay the duty, it is over 500 dollars