Weird dreams - too much Sci-Fi??

Started by Rico, October 09, 2008, 06:31:31 AM

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Is that where you know you're dreaming but there's nothing you can do about it?


Quote from: markinro on October 09, 2008, 03:55:11 PM
Anyone experience lucid or nested dreams ?   Its happened to me on a few occasions - all of them heart-pounding, cold-sweat scarey !!

I have those a lot and they always seem to be inter-connected somehow.

However my hands down favourite weirdest dream was when I went hunting deformed space bears...

I was in some sort of spaceship, with a crew of about four other people. The space ship was big red and had orange furnishings, it was a sort of hexagon shape and it had those weird smooth walls you tend to see in sci-fi films. We were hunting for some strange sort of deformed bears so headed off to a planet (possibly), where we landed and went country dancing (!!).

After we country danced, we borrowed some electric type golf car things to drive over the bumpy hills to investigate a sighting of these strange deformed bear things. Whilst we were investigating we were attacked by the bear things and injured. The spaceship came to rescue us and that's when I woke up.
This question has baffled mankind for all eternity... why don't sheep shrink in the rain?


I've had dreams like that. Mostly because of my (now past) video game addiction.

Granted, too much of everything would give you nightmares. Just change the nuclear blasts for some other subject on sci fi and you'll be ok.

Now for the most part, when I get dreams like this I get all excited. It's like if my mind was producing its own feature film, starring me! lol

Once I dreamt I was in a sci fi movie with Jacki Chan. It was awesome!  :metallica:

"The Needs Of The Many, Out Weigh The Needs Of The Few, Or The One..."
Mr. Spock


The last really disturbing dream I had was kind of abstract.  Some friends and I were trapped in a 3-dimensional maze that kept revolving like a washing machine, so from one moment to the next, the floor and ceiling would be constantly trading places. 

To make matters worse, the walls of different parts of the maze would randomly close in, like the Trash Compacter from A New Hope.  Doors would randomly close, cutting off different paths in the maze.  If we took a wrong turn and got cut off, we would be crushed. :(

Looking back, I'm certain that the dream was 100% work-stress related. 


Thought I'd bring this thread back since I had a very vivid and interesting dream last night.  It actually involved time travel.  I had some kind of object that let me travel in time.  It kind of looked like the time turner from the Harry Potter films/books.  I knew it worked and had used it.  Now, something happened - some type of accident and I wanted to go back in time and fix it.  But here is the interesting hitch.  When I would go back in time and alter things, everything and everyone from that point forward would change.  Their memories, experiences thoughts, etc.  BUT, I wouldn't change.  I would remember all the old versions and so on.  So the trouble for me was if I changed things it could mess up my relationships in the present.  For example, I may not even know certain people anymore, they might not know me, etc.  Very "Butterfly Effect."  Anyway, in the dream I thought I found a point in time where I could only alter a tiny thing by going back and telling myself about the accident.  So I decided to do that, but then I woke up.  Weird, but interesting dream. 


Great topic - I'll go through periods where I can remember my dreams.
My favorite involve flying, Upon concentrating hard enough, I can levitate a few feet off the ground, lean back and go scooting everywhere.
It can be a little unnerving to spin out of control and fall - straight up.  :o


I have pretty interesting dreams that I can recall at least a couple times a week.  Even when I was growing up this was the case.  I think you can actually train yourself to be aware and more conscious of your dreams too.


I don't remember any of my dreams.  I think I'm thankful for that.  I remember when I was a kid reading something in a National Enquierer type paper in a lanundrymat about directing what you dream about by thinking about it as you went to sleep.  I spend a lot of nights thinking about being the 6 mililon dollar man.  In hindsight I wish I'd have spent more time thinking about Linda Carter.


In most of my dreams, I'm petrified of heights, I curl into the fetal position and have to crawl when in tall buildings. I'm not remotely scared of heights when I'm awake. I've bungied and was a diver in high school.


My dreams seem usually to be pretty close to normal life. There's the occasional really off the wall sort of thing, but usually normal physics apply. I've dreamed many times of being in the next day, doing the things I was supposed to, but many times I've screwed up and missed something and I get freaked out cause I can't believe I forgot something like that and can't figure out how. Then I usually realize I'm dreaming and wake up.

But speaking about my really weird crazy dreams that I occasionally have some of those ones scare the crap out of me, well rather I scare the crap out of me. If dreams are a reality of how we would react in an actual situation I may be a bit screwed up compared to other more average folks.


I haven't had a decent sci-fi dream in years (if ever) but I remember much fewer of them that I used to so I don't relly know.

Last night, for some reason, I dreampt we hadn't moved offices yet and I was still in the old building (although it had been re-modelled somewhat). I never did find out what I was doing in there.

I know it's unnusual here but I don't have a podcast of my own.


Quote from: Pyrovile on January 20, 2011, 08:00:57 PM
I don't remember any of my dreams.  I think I'm thankful for that.  I remember when I was a kid reading something in a National Enquierer type paper in a lanundrymat about directing what you dream about by thinking about it as you went to sleep.  I spend a lot of nights thinking about being the 6 mililon dollar man.  In hindsight I wish I'd have spent more time thinking about Linda Carter.

I used to focus on certain things when I was younger as I went to sleep to dream about them and it would work sometimes.  It kind of still does in a way as things going on in my life end up in my dreams in a way.  I find changes in life can alter your sleep patterns and dream state.  Which makes a lot of sense.


Quote from: Feathers on January 21, 2011, 05:12:23 AM
I haven't had a decent sci-fi dream in years (if ever) but I remember much fewer of them that I used to so I don't relly know.

Last night, for some reason, I dreampt we hadn't moved offices yet and I was still in the old building (although it had been re-modelled somewhat). I never did find out what I was doing in there.

Those dreams are the most real.
I think we all have that dream where we find ourselves at an old job or school.


Quote from: Rico on January 21, 2011, 05:47:56 AM
Quote from: Pyrovile on January 20, 2011, 08:00:57 PM
I don't remember any of my dreams.  I think I'm thankful for that.  I remember when I was a kid reading something in a National Enquierer type paper in a lanundrymat about directing what you dream about by thinking about it as you went to sleep.  I spend a lot of nights thinking about being the 6 mililon dollar man.  In hindsight I wish I'd have spent more time thinking about Linda Carter.

I used to focus on certain things when I was younger as I went to sleep to dream about them and it would work sometimes.  It kind of still does in a way as things going on in my life end up in my dreams in a way.  I find changes in life can alter your sleep patterns and dream state.  Which makes a lot of sense.

I've found most of the dream that I remember happen in the morning after I've woken up briefly and gone back to sleep for that hour or so before I get up. But a lot of times they are things I've thought about or subconsciously took in throughout the previous day. It's kinda interesting what comes up in a dream which I didn't think made much of an impact on me in my actual day.

Gav B

I had a dream I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up my pillow had gone.