Lost Season Five - spoilers

Started by Geekyfanboy, October 22, 2008, 09:49:38 PM

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Another great episode of Lost last night. Really enjoying this season a lot.

[spoiler]Sun is one tough Lady, and devious as well, I am liking her more and more. She tricked Ben :)
I am wondering why Sun is not with Jack, Kate Hurley and Sayid. Is it that Jin did not want her to come back, or that she was pregnant on the Island and gave birth off the island, and that changed her situation some how in regards to the other oceanic 6.
I was like Wow, when I saw Frank and Sun run into Jacks dad. Makes me wonder, who is alive and who is dead, or where people are. I was reading on some other boards, some theories that the 4 toed Statue represent a gateway to the afterlife.
Thought for a bit that Juliet might have set Kate up when they were going for processing, and that she would be outed as an other. No love lost between Kate and Juliet, and even less between Sawyer and Jack.
Cool to see the boat radio guy radzinsky??? was part of the Dharma initiative
Ethan was born on the island to Dharma people, so he is similar to Ben I guess in that he turns on his own people.
Little Ben shows up, so I am wondering if Ben knew about Jack and the rest before they even crashed on the island. All I could say to myself, they better find away back to present, well before Ben takes out Dharma ;)[/spoiler]


I liked this one a lot too.  Lots of interesting stuff going on.  And I have many the same questions you do Jeff.  Been a great season so far!


Every week this show gets better and better!

[spoiler]I was very impressed with the casting choice for 'Young Ben'. The likeness of this kid to the adult actor was amazing, not just his looks but his mannerisms. Kudos to the producers![/spoiler]


Good show last night.  But that ending....[spoiler]So, is Ben now dead?!?!  Are they able to change the past?  Is that what the show is about now??[/spoiler]


[spoiler]I thought the physicist guy said they couldn't change anything?  Is Sam Beckett or Al going to pop-in somewhere?  :D  It will be interesting when we revisit Locke - Ben will likely still be there.[/spoiler]


Good Episode. Most of those Dharma Dudes are Morons, but it was cool to see Dharma guy who was their Sayid, he was kinda cool, I think that was Larry from Newhart
[spoiler]I was surprised as well to see little Ben get shot, going to be interesting to what happens, as I am not really sure what to think. I have felt for awhile that the Island did not want Ben there, so I wonder if this will play into it a bit.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]What if the gun shot wound causes the back problem that Ben has later in the show?  I thought of something like that.  Maybe he's not dead?[/spoiler]

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Quote from: moyer777 on March 26, 2009, 11:14:14 PM
[spoiler]What if the gun shot wound causes the back problem that Ben has later in the show?  I thought of something like that.  Maybe he's not dead?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I was going to say that we don't actually know that he is dead. This could be what happened before and we don't know it. Perhaps it is what causes Ben to find out about the Losties in the first place, trying to kill him is a good reason.[/spoiler]

Boy this show is just about the BEST thing on TV at the moment now that BSG is done. It gets better every week!


Quote from: moyer777 on March 26, 2009, 11:14:14 PM
[spoiler]What if the gun shot wound causes the back problem that Ben has later in the show?  I thought of something like that.  Maybe he's not dead?[/spoiler]

Interesting - if he was wearing a bullet-proof vest?  Sounds like something "little" Ben would do.  This would also suggest that Ben knew about the flight 815 before that event happened.   Ahhhh - what a tangled web we weave when first we practice TIME TRAVEL !!

Isn't the japanese Dharma guy back in the past?  Seems like he would have a lot of answers - I mean he's wearing that white "i have all the answers" lab coat.


Yes, Ben might have known about Flight 815 before hand, he never really seemed phased when it happened. The scene from a few seasons back, when they showed him in the Village when they say the plane crashing, he comes off as almost as he was waiting for it to happen, and knew his plan when it did

[spoiler]Ben says a few times throughout the Episode that Sayid is a killer, what he does best. The scene at the site where Sayid is building houses, Ben seem to be working on Sayid a lot, and really ties to the final Scene. He even went to lengths to get a bounty hunter to get Sayid on the plane. So maybe he needed it to happen again, and if Sayid did not go back and shoot him, that somehow things would change[/spoiler]


Awesome show last night!  And this part was cool and actually explains a lot.  Don't watch yet if you didn't see last night's episode:

Lost - Hurley and Miles Time Travel Discussion


Doc: Marty, You're not thinking 5th dimensionally !!
Marty: Yeah, I have a problem with that.

Great show.  Next week looks awesome.


When they were talking about time, and Hurley mentioned Back to the Future, I started thinking about it and Lost, so that video is pretty cool. This time travel stuff can get confusing.

[spoiler]Interesting Dilemma between Kate and Jack, I sort of see both sides, Jack does not want to do anything knowing what Ben will grow up to be, but Kate arguing that he is a child and should be saved. Looks like whatever Richard does with Ben, is what really turns him into who he is, Really looking forward to next week, and finding out what happened to Ben before he got on the plane.[/spoiler]


I just got done watching.  WOW.  Great show, I laughed out loud several times with Hurley... that was great.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
Listen to our podcast each week http://www.takehimwithyou.com


The two guys from Temporal Investigations are going to show up - just in the nick of time.