U.S. Politics

Started by Geekyfanboy, August 29, 2008, 10:30:42 AM

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Quote from: billybob476 on November 05, 2008, 04:44:19 AM
Well all I can add to this discussion is that I'm happy for all my American friends. Up to this point Obama has proven himself in theory. Now comes the hard part, proving himself through his actions and decisions.

Just keep in mind that pretty much every president is a great man before the start of their term, the difficult thing is remaining a great man by the end.

Maybe change "great" to "well intentioned". :)


Quote from: Bryancd on November 05, 2008, 04:51:40 AM
Quote from: billybob476 on November 05, 2008, 04:44:19 AM
Well all I can add to this discussion is that I'm happy for all my American friends. Up to this point Obama has proven himself in theory. Now comes the hard part, proving himself through his actions and decisions.

Just keep in mind that pretty much every president is a great man before the start of their term, the difficult thing is remaining a great man by the end.

Maybe change "great" to "well intentioned". :)
Yeah that might be a bit more appropriate.


I'm sorry but I fail to understand why socialism is a bad thing, might be because I'm British and we've got a semi-socialist thing going on.
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


Quote from: celestialteapot on November 05, 2008, 05:34:15 AM
I'm sorry but I fail to understand why socialism is a bad thing, might be because I'm British and we've got a semi-socialist thing going on.
I can second this question as a Canadian (especially being from Quebec which is by far the most socialist-leaning of the Canadian provinces). How is paying higher taxes for increased social services a bad thing, exactly?


Another thing about Obama that I can't understand is this...How can a man who says that the Constitution of the United States of America is "fundamentally flawed" (his words NOT mine) be able to take oath of office to uphold such constitution? And if you start changing the constitution you no longer have this United States but the Obama Nation. You also re-open every constitutional battleground to have to be fought again. It makes no sense to me that people would vote against the very thing that has given them their freedoms but they have if Obama has his way and is able to change the constitution.

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


We have a constitution here in the UK, but it's an evolving thing (if you look how we've shifted from a outright monarchy to the constitutional monarchy, each time they curtailed the monarchs power it required a change in our constitution).

Considering when it was written, maybe it is time for your constitution to evolve?
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


What are you all talking about in this thread?  The Constitution has evolved and changed over the years. 

---  My first and last post here.


Quote from: celestialteapot on November 05, 2008, 05:34:15 AM
I'm sorry but I fail to understand why socialism is a bad thing, might be because I'm British and we've got a semi-socialist thing going on.

American democracy is based upon the concpet of individual rights first and the Constitution outlines the nature of our REPUBLIC. The founding fathers meant for the individual states to be the focal point of government, not a large federal system like we have now. American's believe individual freedom of choice and self direction is preferable to a state or government mandated one. Sociualism is a limiting form of government which tends to dictate from above. I would rather be free to make my own choices and abhore the concept that I require a government to take care of me or provide for me. That's what it means to be an American, IMO.


Quote from: Rico on November 05, 2008, 05:56:33 AM
What are you all talking about in this thread?  The Constitution has evolved and changed over the years. 

---  My first and last post here.

Actually, only in so far as it's interpretted by the courts and the few amendments.


 Today, I'm amazed, and proud that I live in the greatest country on earth.  Considering the state of the nation just 50 years ago, I also have to admit that part of me is actually surprised that he won.  It seems as though America is truly living up to its promise.

As excited as I am, I'm a little scared as well.  Obama has a lot riding on his shoulders; not just his responsibility to the voters and to the country, but a responsibility to those whose hopes and fears are riding with him.

The people have turned the keys over to a black man.  I'm confident in his abilities, but as a black man, I'm also still hoping and praying that he doesn't scratch the car.  As illogical as it might seem, it feels as though though his performance will be taken by many as a representation of blacks in general.

Obama has a tough road ahead of him; I don't envy him the responsibility he's taken on.  But I believe in my heart that he will do a better job than his opponent would.


This is where I get confused because to me you're describing communism, which is different to socialism. I will never understand why things like health care are perceived as a privilege rather than a right.
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


Quote from: celestialteapot on November 05, 2008, 07:05:58 AM
This is where I get confused because to me you're describing communism, which is different to socialism. I will never understand why things like health care are perceived as a privilege rather than a right.

Curious. Why should it be a right? I look at Health Care as something I will provide for myself and my family and I wish to have 100% control over the who, what, and where.  I don't want the government dictating what I get in anything, I'll fend for myself, thanks. :)

Darth Gaos

Well said Bryan.

One of the problems many Americans have with any "redistribution of wealth", of which higher taxes is an example is the removal of choice as to where that money goes.  The United States is one of the most generous and charitable nations on earth.  People would much rather give their time and money to those who CAN'T help themselves.  Unfortunately many of the government programs that our tax dollars go to end up supporting those who WON'T help themselves.

There was actually a lady yesterday caught on tape saying "I am so excited.  I cannot believe this is happening.  Now I don't have to worry about puuting gas in my car anymore, I don't have to worry about paying mortgage either because I know if I help Obama, he will help me"   That is frightening to me in it's absolute ignorance.

Even more frightening was Congressman Jim Moran of Virginia who, in giving a speech to supporters, said that "For the past 8 years we have under Republicans who simplistically believe that
the wealthy are entitled to keep their money and show antipathy toward any redistribution on wealth".   This should be horrifying to those of us who believe in capitalism and the free market (which DOES work regardless of the current crisis.  We have come through worst than this).

Point being is I have no problem paying a certain amount of taxes for the government to do its business but I do have a problem with a government that feels the need to try and fix the ills of the country by dragging the top down rather than trying to bring poorest up.

Hope that made sense.

I think it was Socrates who spoke the immortal words:  I drank WHAT?


Quote from: Ktrek on November 04, 2008, 10:04:53 PM
Quote from: Kinglinksr on November 04, 2008, 08:31:49 PM
Landslide....as I was afraid of.  Well, I guess we can find out what change will happen.  Good or bad. 

I wouldn't call, what as of this posting is less than a 4% popular vote lead a "landslide". It shows that this country is very very divided and Obama will not be able to unite us in my opinion. In fact I predict the very opposite will occur during the next four years. Socialism is a wrong direction for this country and I cannot agree with the taking of one man's hard earned wealth by the government and distributing as they see fit. The wealthy should be free to decide how and where their money goes. If it was not for the wealthy people of this country then many citizens of it would not be employed. Also, the idea of putting the coal industry into bankruptcy by government imposed fines is very scary. What's next? government imposed fines on gasoline consumption? Obama is opposed to capitalism and our whole way of life may be in danger.

I congratulate him on running a great campaign but I feel he is nowhere near qualified to run this country and he is in for a rude awakening in foreign policy too. I just hope that he's up to the challenge because if he's not we are all in for a rough ride!


By landslide I meant that all democrats won.  It by no means are we unified. 

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Quote from: Darth Gaos on November 05, 2008, 08:51:07 AM

There was actually a lady yesterday caught on tape saying "I am so excited.  I cannot believe this is happening.  Now I don't have to worry about puuting gas in my car anymore, I don't have to worry about paying mortgage either because I know if I help Obama, he will help me"   That is frightening to me in it's absolute ignorance

Actually, Obama wasn't lying.  He just meant we won't own either a car or house by the time he is done >_> 

Sorry sorry, bad humor.  But really, a lot of people are putting a lot of faith in one man.  To be really honest, we blame or praise WAY TOO MUCH on the presidency.  We blame Bush for the War.  Excuse me??!  CONGRESS WAS INVOLVED HERE.  Congress still has to vote yes/no on going to war and last I checked, they voted YES on the war.  If we must, we should be putting Congress on trial, not Pres. Bush.  We blame Bush for our current economical state.  What?!  I'm sorry, but I believe the BANKS and people who bought WAY TOO MUCH housing are to blame.  Not our presidency.  No, I don't mean that Bush is totally exempt from what has happened, but last I checked, he doesn't operate on his own.  He has his own council, he still has to check with Congress with things.  He is not a dictator but a President with checks and balances. 

Quit putting so much blame/faith in the Presidency.  He is one man.  He is not God. 

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
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