Started by Rico, September 22, 2008, 05:31:02 PM

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 :happybday  :metallica:  :happybday  :metallica:  :happybday

Well, a big Happy Birthday to Kenny!  Probably the longest fan of the podcast, moderator here, very frequent poster, contributor to the podcast, RPG co-runner and co-runner of the Ready Room shows --- and all around great guy and very good friend!  I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I wanted to get the celebration started.  Kenny this place wouldn't be the same without you.  Thanks so much for all your help over the years, my friend.  I hope your birthday tomorrow is extra special and fun for you!

So, let the celebration videos begin.....



I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


OMG thank you so much... Rico that was very unexpected.. I loved it. Thank you Rico for creating such a wonderful place to hang out. I'm so happy that I found your beta podcast and forums. Treksf has been such a part of my life the past few years I couldn't imagine my life without it. Of course the podcast and forums are fantastic but what is even better are the friends I have made from the forums. It's an honor to be part of such a wonderful podcast and forum. It always amazes me that you can actually form such a strong bond with someone that you have never met but there is that special connection that we share.. maybe it's our love of star trek or star wars, maybe it's our love of collecting but whatever it is I'm thankful for it.

Rick you are simply the sweetest and kindest human being on this great planet of ours. I would have never guess that one of my closest friends would be a pastor from the great state of Washington. Our friendship is very special to me. You and I have had some wonderful and very personal talks. You never judge and always listen to everything I have to say. You are not afraid to ask me questions and always give me an honest reaction to my answers. You and I will be friends for life and when I think of that it always makes me smilie.

You guys rock... Thank you both for the pre-Birthday celebration. How can I not have a great day after those videos...

Thank you both very much.


Thank you Bryan for those kind words... you have always supported me and encourage me "to just to be me". You have come to my defense when needed and always seem to know just what to say. You inspire me to be a healthier me through your actions and words. I am proud of your accomplishments and happy to call you my friend.


Happy Birthday Kenny! I don't have a video for you but I do have a hug! You are a great guy and have brought me a lot of pleasure and smiles since I joined TrekSF. You're a special person and one who I consider a friend even if we may hold opposing views on some things. You are always gracious and kind and a man of honor. I hope you have a great birthday and that Harry gets you something really special! You deserve it! :cheers

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Big happy birthday sir! You are a huge reason why I love this place. Enjoy yourself, you deserve it.



:happybday  :happybday  :happybday  :happybday  :happybday
Many Many more Kenny!


Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Happy Birthday Kenny, hope it was happier my day today. Thanks for all you do on the forums and the RPG (Plus Ready Room Podcast). Very appreciative of it all. Thanks very much.



 :happybday Happy Birthday, Kenny!!!:happybday

Thanks for all of your contributions both on the forum and in the ready room podcast.  I appreciate everything you do for Treksinscifi.  It definitely wouldn't be the same here without you. 

You Rock, Man!!!


Hi Kenny my friend.
A very Happy Birthday to you. I hope you have a great day and that this thread makes you realise how special you are. We have had some great times on Skype and our mutual promise to meet in person one day will come true.
I love ya big man and big hugs from the UK.  :happybday
You could learn something from Mr Spock Doctor..... Stop thinking with your glands"


This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


 :happybday  :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday


To my good friend Kenny. Happy Birthday to you. You have always made me so welcome here on the forums and we have some great chats over skype, near enough every night and its so nice to see your name pop up on the little skype bar. Its a pleasure knowing you and its a honour (said in a Klingon way) to call you a dear friend.

Have a great day, enjoy yourself and ROCK ON.




Or otherwise known as Kenny.  I'm glad to have met a honorable and honest person.  You have things that will make you great (and cmon, your great already) in the future!  I wish you luck in your en devours. 

:happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday :happybday

Your friend,


King Linksr

Timothy W. 
A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog... www.kingisaaclinksr.wordpress.com
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast: http://wp.me/pQq2J-zs
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/kingisaaclinksr