Something Something Something Darkside

Started by Geekyfanboy, September 11, 2008, 05:57:13 PM

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Guy To Lampoon Empire

Seth MacFarlane, creator of Fox's animated Family Guy, told SCI FI Wire that his upcoming second Star Wars spoof will lampoon The Empire Strikes Back, with neighbors of the Griffins playing more of George Lucas' characters.

"Lando is played by Mort Goldman, who is the Jewish guy who lives up the street," MacFarlane said in an interview at Fox's fall-season premiere party in Beverly Hills, Calif., this week. "We figured, black guy, Jewish guy, why not?"

MacFarlane spoofed the first Star Wars film in Family Guy: Blue Harvest, in which the Griffins took on the roles of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, among others.

In the sequel, "Boba Fett is played by the giant chicken," Peter's nemesis, MacFarlane said.

As in Blue Harvest, Stewie plays Darth Vader, and Chris plays Luke--leading to the awkward moment when Stewie tells Chris that he is his father. "Yeah, basically," MacFarlane said. "He will have to tell Chris that he's his father."

Star Wars geeks know that MacFarlane named his first satire after Lucasfilm's code name for Return of the Jedi. What will the sequel be called?

"It will be called Something Something Something Dark Side," MacFarlane teased.

MacFarlane was less certain about the release plans for the special episode, which may premiere on DVD. "Don't quote me on this, even though you're the press," he joked. "I think that episode is going to be released on DVD first before it goes on air."

MacFarlane told reporters that he's got other science fiction knockoffs planned. In one, Stewie and Brian travel back in time to World War II-era Poland. In another, Stewie beams the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation into his room.

Family Guy airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, with new episodes beginning Sept. 28. --Fred Topel





A couple of wallpapers I found for this.  Comes out next week!


Quote from: Rico on December 18, 2009, 07:36:55 AM
A couple of wallpapers I found for this.  Comes out next week!

Next up on my Netflix Q


Picked up my copy today.  Watching it tonight!  :)


Yeah, think I'll get this one.  Only $15 at Best Buy.


Definitely planning on getting this! Rico you'll need to post some thoughts.


Quote from: sheldar on December 22, 2009, 01:09:16 PM
Yeah, think I'll get this one.  Only $15 at Best Buy.

They also have double packs out that also include the Family Guy "Star Wars" parody "Blue Harvest" for only $19.95 total.  So only $5. more for that one - if you don't already have it.


Was at Target tonight and had a blue-ray copy in my hand but had to run out to the car for a second. So I put it on a shelve and a minute later it was gone.. went back to the DVD section and sure enough they had no more. They did have the regular DVD.. but I want it in Blue-Ray.. going to go look for it tomorrow.


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I would imagine it will be televised near the end of this season.  There were only about 4 bleeps during the entire movie.
I thought this was much better than the first and there is even a reading for the Jedi movie.


I liked it a lot.  I thought it was about the same level as the first one - maybe a tad more fun, but I like Empire the best anyway.  It's only in 4:3 format, which still kind of annoys me (even the Blu-Ray is only 4:3).  It will be on TV sometime next spring I think as the "Family Guy" season finale.  Some really funny moments in this one.  They are definitely going to have to bleep a few words for the TV airing.


We watched this last night - it was very good.  I won't say much more - since I want to stay spoiler free.