World of Warcraft Screenshots

Started by Rico, October 16, 2008, 05:08:52 PM

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Decorated in Undercity for Halloween....


My new pally -- well, sorta new.


Quote from: markinro on October 18, 2008, 02:46:55 PM
My new druid -- well, sorta new.

Call me crazy, but I don't think that's a druid....

A Paladin Without A Crusade Blog...
My Review of Treks In Sci-Fi Podcast:
Let's Play: Videogames YouTube channel:


Pretty sure that's Mark's Paladin.


Here is the Auction House in Orgrimmar littered with skeletons after a big zombie invasion yesterday. Some people are annoyed by this event but I'm loving it!


Yeah - this is part of the Halloween event and has been going on for a few days now.  It's kind of fun at first, but when you get zombied and die for about the 100th time it becomes less fun.  ;)


I agree and I won't say I was never a little annoyed.

However, I think that's kid of the point. It's a zombie invasion. Zombies aren't going to check if you're PvP flagged or not. Also Blizzard has mentioned that this is a one-time event for WotLK and will never occur again. I figure we should take advantage while it lasts!


The earliest time it happened to me was when they killed the low levels I was working on out in a little inn I was in.  So I brought my level 70 there and killed them all!  Hehe!


Other players are not too pleased with the scourge.  It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't in the main cities at the AH.   I was checking mail and got whacked.
I'll run my mining operation but can't sell anything because the auctioneers are being killed.   You can heal but it takes multiple times and the other to get healed is infect others ???   Maybe they're trying to encourage people to go out questing...I don't know but its getting WAY out of hand.


Why can't real life be THIS easy !  :roflmao


LOL. If I put as much effort into real investments as I do into the AH i'd be rich!



If anyone has some cool looking interfaces, let's see em! I'll post mine later on tonight.


Scratch that, found one with interface!


Bought my Epic Flying mount today - finally.  Cost a lot but it's very cool - and fast.  Thanks for help with the gold Mark!   :Bow: