Texas Renfest (2008 & on)

Started by Jen, November 05, 2008, 08:08:54 PM

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Hi everyone. We got back from a three day trip to the Texas Renaissance Festival Sunday night and both Dave and I brought home bad colds.... ug... but I also brought back lots of great photos. The theme this past weekend, was Pirate centric...so we threw in a ninja, which happened to be me!

For obvious reasons I can't post all the photos here, but I'll attach a few to this post as well as a link to the Anomaly Podcast photo gallery, where you can see several photo albums full of photos from Renfest past and present along with several other geeky photos (check out the Ninja vs Pirates photo album). All you have to do is click on the "drop down menu" beneath the heading ::Gallery:: on our gallery page, and select one of six photo albums (Anomalies, Ninja vs Pirates, Renfest, Renfest 08, Star Trek The Experience and Star Wars).

The "Renfest 08" album is loaded with the newest photos, but all of the folders have new pics in them. We've been trying to upload Renfest vidcasts for two weeks but had trouble with our server. Angela continues to work on that issue, but in the meantime we will be putting them on youtube—I'll let you know when they are up. We are also about to post our "Renfest 08 Roundtable" episode. We recorded that before we left. Look for that in the Anomaly Podcast feed sometime this week. :)


Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


The photos are great, Jen!  I really wish I could have gone to RenFest, but school and work are taking a big toll on my social life right now.  I'm hoping next year... we'll see though.

I really like the pic of Ninja Jen vs. Dave the Lone Musketeer.  Just seeing his body in midair and looking as if he's about to give you a blow to the head is just hilarious.  Oh the joys marriage must hold... I can't wait. ;)


Those are great pictures Jen and those EARS !! :D


Great pictures Jen.  I really like the one of Dave in the air coming at you the Ninja.  Excellent!

How fun!

Can't wait to hear your podcast about it.

I have been and always will be, your friend.
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All I can say is that you make one heck of a beautiful elf Jen!    :P

"Oh...Well, Who am I to argue with me?" Dr. Bashir - Visionary - Deep Space Nine


Great pics Jen; looks like y'all had a ball!  I look forward to the new Anomaly podcast.  When is it coming out?


Great pictures Jen.. looks like you guys had a great time. I too look forward to the podcast.


Awesome stuff!  Looks like it was a blast!  Can't wait to hear all about it on your show.


So looking forward to hearing the podcast Jen, your photos are brilliant. i just love those ears ha ha, they look sooooooo cool. And wow, how high is Dave doing that Kick, wicked action.


And now we know why the emperor was so enamored with Captain Sevryll - truth and fiction and all that!


Thanks everyone. Glad you like the photos. There are a BILLION more that I may keep adding to the gallery, so check our site from time to time. :)

The Pre-Renfest Roundtable Episode is up in our feed now. There were four videos from 2007 and a few new videos that we have been trying to add but Angela is having a lot of trouble getting them to download...She's going to keep working on it, so don't give up on trying any video files that may appear in our feed. For now I may put them on youtube... I'll probalby put those up later tonight. I'm home, sick with a bad cold right now and I'm supposed to be resting...So after I check my email, I'm going to sleep!

The audio on the newest show is a little wonky because of the number of guests we had live in our multi-million dollar studio (in Angela's livingroom), so forgive the quality of this one show. Most of the time our equipment cooperates with us. Note about this episode, while Angela and I try to keep our show profanity free, there are a few guests who use mild language (no f-bombs). I missed a couple of the 'a@#" words, in editing but did manage to bleep the rest.

If you're not a subscriber to our podcast, you can find this show and 14 others on iTunes by searching for "Anomaly" (by Angela and Jen) or going to our "Subscribe" page at http://www.anomalypodcast.com  Our show is a bi-weekly and sometimes tri-weekly show...we'd make more if we weren't so busy. ;)

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast


Cool, as you know i'm a subscriber and will look forward to my ipod being updated. i actually quite like a bit of naughty profanity every now and again especially if it bleeped. I always laugh at a bleep noise. Bleepy bleep bleep. hee hee.


Quote from: HawkeyeMeds on November 07, 2008, 07:02:42 AM
Cool, as you know i'm a subscriber and will look forward to my ipod being updated. i actually quite like a bit of naughty profanity every now and again especially if it bleeped. I always laugh at a bleep noise. Bleepy bleep bleep. hee hee.

I used a donkey bray for effect. LOL. :D
The "A" word was flying and I thought the bray was funnier.
Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast



All but one of our videos is up on youtube now. As always the quality suffers when we upload our files there. They were originally intended for small screens (iPods) so the quality might be better if you can download them and move them to your mp3 devices. I will make sure Angela keeps trying to put these in our feed, but until then here you go:

Founding co-host of the Anomaly Podcast