Lost Season Five - spoilers

Started by Geekyfanboy, October 22, 2008, 09:49:38 PM

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[spoiler]So the island not only moves through time but to different realties?   Sawyer said its 1974?[/spoiler]


Quote from: markinro on March 05, 2009, 04:10:58 AM
[spoiler]So the island not only moves through time but to different realties?   Sawyer said its 1974?[/spoiler]

No - just through time.  At least that's my take on things.


Yeah, but where did all these other dharma people come from ?  Why did "eyeliner" :D not know Sawyer?   Why is it 1974?   Why's the sky blue?  Why is there day and night?  Why do moms have babies?


This was back in a time when Dharma was still going.


Yes, really cool episode, cool to see things back in 1974

[spoiler]Really cool to see Sawyer working for Dharma, Juliet as a Mechanic. Not sure where Faraday is, as never saw him with the rest 3 years later. Looks like Jin's english improved quite a bit as well. What about Rose, Bernard and the rest?

I wonder as well if a person can only exist in one time on the island, as Faraday said Charlotte disappeared after the last flash, and then he saw the young her later at the base.

Cool to see the owner of that giant 4 toe foot. I wonder if that is all we are going to get to see of the Statue, or if we ever get to see it again.

I am assuming Locke and his group are in present time, and I wonder if Locke will be some sort of bridge between the past and the present, so that Sawyer, Jack and the rest can get back to the present.[/spoiler]


wow, my head is spinning.  It was a great episode, but hard to keep going back and forth! :)

I am curious about all the things that Jeff mentioned, and Mark. 

Oh, and the sky is blue because it's not green.  :)

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Wow, excellent episode but there is one thing.  (I mean several)

[spoiler]They have to return back to the present as we saw that Ben killed all of Dharma and there is no way he could live with the Dharma people and not have Sawyer/everyone else realize it and try to kill him. 

Also, we finally found out that Daniel told Charlotte to warn her not to come.  Unfortunately that won't work will it...since she came back and it already happened.  (Ain't time traveling fun?)

Also, we find out how Daniel became a worker for the Orchid station by this time traveling business.  Boy, this story gets deeper and more complex each episode.[/spoiler]

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Quote from: Kinglinksr on March 05, 2009, 09:25:24 AM
Wow, excellent episode but there is one thing.  (I mean several)

[spoiler]They have to return back to the present as we saw that Ben killed all of Dharma and there is no way he could live with the Dharma people and not have Sawyer/everyone else realize it and try to kill him. 

Also, we finally found out that Daniel told Charlotte to warn her not to come.  Unfortunately that won't work will it...since she came back and it already happened.  (Ain't time traveling fun?)

Also, we find out how Daniel became a worker for the Orchid station by this time traveling business.  Boy, this story gets deeper and more complex each episode.[/spoiler]


Actually, this may be the reason Ben kills everyone to silence Sawyer/Juliette.  Typical time travel, what happens was meant to happen.  Hope I'm wrong because it means Sawyer/Juliette will die - bummer.

Who knows - what happens around us may be due to a time-traveler.  We would never know.

I wonder if it would ruin the show if they showed the date instead of "3 years later", etc?
That's where I followed the white rabbit and thought each time "3 years" was flashed, it was a reference to the present.  I thought Sawyer/Juliette (neat couple) merely caught up with everyone else.   I still have a problem thinking "5th dimensionaly".  How many shows are left - 4?


I am also wondering about Ben and ending the Dharma Initiative. I am not sure exactly what date that happened.

[spoiler]I guess Besides Sawyer , Jin, Juliet, Miles and Daniel, that Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sun and Sayid are also in that time as well. Though I am really only guessing with Sun and Sayid, since I do not know what happened to them, though it does look like Sayid does meetup with the rest in the next Episode, so I assume they are in the 70's as well. I am guessing that they somehow leave that time line before Ben exterminates Dharma, as they have not come across Ben yet.
Another thing that has crossed my mind, A co worker of mine stated that Ben is all banged up, well others seem to be ok, maybe the Island does not want him back, since he had to basically scam his way back to the island. Being back on the island, but in a different time, maybe Ben has been removed from the other timeline now, and there will be no extermination of Dharma as Ben will no longer be the leader. I think I am confusing myself, time for lunch  :confused [/spoiler]


[spoiler]No, Ben was beat up just prior to getting on the plane after he "killed" Locke.   What's interesting is that Ben didn't vanish with the rest of the group.  Ok, we don't know exactly but if its true, kind of says the island doesn't want him back. [/spoiler] Have wait until NEXT YEAR  :wallbash: and see.


Quote from: markinro on March 05, 2009, 12:12:13 PM
[spoiler]No, Ben was beat up just prior to getting on the plane after he "killed" Locke.   What's interesting is that Ben didn't vanish with the rest of the group.  Ok, we don't know exactly but if its true, kind of says the island doesn't want him back. [/spoiler] Have wait until NEXT YEAR  :wallbash: and see.

Next YEAR?!! Is 'Lost' on hiatus now? NO!!!!

They can't leave us like this!   :o


I was referring to how they are splitting the last season into 2 years.   I think there's maybe 3-4 episodes remaining for this year.


Quote from: markinro on March 06, 2009, 04:49:35 AM
I was referring to how they are splitting the last season into 2 years.   I think there's maybe 3-4 episodes remaining for this year.

phew! I was getting worried there for a second.  ;D


Quote from: markinro on March 05, 2009, 12:12:13 PM
[spoiler]No, Ben was beat up just prior to getting on the plane after he "killed" Locke.   What's interesting is that Ben didn't vanish with the rest of the group.  Ok, we don't know exactly but if its true, kind of says the island doesn't want him back. [/spoiler] Have wait until NEXT YEAR  :wallbash: and see.

I think there should still be 7 or 8 episodes this year, I think it finished in May

[spoiler]Yes, Ben was beat up before he got on the plane. But after the crash when Locke saw him in the bed, he looked even worse, so I suspect he got banged up a bit more in the crash[/spoiler]


They are not splitting the season.  Last year or so they announced they had two seasons left.  Each I think will be 18 episodes in total.  So that should end it in May sometime for this year's set.  Then back in early 2010 for the final season.