Best Star Wars Film?

Started by wraith1701, August 23, 2008, 03:55:58 PM

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Which one's your favorite?

Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Revenge of the Sith
A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi


Just wondering what y'all think.  As a little kid (and as a 'big kid' with the prequels), my favorite was always the latest one that I'd seen.  But with a little distance between the release of the last live-action film, I think it's now easier to go back and pick one single, overall favorite out of the bunch.

Which one strikes you all as the best Star Wars film out of the bunch?  Why?


I always have and still think that Empire Strike Back is the best film of the entire series. There is not one thing I don't like about it. I really was dissapointed in Return of the Jedi. The ewoks were just so juvenile and unbelievable to me and a real let down after Empire. My second favorte is Revenge of the Sith. I just think that film does an excellent job of showing the birth of Darth Vader.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


It will always be Empire for me.  Just had such great character moments, the plot, the action - it just really delivered and I never tire of watching it.  A New Hope is up there for me too.  Great film to start with and a lot of fun!


I prefer Return Of the Jedi. I like the redemption story. Vader tossing the Emperor down the hole... Luke dragging him to the shuttle and removing his helmet. The AWESOME scenes in Jaba's palace. I love Tatooine. I enjoyed the Ewoks... yes... I said I enjoyed the Ewoks. I was about 6 years old then and they were right up my alley. No problems with furry creatures throwing stones at stormtroopers and knocking them out. This is actually the only movie I remember seeing in the theater. I was brought to all three, but I was too little to remember the first too. The duel is much better in this movie and  when I play "sword fight" with my little niece Karlee, with her foam swords, I often imitate Luke as he hacks at Vader with his saber and chops off his hand. Karlee loves it. :D

ROTJ has a special place in my heart. :)
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


My ranking

1. New Hope was just fresh and started this fun ride.  Rootin' tootin shoot 'em up.
1. Return.   I would have subtitle it "Love conquers all".  Vader gets back at the emperor for chewing him out about the whole death star business :D
2. Empire.  It was good, just not my favorite.


Episode III for me. Even if it has some weird crap going on, like Amidala's turbo fast pregnancy,  I really liked it.

Then Episode IV. I love it because it started it all. And brings the best memories of my childhood.

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


Quote from: markinro on August 23, 2008, 06:44:45 PM
My ranking

1. New Hope was just fresh and started this fun ride.  Rootin' tootin shoot 'em up.
1. Return.   I would have subtitle it "Love conquers all".  Vader gets back at the emperor for chewing him out about the whole death star business :D
2. Empire.  It was good, just not my favorite.
3. Episodes 1-3.  For me, they didn't have the charm of 4-6.  Think it was the over-abundance of CGG and the idea of Anakin being a brat.

Dan M

Revenge of the Sith.

After that, it'd definitely be Empire.  Some days, I'd reverse that order, but that's how I feel today.


The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite.  Just everything about it I really liked.  All the different planets they went to I really liked, the battle of hoth, the asteroid chase, the big reveal, Boba Fett, Han Solo was a cool dude, Luke - Vader battle. Empire lived up to all that I had ever expected from the first, and made the Star Wars Universe so much bigger.


Empire is the best of the films but my favorite is STAR WARS, no A new Hope. I will never forget seeing it in theaters in 1977, one of the few advantages of advanced age. ;)


A New Hope is my favorite too. It was the "Firefly" of it's day and surprised everyone!


ESB is such an easy choice as the 'best" but I challenge anyone who saw STAR WARS as a pre-teen to say that when they watch it, it's magic.


I like new hope and empire.  Of the new ones phantom menace and clones.  I guess I like the first two acts better than act 3 both times.


Quote from: Bryancd on August 24, 2008, 04:31:21 PM
Empire is the best of the films but my favorite is STAR WARS, no A new Hope.
You were right the first time. ;) 

It was a close race between ep. IV and V, but I went with Star Wars.  Both films are amazing, and while Empire has a little more heart and soul than A New Hope, IV has the advantage of being more of a stand-alone film:  It has a clear-cut conflict and a clear resolution.  Despite Vader spinning off at the end, the film had a satisfying sense of completion.  Empire, on the other hand, feels incomplete without the films that come before and after. 

Also; IV has the advantage of being THE FIRST.  Nothing compares to the First Time.

QuoteI will never forget seeing it in theaters in 1977, one of the few advantages of advanced age. ;)

Same here.  I was seven years old, and my family was stationed in Baumholder, Germany.  Seeing that film back in '77 left me feeling like a blind person suddenly granted the gift of sight.  No other film has had quite that impact on me since. 


I must say that The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars film.  The battle scene on Hoth was awesome.  It's the first time we see Imperial Walkers.  Han Solo wields a light saber. We meet Yoda for the first time.  Luke faces Darth and loses a hand.  And to top it off, Luke is Darth Vader's son.  That's great movie.  A New Hope is a close second.  Return of the Jedi finishes third.  The first two prequels were okay.  The best of the prequels has got to be Return of the Sith